
My life in the world of Invincible

MC got reincarnated in a cultivation world with some high quality perks +++++++++ Testing my skills in writing. Critic to your hearts content. I welcome it {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} ∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆ Disclaimer: So this is a thing I guess. Though I thought the designation 'FANFIC' says it all. I mean, It is a FANFIC. OH WELL ==The image used is not owned by me==

DaoistAwesome · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Minor Confrontation

Chen ling, xiaxue, and fangbo all looked up to see the person that spoke, then looked at klaus waiting for him to continue with his speech.

"You three, what are you doing this deep in the forest" asked the man. Chen ling and the others thought the man to be confused. 'Can't he see that there are four people here' they all thought.

"I asked you all a question, what are you doing starring at an empty space. Youngsters today, no respect at all. Answer me now or face death"

They all looked at the man as if he was a retard. Knowing their thoughts klaus explained

'" only you can see me now, he can't see me nor can he hear me"'

"Lord klaus what type of technique is that, it's so cool!" said fangbo constantly in awe of his lord. Since the day they came to know klaus, he has constantly been amazed by klaus's feats, almost to the point of veneration. They have heard of some of the things martial artist are capable of, even taught some basic common sense by chen ling as taught by klaus, but the things that their master can do is borderline godhood by his opinion.

"'this will be the real-world application, he is not alone, he came with one other saint realm expert and some students, your task will be to address the situation, should a fight arise which I know it will, release all your pent-up frustration from the training on them. Oh, one more thing, I will not help this time, if you die, you die.'"

Finished explaining he faded and disappeared. While Klaus was undoing his magic, he cast another magic that released energy affecting heaven and the earth, which showed signs of a natural treasure being born knowing that there were saint realm experts in the area. Natural treasures are highly coveted by martial artist because it is created by the accumulation of spiritual energy in a particular area which when condensed, a treasure is formed. This treasure can boost cultivation significantly, which makes them highly desirable by high level cultivators

'Lord klaus can be very cruel sometimes' thought xiaxue, if not for the kindness he had shown them, she would have thought that he was the evillest being to ever exist. Fangbo felt that serving someone like klaus would be the greatest test on his will. However, none of them noticed that even when klaus mentioned the possibility of death they didn't flinch. Deep within their minds death has just become an unpleasant experience.

Chen ling took the lead

"Senior, I, my brother and my sister are here trying to hunt"

"This deep in the forest, this is a dangerous place for children like you" said the saint realm expert before a group of three students led by a female saint realm expert arrived

"Daquan, did you find it?" asked the woman

"No, Maylin, instead there were just some kids here, it looks like someone got to it before us" replied Daquan

Maylin was no so quick to assume that was the case. she took a deeper look into the children and what she saw shocked her. Using sound transmission to make sure that no one heared her she spoke to daquan.

'" take a proper look at these children, one is just eleven years old and already in seventh order xiantian realm, the other two seem to be of a similar level but I am not quite sure'''

Daquan proceeded to take a closer look and he was surprised as well.

'''maybe the children found the treasure, and it help increased their power somehow?"' asked daquan

"'that is a possibility"' replied maylin

The three students were made up of one girl and two boys, two of them looked to be of a similar age of sixteen. They were well dressed, which made it obvious that they were from a prominent family. The girl among them asked

"Aunt Maylin, who are these children?"

"Qianqian, that is what we want to know?" replied maylin

"what are your names?" asked daquan

"Senoir, I believe you know it is proper etiquette to tell your name before asking for someone else's" said chen ling with cupped fists.

"What did you just say?" one of the boys who was the oldest of nineteen years old fumed. Looking at their garments it was clear to him that chen ling and the others were commoners of the lowest level. How can they ask their uncle to present his name first.

"What blatant disrespect, you should be punished severely for such an act"

"julong be quiet" said maylin

"But aunt maylin, how can this commoner speak to uncle this way" replied julong

"What makes you think that those children are ordinary?" asked maylin

"But the way they look"

Maylin could only shake her head. 'It looks like too much focus on cultivation has fried his brain, he has to learn some life lessons or else he wouldn't live long, being too sheltered has stunted his mental growth' thought maylin.

Daquan was pissed off at first. But he controlled himself.

'ohhh, quite rare' thought Klaus watching everything that transpired. In this cultivation world, arrogance is so plenty that even the animals have it in spades. And for martial artist, with each advancement in realm, their arrogance is doubled. For daquan to resist killing chen ling was something that only few individuals are capable of in his realm. Afterall, saint realm experts kill people for far less.

"I am Ming daquan, from the ming family in the duanren empire" replied daquan.

"I am chen ling, this is my martial brother Yu fangbo, and my martial sister Yu Xiaxiu" replied chen ling

Daquan:" there was an energy surge from here a while ago. The energy of a treasure being born. Have you seen it"?

"We have not seen it but as you can tell senior we have stayed too long in the forest, so we would like to leave now. I wish you well on your search "said chen ling as he began leaving

"Are you affiliated with any sect or family" suddenly asked maylin.

