
My Life in Another World with My Harem

Alex , a highschool student died while bathing . When he woke up he met a ROB who became his wife and reincarnated him a world from her creation contain different characters from animes and mangas . Follow Alex in his adventure to pick his harem while enjoying his life . ---------------------------------------------- Author : well guys , first this fanfic is my wish fulfillment and something I enjoy writing to ease the pressure I'm suffering from . second this will not be multiverse as from the synopsis it's a world from the ROB creation that contains different characters from animes and mangas . third this will be mega harem as I love harem so much so if like it be my guest and if not we'll you are free to ignore it . lastly there will be OC and I will try to describe them as much detailed as I can . the anime / manga characters will be changed to fit my desire, you know what I mean . Note : I don't own the rights of any anime or mangas characters mentioned in this fanfic except the OC . - the cover is not mine so if the owner wants me to remove it just put a comment.

RedMoth · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
102 Chs

Changes and Big News

Time passed and the period of seven months would end today and Alex , Vine and Ghislaine were wearing their cloths ready to go to the outside world .

" Are you ready , dearest ~ " said Vine with her seductive voice.

" Yeah , I'm ready " Said Alex who was wearing a long sleeved black buttoned shirt with black gloves at each hand , the gloves had special engravings that were in gold with purple runes on it , those gloves are for him to suppress his destruction aura so he doesn't affect the surroundings until he gain a full control over it which won't take much time ,

he was also wearing a black pants with black leather shoes and with his night black hair and deep purple eyes he was overwhelmingly handsome .

While Ghislaine was wearing a white short sleeved shirt that revealed her sexy abs and a comfortable jeans for easy movements, Alex made it for her so she can fight easily without anything hindering her

even the shirt made her erect nipples invisible because she doesn't like bras, he didn't want anyone look at it except him so he made it like that , all in all she was a sexy warrior .

" I'm also ready " said Ghislaine .

Vine was wearing her dark purple dress that emphasized her beauty, she also was going with her husband .

" I already gave you the control over this dimension dearest so you can bring anyone here or stay here as much as you want "

" Thanks honey , then let's go "

And with that the three of them disappeared from the house .


It was night and Anna was in the kitchen preparing the dinner while Daki was helping her with it along with Hinata as they didn't want her to be tired ,she is pregnant after all .

While Lilith was teaching Saki in the library and Isane and Ringuko were in the wide area at the back of the mansion training and sparing with each other .

" Husbando ?! " Said Saki who was in front of Lilith .

" Wha- Alex ! " said Lilith in surprise and happiness.

" Ohh my dear has come " said Anna in with a warm sweet smile while caressing her belly.

" He is finally here ~ " said Daki in a seductive tone .

" Yeah , I can't take it anymore ~ " said Hinata with lustful eyes .

" you just want to get fucked by him all the time " ( Daki )

" Aren't you the same ~ " ( Hinata )

" Well yeah but I can hold it " ( Daki )

" We will see ~ " ( Hinata )


In the training ground .

" Oh he finally arrived " ( Ringuko )

" Yeah , my darling is here " ( Isane )

Both of them smiled and went immediately inside the mansion .


In a bedroom in the mansion , a very beautiful lady with well endowed body was sleeping suddenly opened her eyes to reveal a pair of beautiful red wine eyes that had a pupils in X shape .

She was supposed to have a very long and curvy majestic horns but she made them disappear and her light blue hair was so long that reached her ankles giving her a beauty beyond limits.

" My husband is here ~ then I must welcome him as a good wife fufufufufu " then she got out of the bed and went to where Alex is .


In the living room three figure suddenly appeared, they were Alex , Vine and Ghislaine.

" I really missed this place " said Alex in a nostalgic voice .

" sorry for taking you for this long period dearest " ( Vine )

" Don't apologize my dear , I told you before that I don't mind at all " ( Alex )

" So this is your place " ( Ghislaine )

" Yeah , come on let's meet your sisters " ( Alex )

And as they were about to move suddenly the door opened violently revealing stunning women with a beauty that can destroy nations if not kingdoms .

" Dear / my dear / darling / Husbando / Husband / Alex !!!!! " All of them said at the same time .

Alex smiled warmly at them " I'm Back dear wives ~ "

Then without saying any other words all of them jumped on him with Anna taking the lead .

Alex of course opened his arms to take them in his arms .

They hugged for some good time until they had enough then they separated although reluctantly.

" Husbando , I'm happy that you're finally here " said Saki with enthusiasm and excitement.

" Husbando ? , where did you hear a word like that , Saki? "

" From a book I was reading ! "

" O-ohhh well , happy that you are happy "

" All of you the same , your happiness is my happiness as well so I will make sure to make it last forever "

They smiled warmly and fell in love with him again , they felt like they have the best man in the whole world , although it's a fact .

Alex looked at them and saw that their bodies changed and became more sexier but the most noticable ones are Tiamat, Saki and Isane .

Tiamat hair became very long and straight like silk , her eyes that were blue became red wine with white pupils in X shape , her skin became white like snow and her body became a lot sexier than before as her breasts became bigger and her ass became plumb and round , but the most noticable change was her hair and eyes.

While Saki became like a sexy highschool girl with big breasts and round ass , she became taller at 1.65 metre ( she was at 1.57 before )

Her eyes turned crimson red and her hair became even darker and longer reaching her hips , she is now very hot highschool girl .

Finally Isane changed a lot , her height became 1.75 and her body became so so hot , as her skin became white like snow with a hint of redness, her hair became longer reaching her hips and her silver blue eyes were so enchanting , her red cherry lips were so alluring making the one want to take a bit ,

Her breasts became massive with big pink nipples and her ass became big and round that can give you a hot bounce if slapped, with her wide hips, all in all she was so hot and sexy ( I will put it on Discord so you can see it , she is naked so you have been warned ) .

Alex appreciated their changes and became happier that they're now stronger than before , Tiamat reached a level of Heavenly dragons and can beat them if she used all her power ,

Saki is now the strongest student in the academy if we excluded Alex and his group .

Isane reached higher levels than the anime and can give a good fight against Unohana .

" You three are stronger now and will be a lot stronger in the future , keep hard work . All of you worked hard to become stronger and that made so happy "

They all felt warm in their hearts as their husband didn't treat them like weak women and appreciated their strength and that all what they want from their husband .

" my dear Anna how are you now , is everything good "

Anna smiled sweetly as she felt her husband concern for her , she became so happy with that .

" everything is good dear ~ don't worry me and the child are in a good health all thanks to my sisters , they helped me and supported me "

All the women smiled at that .

Alex looked at her belly exactly the child wanting to know is it a boy or girl .

Anna felt Alex's gaze on her belly and caressed it sweetly .

Suddenly Alex smiled " We will have a cute little girl ~ "


Author: Here is my Discord where I will post the pics of this fanfic .
