
My life in my little pony

It is the story of a man who remembers nothing of his past, his family, his friends but reincarnates in a world of magic and fantasy as a ponet and not just any. this story is action, romance, drama, NO HAREM

Jesse_Assoumou · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Granny lea

(pov mc)

[MC] ""… umm um…. Where am I ? Have I returned to this darkness? I only remember seeing that old lady pony attacking wooden wolves with strange sword of light ""

[???] - oh You finally woke up my little pony - Said a soft voice next to me

I open my eyes with a start and see a blue colored pony with a white mane next to me

[???] - Calm down, calm down, you're safe here - She said as she stroked the mane.

[???] - Here I made you hot chocolate, the little pony loves it - she said giving him a cup of hot chocolate

I accept the cup and drink it, I have to say it's really good at making chocolate because it's really good. It's ok now ? - she said. [MC] - yes it's ok

[granny lea] - so where do i start? uh my name is lea rocks but you can call me granny lea, and you what's your name? and how did you find yourself in the forest wood

[MC] - ... I don't remember my name any more in fact, except this darkness and The Egg that I came out of

Leah or Granny Leah touched his imaginary beard saying: darkness and egg

[granny lea] -you may have amnesia, and I'm going to go out and get some info to see if there's a wanted poster on you. Meanwhile make yourself at home there is everything you need in the kitchen. [MC] -So I want to stay here alone.

[granny lea] - Yes, but don't worry, I'll be back soon, my little pony.

She walked to the door and left the house

[MC] - ~ sigh ~ It's a shame she got out, well where am I - I said looking left to right, "" I can see medals of honor, swords of a certain style military, is she in the army? ""

Driven by my curiosity Ah looking at the whole house I move and I start to turn around the house. I must say it is quite large 3 bedrooms A living room a kitchen but above all a large training ground with all kinds of weapon swords, shields, armor etc.

"" Wow Awesome ""

I continue to observe the house when I come to a small bookcase, pick up a book that looks interesting and to be able to pass the time at random and go back to the living room to reach it.

[MC] - the book is called (swordsman base), hum chapter 1 {To be able to be a swordsman you have to… ..

I keep reading this book for at least 1 hour and have to say it is very interesting I was about to start the second chapter when I hear the door open.

[granny lea] -I came home and brought a friend

Behind Granny Leah I see a pony Looking at me both with eyes of pity and fear.

[brigitte] -Hello then it's you the little one that Léa found, my name is Brigitte Where you can call me Tati Brigitte- she said with a smile. [MC] -yes hello -said I hiding behind granny lea.

[MC] -Have you found any information about me? .. Well no we haven't found anything but don't give up hope we'll find where you come from? -Said granny lea

[granny lea] -As it is getting late, why not have lunch here Brigitte.

Okay, I was just hungry, you kid too - says Brigitte looking at me and I answer: yes

And that's how we started our meal


(pov brigitte)

I was on the way with my friend Léa towards her house, she had informed me that she had found a strange little pony in the forest wood. What was strange about this little pony is that he had a bitch the pointed like the horn of rhinoceros and not like a unicorn bitch. I already had an idea of ​​what could be this child but after seeing her my suspicions were confirmed

[Brigitte] - "" it is as black as the night of the bitch with the hoof ""

I will both lost him and a little pity for him for all that will have to go through

after having made the child sleep in a room I return to the living room to discuss with Léa

[Brigitte] - I'm sure you already know the true identity of this colt.

[Léa] -Yes Brigitte, you don't have to be a sorcerer to guess what it is, especially with this rhinoceros bitch.

[brigitte] -So what are we going to do now you know his species should be long extinct

[Léa] - If we bring him back to an orphanage will always be mistreated and I don't want that, it's just that a child he didn't ask for anything.

[brigitte] -I think he will hate him people will be afraid of him wherever he goes.

"What a sad fate to belong to this kind of misfortune" ~ sigh ~

I look at Lea going around in circles to find out what she is going to do and I see her looking at me with a determined gaze and said: - I'm going to adopt her.

[brigitte] -What have you lost your mind? !! You will adopt it !!!

[lea] - But what should I do then I only have this solution

"" You always do as you please lea "" a smile formed on my lips without knowing it

[Lea] -I hope you will help me I do not know at all how he raised a child I only know how to fight, cook and write masterpieces. she said with a smirk.

I turn around without paying attention to this stupidity and I say to him while leaving:

[brigitte] - Well I'm going back to town to get some information on the kid but I hope you will have time to tell him what is not faster he knows the truth the faster he will understand he is a dark pony, a descendant of Karkadan.

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(pov MC)

I've been living with Granny Léa for over a week at the beginning, the relationship was a bit complicated but over time I found that she had a very good personality.

So this morning I woke up in a very good mood

[MC] - hummmm I slept well the best nap of my life "" new life ""

as I leave the room, I find Granny Leah in the kitchen preparing breakfast

[granny lea] -oh you're awake, help me make the table. yeah I'm coming - say I

Life has been good except that Granny Léa is preventing me from going out because it would be dangerous for me.

[granny lea] -My little foal, I have something very important to tell you today.

"" Is she going to take me to an orphanage? is she going to chase me ""

I close my eyes in fear while waiting for her answer. [granny lea] - would you like me to adopt you?

My heart is filled with joy when I open my eyes and say out loud: YES GRANNY LEA.

[granny lea] - So it's done from now on we are a family but you have to find a name for you ah yes I know will call you now Aizel, aizel rocks.

I run to the window and calls out :from now on my name is Aizel rocks

I'm trying to do longer power chapters if you like but I think I'll stop at 1200 word per chapter max.

Jesse_Assoumoucreators' thoughts