
My Life As The First S-Class Guide

Nine years ago, humankind almost perished the day monsters came out of the Cracks– aka dungeons– that appeared all over the world. When all hope seemed to be lost, a select few awakened as Hunters equipped with a System. Thanks to them, the civilization recovered faster than one would expect after the apocalypse. However, another conflict presented itself later: the more the Hunters used their powers, the quicker they lost their sanity. Fortunately, among the Awakened People, there is a group classified by the System as Guides– and only these Guides have the power to soothe the Hunters and bring them back to their senses. Sounds great, right? But what happens when a Civilian is in a relationship with a Hunter who has a high matching rate with their Guide? “Let’s break up, Wonhee.” Yep, this is what happens when your Hunter boyfriend has a 76% matching rate with his Guide. Wonhee was dumped by her long-time boyfriend because she’s just a Civilian… … or so she thought.

sola_cola · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
291 Chs


WONHEE, unfortunately, did not wake up as an Awakened Person.

But, fortunately, she woke up feeling better that morning. Her fever was gone even though she had forgotten to take medicine the night before because she fell asleep after taking a shower.

Maybe I didn't get sick and was just unwell because of my hangover?

"Wony-ah, I'm really glad that you decided to return to work."

Wonhee smiled at Miss Jang Miyeon.

Miss Miyeon is the CEO of Golden Era Entertainment or simply GEE– Wonhee's current agency. It was one of the acting agencies that were established after the Outbreak.

Wonhee was currently at the CEO's office to talk about her comeback.

"Welcome back, my golden child."

Wonhee laughed softly at what the CEO said. "Am I still your golden child, Miss Miyeon? My hoobae1s are doing well these days."

GEE was the only agency that didn't care whether a talent was an Awakened Person or not. Most agencies these days would only scout Awakened People because they were guaranteed to bring profit thanks to their popularity.

"You're still the most talented and the most popular golden child that I have nurtured, Wony-ah," Miss Miyeon said confidently. "Should we start announcing your comeback through a photo shoot? We need to update your artist profile on the company website anyway."

Wonhee smiled and nodded. "That sounds good, Miss Miyeon."

The CEO fell silent, as if she was contemplating whether to say something or not.

"What is it, Unnie?" Wonhee asked, addressing the CEO in a friendly manner to make her feel more comfortable. "You can tell me whatever it is that's bothering you."

Miss Miyeon was her boss, but they started as friends and not as a CEO-talent.

So, she would address the CEO casually whenever there were only the two of us in a room.

Just like now.

"We actually received a script for Writer Shin's new drama, and she has a role offer to you, Wony-ah."

Writer Shin is a famous screenwriter these days. None of her drama series has flopped yet.

"Really?" Wonhee asked. She didn't get excited because the CEO didn't look happy. "Is there something wrong with the script, Unnie?"

"The main character that was cast for that drama is Park Ruda."

She was surprised to hear that. "Ruda Oppa is making a debut as an actor? I haven't heard the news about it yet, though."

"They're trying to keep it a secret to surprise the public. Since there's a powerful Hunter backing up Writer Shin and her agency, everyone in the industry is hush-hush about Park Ruda's debut as an actor."

"Then the drama that Ruda Oppa will be starring in is guaranteed to be a big hit."


"Then why do you look displeased, my dear CEO?" Wonhee asked, smiling. "If that drama is a guaranteed hit, then you should be thrilled that the writer herself reached out to us to cast me in her new masterpiece."

"I've read the script, Wony-ah."


"It's like a glorified fanfic of Park Ruda and Lee Seodam's "love story!"" Miss Miyeon said, fuming. "And that damned writer wants you to take the role of the villainess, Wony-ah!"


Wonhee could only smile bitterly while shaking her head. "I guess people really see me as the villainess in Seodam Oppa and Ruda Oppa's "love story.""


IN FACT, most of the people on the Internet really saw Wonhee as a villainess.

<"people in the hunter industry are saying lee seodam refused to receive advanced treatment from park ruda because of his controlling girlfriend. tsk. our country could have another s-class if not for that jealous bitch~">

<"Chu Wonhee, right? that has-been actress? lololol">

<"imagine being so selfish that you wouldn't let your boyfriend become an s-class hunter just because can't handle jealousy. cant be me">

<"Seodam Oppa, please break up with that witch and date Ruda Oppa already!!! #seodaisreal #deluluisthesolulu">

<"i'm not a fan of chu wonhee but I get her, yk? as if you muggles would let your significant other sleep with another person "for the sake country">

<"chu wonhee is the pride of civilians. youre just hating on her because she's still prettier than most awakened people. face card will never decline!">

<"these disgusting shippers just cant accept that lee seodam aint gay for park ruda haha">

The opinion on the Internet was divided.

Wonhee was glad that there were people on her side, but she still felt sad because people seemed to be fighting all the time whenever an article about her was released.

"Noona, please stop reading comments on the Internet."

Wonhee, who was sitting on her "actress chair," looked up at Ahyeon standing behind her. "Okay. I'm done monitoring anyway."

Right now, she was on standby in the studio where her photo shoot was taking place.

She arrived early, so the staff was still in the middle of preparing the set. Hence, the director told her to have breakfast first.

"Ah, if it isn't the Crown Princess."

Only one person would call her that way.

"Hi, Sumin-ah," Wonhee greeted her fellow actress with a smile. "It's been a while."

Everyone around her, including Ahyeon, looked nervous.

It was an open secret in the industry that Choi Sumin hated Chu Wonhee.

But that wasn't what seemed to be making people anxious and worried while glancing at Sumin.

Did Sumin really arrive at the set drunk?

"Hey, Crown Princess," Sumin called her again in an insulting way while staggering. "Do you want to be a Guide?"

Wonhee knitted her eyebrows.

Why is Sumin speaking like she can make me a Guide if I say 'yes?' 


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