"We are not affiliated with any sect or family, but we have a master whom we serve" replied chen ling

Daquan: "what is the name of your master"

"I am not willing to answer anymore of your questions, I believe we are done here" chen ling was starting to get angry with the constant questions. 'klaus' he thought, tiredly. After fighting everyday for the past year, he had hoped to take a good relaxing rest, eat some good food, and just chill. Then Klaus wanted them to 'address' this new situation. As it stands, he could kill them easily, with his soaring immortal physique scripture at minor completion, blood accumulation scripture at the proficiency level, and innate level in the way of the berserker, ordinary saint realm experts would not be too much of a challenge for him. He wanted to end it peacefully but after a year of hell his patience with someone who didn't deserve it was simply too little.

Daquan finally lost his patience with them. Manipulating space to lock them in place, he spoke

"Is it because your power has been boosted by the treasure, that you think you can be so unruly. Hmm, for consuming my treasure, you will now take the place of my treasure and become my property," said Daquan

'kekeke, there it is, don't scare me like that dude, you almost had me believing you were different' laughed Klaus enjoying the show.

"Daquan, let them be, we don't know who their master is, doing things without information is not wise" advised maylin

"Uncle Daquan is right, they have no right to covet the treasures of heaven and earth, they should just obediently become slaves for the family, at least then they can be of some use" julong shouted. He could not see what the Saint realm experts saw, so he was not aware of their cultivation level.

'I have a bad feeling about this' thought Ming hung, one of the male students, who despite his name, was considered the most cowardly of the three. Ming hung slowly retreated.

"There would be no problems, how powerful can their master be. Who can go against Our Ming family" replead Daquan, confident that even if their master was someone strong, he could be handled by the patriarch of the family.

"You should have taken her advice" said chen ling as he walked forward unobstructed by the space lock. His physical strength is already comparable to a saint realm expert because of the soaring immortal physiques scripture. Using that brute strength he broke free of the restriction.

"Just a mere third order saint realm, and you assume you can do whatever you want, you will die here today."

Chen ling pulled is battered and worn out great sword from his back. Surprised, daquan used space lock again, this time not to obstruct his movements but to stop his breathing by locking his lungs. Feeling what has been done chen ling used blood accumulation to boost his realm to forth order saint realm, completely dispelling the space look ability in the area. Since he only knew fundamentals about space, he could dispel the influence daquan had on the space but he could not take control of the space.

""what"" shouted daquan and maylin. For fear of the unknown Daquan immediately assimilated with his martial spirit, the red scaled dragon hound. He grew red scales and claws and his body doubled in size. Then he sent a massive ball of flame at chen ling. Freed from the space xiaxue and fangbo tried leaving the area but they wouldn't be able to escape in time. Knowing this chen ling released his fire bison, that looked like a massive lava construct at this point. The bison opened its mouth then all the flames that were coming towards them was sucked in by the bison.

"What type of martial spirit is that?" shouted julong. The bison stood next to chen ling like a little mountain. Because his spirit had evolved, plus the flame mantra that increases and purifies his own essense flame, which is his fire bison martial spirit. his martial spirit is constantly being strengthened because of the flame mantra. Eating flames as weak as the one that Daquan released was of no difficulty.

Chen ling then leapt to the sky, he could temporally use the abilities of a saint realm expert because of the boost, which meant that he could now fly.

Two daggers appeared in Daquan's hands, even with all his arrogance, he was not stupid. To take lightly someone who can jump from seventh order xiantain realm to forth order saint realm would be the height of hubris. When Chen ling came close and swung his great sword, Daquan using great speed slashed chen ling all over, barely dodging the swings from chen ling's sword each time. After minute of exchange Chen ling had to admit that Daquan was not an ordinary saint realm expert, despite his great strength, Daquan was just too fast for him to land any hits and he was not used to arial battles.

Coming to that conclusion chen ling assimilated with his martial spirit for the first time. Dark red horns protruded from the side of his head, his body size tripled, his skin became red and his entire body surrounded by blazing fire. His eyes and mouth released flames as he breathed.

Holding his sword that has now become red because of the heat he emitted he swung his blade again, this time with each swing accompanied by fire released from his sword increasing his reach. Unable to simply keep dodging Daquan tried to block, but was instead hit so hard that he flew faster than a cannon ball from the sky back to the ground. Chen ling flew back to the ground, the place he is more comfortable fighting, ready to finish the battle.

Julong who saw that his uncle was about to be killed thought of taking a hostage of his own from the weak links and fangbo seemed the obvious choice. Rushing towards fangbo who was discussing with xiaxue about the awesomeness of chen ling's martial spirit, he merged with his martial spirit the shadow leopard and attempted to take him, but he could not come close in terms of speed with fangbo.

When fangbo saw him, he performed a series of superfast punches, hitting all the vital spots in his body, then proceed to grab him in the face, slam him on the ground creating a hole in the forest and dragged him on the ground before flinging him to a tree.

Xiaxue who didn't even flinch because of the attempt asked

"Did you have to be so brutal with him"

She knew julong was in the fourth order of the xiantian realm, which will pose no problem for fangbo. But that last move was just so brutal.

"He was going to attack me, and you want me to be kind with him" said fangbo wondering about his sister's sanity.

"But I have to admit, that last move was made to totally demean and embarrass an opponent. Do you know what name lord klaus gave it?"

"What is the name?" asked xiaxiu.
