


When we got into the Laboratory, we were left with just few minutes before the bell would be rung for our next class, so Mr Willams hurried up with assigning of the task to each pair

We weren't able to have our science class today 'cause of the announcement and pairing, but nevertheless we could still make it for our Literature class, just as I thought about Literature class, something struck my remembrance immediately

"Jeez, Tay did you come with your text?"

"Which text" her question made me realize that she had forgotten as well

"Our Literature text for today's class" I tried reminding her but she still looked confused as ever, so I just had to go straight to the point

"Pride and prejudice, the book we're supposed to use for Literature class this semester, that we were asked to bring in our next class" I emphasized everything

"Shit I totally forgot about that, it skipped my memory like big time, but have you gotten yours yet? "

" I have, just didn't remember to bring it"

"Well, I haven't gotten mine, I haven't gone to the book store yet ... but I did a little research about it"

"Let's get going before Miss Tessa murder us, she hate lateness" Taylor giggled a bit before we picked up the pace

After our Literature class, we had one more class before lunch break, which was History class

oh about the literature text we forgot, we got lucky She didn't make use of it today, reason being that half of the class didn't come with theirs as well, If not, we were as good as toast

History class usually is freaking boring, maybe it's cause of the teacher or maybe it's the subject itself, I mean why wouldn't it be, as the name implied *History* it's always boring.

But not today, maybe just for me or generally. History didn't bore me to sleep as it usually does, rather it was kinda interesting. I enjoyed the class

And now it was time for lunch break, everyone trooped in and out of the cafetaria, some came with pairs while some alone and the others with their boyfriends and girlfriends

I and Taylor just got some few snacks but decided to go watch the school football team practice cause the cafeteria seemed kinda full.

After rounding up with school activities for the day, I decided to take a walk with Taylor.

On our way home, I brought up our Science project topic and how we were gonna go about it

"When are we gonna start with the project stuff"

"I guess Monday after school, since we're gonna be briefed about it that monday " she replied

"Location? " I inquisitively asked

"Your place"

"Why my place?, what about yours"

"Ok I haven't told you this, but I have a set of annoying brothers at home and there're gonna disturb the hell outta us if we try doing It there" she explained

"When you say 'set' do you mean like twins or something" I asked to be clarified

"No, not twins just two little mischievous brothers"

"Ok then, Monday it is, bye" we both waved ourselves and headed to our different locations

Parker was already home when I got there

"good day Mum" I greeted as she came to the sitting room, which she responded to

"Seriously Parker, when did you get home and how did you get here so fast? " I faced him now and he driedly answered

"I left immediately we were done in school, though I checked around for you a bit, but couldn't find you so I left... and what crept into my mind was that you were hanging with that friend of yours "

I rolled my eyes cause it was kinda true

"Whatever, I'm going up" I told him nonchalantly

"Hurry down sweetie, so your lunch won't get cold" I heard mum said from down

I almost replied with a 'sure thing mum' but suddenly rememberd that she might not hear me

Dad returned later that evening, and we later proceeded to having dinner, right after dinner, we all headed to have our family game night.

We played various games, like sharades, snakes and ladder, monopoly and even fixed a huge jigsaw puzzle, which was so much fun may I add

and at some point we actually didn't remember Dad was leaving next week, which is really sad whenever I think of it.

The weekend went faster than I thought

And it was on that day, the waters fell from above and splashed on the top of our vehicle as we rode back from the airport, the cold rainy Monday morning.

We just dropped Dad off at the airport cause he had a morning flight, and we were now on our way to school, the vehicle was dead silent, only the sound of rain drops above the car and the slow tune playing from the radio made the car seem alive

We finally got to school and Mum drove off, but in getting closer something felt off, cause we met a crowd surrounding the entrance to the hallway and everything still seemed confusing, not until Parker made inquiry

" It seem as if Zoi was spilled soda by Leslie mistakenly" she said pointing at a 10th grader

"cause her dress is all small smeared up, and that's what caused the trauma"

Oh now I get it, I guess Zoi is tryna punish this Leslie girl 'oh poor girl' and as for Zoi, that proud peacock thinks she can do anything to anyone she likes huh


The sleepover during the weekend was superb, thou I didn't invite any of my girls. It was perfect and right now am on my way to school.

My parents aren't always at home, there're always traveling from here to there, that's why most of my time during the weekend is spent on shopping, partying and having lots of fun with friends.

Our housekeeper *Rachael* is usually the one at home when I get back from school each day

On reaching school, I stepped out of my luxurious sports car and all eyes turned to stare, which isn't a new thing anymore, you get that when you're the fashion queen

Chloé and Olivia arrived just immediately as well and took my bag, before we made our entrance into the school, only to be greeted by a splash of soda on my dress

"What the actual fuck!" I gasped angrily and slowly moved my face upwards

It was a girl, with black short hair, who was already apologizing and moving backwards

"You bitch, look what you've done!! Do you know how much this cost?, this dress alone can buy you" I exaggerated and by now, the entire hallway was filled with students, some whispering,while some taking pictures or recording videos

"Chloé, Olivia go get a new dress for me ASAP " I told my girls and they immediately rushed out, cause I have a locker I keep a few of my clothes

"Now time to to deal with this bi..." I was suddenly interrupted

"don't lay a finger on her" I turned to see who said it, just to be faced with 'her'

"Well, well well, look who we have here, Blonde steps into the rescue" I slyly mocked

"So what you're thinking is that you can say or do anything to anyone around here huh? " she challenged me

"Excuse you!, who the hell do you think you are?, you're a nobody around here, no one knows you cause you're just a blond newbie no one has interest in "

"and you can't just talk trash infront of almighty Zoi " I praised myself and heard the entire hallway gasping

"If you're so interested in knowing who I am, I'm Marisa Anderson by the..." She was interrupted by the bell for classes

and I immediately saw the girl that was supposed to pay for what she did run off, cause obviously Marisa here distracted me

"We'll meet again Marisa Anderson" I said venomously

"Oh see you've learnt my name already, see you around sucker" she said mockingly and walked off

'arrrggghhhh she's so annoying' I said inwardly and went towards my locker and sighted Olivia and Chloé approaching with a dress

I trust them with my clothes cause they know what I like, on seeing the dress, I loved it immediately and went straight to the wash room to change.