
My life in my little pony

It is the story of a man who remembers nothing of his past, his family, his friends but reincarnates in a world of magic and fantasy as a ponet and not just any. this story is action, romance, drama, NO HAREM

Jesse_Assoumou · Anime e quadrinhos
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11 Chs

the Gala

(general pov)

today is a sunny day so twilight and these friends we decide to do

a little picnic between girl (spike was with aizel and gary)

from a distance you could see applejack playing with his dog, rarity combed his mane,

fluttershy was talking to the butterfly, pinki pie was jumping everywhere, rainbow dash was taking a nap

and twilight was reading a book.

everyone was at peace, but saw a shadow approaching their


"Hey what is it. said rainbow dash on these guard

the shadow moved closer, but she was reassured to see that it was a

"It's an owl," said Pinki Pie, sticking out her tongue

"and it looks like he's holding something," said twilight, narrowing his eyes

as the owl landed on the side of twilight and you could see an envelope

on these claws

<< oh this is princess celestia

letter {dear twilight sparkle my favorite student, I send you this letter to tell you

that the grand canterlot gala is about to begin I send you it's 7th invitation

for you and your friends, oh i also sent aizel and gary an invitation

on those then next time}

all the girl was in joy because she had the opportunity to go to Canterlot the capital

of the country and especially she could perhaps make their dream come true at this evening

<< oh no I just remembered that I don't have the icing on the cake. said rarity

<< oh and what did you forget

<< I am missing a rider to be perfect at this evening. says rarity

<< oh don't worry we will be 4 who will not have a jumper. said rainbow dash with a smirk his face looking at fluttershy and twilight

<< what why are you looking at us like that.

<< oh stopped pretending to be innocent, because we see you, you fluttershy gary turns around

with you since he's been in ponyville, you'd have to be blind to see that he's not in love

of you

<< I thought he just wanted to be a good friend, she said hiding under his mane

(she's really innocent) everyone thought in her heart

<< and you twilight everyone knows how you look at aizel, with admiration and expectation, at first i thought you admired him but now i think it's something else more.

twilight blushes instantaneously and runs away very quickly screaming: you are saying anything

as she ran she thought in her heart

[Am I really in love with aizel? No that's wrong that's my

childhood friend nothing more]


(pov aizel)

now I walk peacefully in the streets with

spike and gary, life in ponyville is very quiet apart from somewhere

timberwolf or small dragon without intelligence who passes by there otherwise nothing interesting

people of ponyville are very nice and not to be afraid that I am a pony of the

darkness, and I was grateful to them for that

except that I found out they had a nasty habit of singing.

<< hey guys do you think fluttershy would agree to come to the ball with me?. said gary unsure of himself

<< don't worry you are a rank S adventurer any girl would like to accompany me said-spike with a thumbs up (or claw up)

<< and you think rarity will agree to come with me. asked spike shyly

aizel: ...

Gary: ...

"courage spike does not forget that a lost ten mare found.

<< ok…. waiting for her means I don't stand a chance then.

aizel and gary mocked the reckless dragon, which forced spike to do

pouting but they were right in a way that a dragon and a pony is a

impossible story.

<< but speaking of rarity, we have to go to the store to make us outfits

for the gala. said aizel

<< and you aizel you will go with twilight. asked spike

<< yes I am her friend if she wants to go with me I have no problem with it.

~~~ SIGH ~~ he still hasn't understood) thought gary and spike


a few hours later all the boy was beautifully dressed in

in costume, spike was wearing a bow tie that rarity had made, she was waiting for the girl who was

getting ready for the party

<< sorry we kept you waiting. says rarity revealing her gorgeous dress,

all the girl was really lovely when gary saw fluttershy i could see her jaw drop and her eyes changed to heart, but my gaze lingered on twilight because i could see she was embarrassed to be like clothes

<< twilight you are really beautiful. he said with a warm smile and i could see twilight blushing

<< oh thank you you also very beautiful aizel she said,

I could hear laughter behind us, twilight blushed even more than before and

Said: aah we lost long enough to go to the gala

<< YES


get to the castle all the girl we start singing (why are you singing) I screamed in my head

the girls all split up and gary looks like he was following fluttershy too

which left me alone with spike

<< good spike we move at the buffet

<< ok

we walking in the castle i could see people looking at me

unlike the people of ponyville who looked at me with respect and admiration

them looked with eyes of disgust

but hey I learned not to worry about this kind of thing anyway

an aristocratic pony with an arrogant air approached then and said: what is a dark pony doing here? don't you know that kind of place isn't for you.

he cotinuè spoke and insulted me, but I didn't know what angered him I was about to answer when we heard him

"I was the one who invited him to pose a problem for someone," said Princess Celestia

the pony turns pale with fear in front of the princess

<< no no I just wanted to meet a rank S adventurer if you will excuse me I leave you. After that he leaked

<< sorry alzel for that i warned her but it looks like they can't accept it yet

"It's good princess, I even went out now to find gary

<< aizel I hope you will enjoy the party. said the princess when leaving

...... ..

I went to the cer of the animals because fluttershy will be there and

who says fluttershy says gary

and as i expected i find fluttershy, i was about to call her

when I notice the atmosphere I hide in a bush to observe them

and i find out that gary is about to declare himself to fluttershy

(come on gary you can do it boy) i encourage it in my mind

gary: listen fluttershy i've been thinking about it for a long time actually i said i could see gary falling apart

<< yes what did you say gary said fluttershy with a smile

<< I am, I am in love with you fluttershy are what you would agree to go out with me.

<< ah it feels good when it comes out

fluttershy turned even redder than a tomato took a deep breath lowered his head and said what a vertigo pegasus would be worthy of an S-rank adventurer

<< but what do you say you are beautiful, kind, attentive, you care about animals and most of all I for all that

(wow since when did Gary learn to talk like that)

fluttershy had tears in his eyes and said yes I would love to be your girlfriend

gary's eyes filled with joy and he jumped in the air doing loops in


(good leave the lovebirds alone the time of this evening) I say let's go back to the

party room


in the room we could have ponies dancing on the track with their rider

fluttershy and gary was dancing too, good gary didn't know how to dance but he got by, spike was desperate to invite rarity, the girl was playing between her

but twilight looked a little depressed so i walk up to her and say miss twilight sparkle would you like to dance with me

<< with pleasure mr aizel rocks

we started dancing we know how to laugh while we danced, except that

<< have your twilight hoof

<< your horn is not in my eye

<< ah sorry

twilight sucks even more than Gary at the dance

"good you what's best that we stop now before one of us doesn't hurt each other (when I say one of us I'm talking about me)

<< yes you are right, sorry again I had read a book on this subject but the practice is different

<< but aizel why are you what you came to invite me. she asked with confusion

<< well because you looked sad and I wanted to see you smile. I said with a warm smile,

<< go and meet the others.


(pov twilight)

~~~ sigh ~~ the princess is too busy to spend time with me

everyone is having fun, even fluttershy seems to have more fun than me

while i was depressed i see aizel telling me: miss twilight sparkle would you like to dance with me

(of all the beautiful girls here he chose me) I was happy he chose me

<< with pleasure mr aizel rocks.

we started dancing which was kinda funny, except i didn't know how to dance very well (i had read a book yet the practice is different) i hurt it every time

but I had to ask him why he chose me and he replied: << well because you looked sad and I wanted to see you smile. I said with a warm smile

well let's meet the others

with those words i finally realized something important, that feeling that troubled me every time i saw it: i should read a book about love because i am falling in love with you aizel.