

I didn't have a good night sleep last night, maybe it cause of Dads news and that cost me my sleep, cause I woke up on time today, really early even before my alarm clock.

Since I was so early I decided I'll help Mum out today with breakfast, but before I proceeded downstairs I went into my bathroom to wash my still sleepy face.

When I got to the kitchen, I greeted Mum who wasn't looking energetic as usual, I'm guessing that's gonna be the general mood at home today

But we would get over it in no time, that's what I know

"What are we making?"

"What do you mean WE?, you would be late for school if you don't go prepare"

"Did you check what the time is?, I woke up quite early so I still have plenty of time to help you and to prepare"

"But you..."

"Mum don't protest, besides you need some time to rest, you've worked your butt off"

"Thanks hun " she said with a smile that brightend her dim face a bit

"Always welcome" I returned her smile

there's no way I'm letting Parker leave before me today

"OK, we're making bacon and eggs "

"I'll help with the eggs " I said and went over to get some eggs to wash, before I began my preparation

When we finally reached school, there was still time to spare cause we got there quite on time

Let me make a small correction here , I'm supposed to say 'I was' not 'We' ,cause Parker doesn't go late to school, he's always wanting to be early which I don't actually know why, it's not my business anyways

Taylor wasn't in class when I got there, I turned around and saw the guy Taylor always gush about 'Connor', talking with a couple of friends and to be honest Taylor has great sight for guys cause the guy is really good looking and he seems cool from my point of view

Soon after, Taylor walked in with a very surprised stare

"Why are you giving me such a stare?" I asked as she came closer

"I should be asking you that, and what the hell happened today or wait... " she gasped a little

"Maybe it's a trick, you planned a trick for me Marisa, I won't fall for it" she said dramatically which made me laugh aloud

"No Tay, there's no trick" I was still laughing

"Then how come you came early today? "

"Just decided to, no biggie " that's what you get for being a constant late comer

"Well don't let this particular event get into your head , cause it won't happen again" Taylor said trying to seem a bit corky

"Oh stop being corky Tay, I can always first you whenever I want, it's not a big deal" I laughed at the face she kept

"It seems you're daydreaming, so dream on"

*If there's one thing I love Taylor for is that she puts smile on my face a lot and that's what friends are for*

"Ok enough with our little chit chat, we have science now, have you taken your notes? " Taylor asked

*and she knows when to be serious*

"Not yet, was waiting for you actually"

"I'm here now, let's get going before we run late "

We went to our lockers to get it while chatting on the way, but on our way coming back, we saw Tyler and Freddy in the hallway and that obviously brought about screaming, cheering, selfies and what have you, I mean why not, they're the school hotties and every girls dream guy

We were heading towards the science lab for our class, when to our surprise everyone started moving out

"What's going on" I asked one in particular

"Connor what's going on?" Taylor got a hold of him as he was on his way out

"You guys weren't in there? Anyways the science teacher told everyone of us to report to the auditoruim, cause there's a message the principal have for us all "

"All the final graders" he clarified

"Ok, thanks Connor, we'll be there as soon as we drop this" Taylor waved her notes for more understanding

"Yea ok "

We got to the auditorium before the principal started his talk, my eyes landed on Zoi who was seated at the right corner of the hall typing on her phone with a gum in her mouth. Her friends or let me put it this way Minions (Chloe and Olivia) were seated beside her each by her left and right side

Olivia is better than the both of them combined, she's respectful so I prefer her than those bitches but I still wonder why she does hang around them anyways


I don't get why we were summoned here by the principal cause I don't think he has anything important to say, I mean we've been here for the past 5 minutes but still he hasn't said anything yet ,he better make whatever he's about saying quick cause I can't spend all day here

Just as if I was one with the universe, Mr Brown spoke immediately

"We would be taking part in the annual school science competition, your science teacher here would later group everyone of you into pairs, which you would work together to get your assigned work done "

"And who so ever comes first and second place would represent the school internationally in science, any questions?"

as expected Jimmy asked a question, if you're wondering who jimmy is..., he's the class nerd who always like asking stupid questions and can't keep his fucking shit hole of a mouth in a place

"Yes sir, there's a question, when is it starting?" Surprisingly this is actually a reasonable question

"By next week Monday preparations will kick-off"

"I think I would leave it to you from here" he said referring to Mr Williams the science teacher

"You guys are gonna pair yourselves with whom ever you want, so I can assign your task to you"

"But it would be done in the science lab, so go there immediately"

"FINALLY we're done here" I said on our way out, but non of my girls replied me

On reaching the lab, Mr Williams continued with whatever he was saying

"Have everyone gotten a partner?"

"Yea we have" they answered

He summoned every pair one after another to give their task to them

I went with Chlóe, cause I know she would be submissive and won't protest to perform all the work that's need to be done, what my work would be is to display it on the day of presentation, which is my specialty.

I'm going for a friends sleepover later tonight, my mum and hers are best of friends, I don't wanna bother myself about any science project.