
My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Route

Blessed with a system to aid his understanding of his new abilities and offer chances for further growth, he makes his path towards becoming both the leader of his new home, and the conqueror of beautiful kunoichi of various talents and backgrounds. Follow a child soldier reborn as his favorite fictional character after losing his life in worldwide conflict! Rated M for language, suggestive themes, and explicit sexual content. Content Disclaimer: Character biases will not be respected or taken into consideration. Fanon is not respected or considered. I rely heavily on the Naruto Wiki since it is the most accurate source of info regarding the series. Copyright Disclaimer: I own nothing except for original characters, concepts, technique names or otherwise original material not owned or previously patented or published by any publishers or companies as of the beginning of this serialization. Cover Art found on ARTVY with the Naruto cyberpunk wallpaper AI prompt.

SilverSnow125 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
67 Chs

Chapter 31: Fixable Issues

My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Version

Chapter 31: Fixable Issues



I jumped onto Shizune's hands when Tsunade punched the Hokage's Desk into oblivion and saw Sakura do the same with Sasuke. Sasuke dropped her immediately after, though.

"Oi!" She even complains like us now, too. I had to chuckle.

I looked at Shizune and felt a small internal fantasy be fulfilled. I gave her a soft kiss and got off of her.

"Naruto, you were saying something?" Tsunade got us back on track.

"Y-yeah. I want you to take a look at Haku-chan. She hasn't said anything, but I want to know if there are any issues with her new lung. I didn't exactly have time to check for compatibility." I told her.

Tsunade gave Haku a once-over. "Come here, Haku." 

"Okay..." Haku looked like a kicked puppy for some reason.

Tsunade used her medic-nin magic and did a full examination of my girlfriend as the rest of us waited patiently.

"She's healthy and her body is adjusting well to the new organ. That said, it seems to not have the chakra network properly attached, meaning that it would severely limit her capabilities as a shinobi." Tsunade gave her verdict.

"... damn..." I kicked myself for that one. I didn't have much knowledge about the chakra network to be able to properly work with it.

"The good news is that I can fix the issue without any problems before or after. The issue is during the operation. It requires the network to be set up exactly as it would've been had the lung been hers to begin with." She elaborated.

"I see... what if we mirror it to her left lung? Most things in the body have a certain degree of symmetry. The chakra network should be no different." I offered.

"Usually, that is correct. However, depending on whether the individual possesses a Bloodline Limit or any special physical attributes, there are important changes in how that symmetry is achieved. Shape? Distribution? The concentration of chakra in any particular area of the body to facilitate techniques, the list goes on." Tsunade continued.

"Well... Haku possesses the Ice Release Bloodline Limit, along with the component Water and Wind release affinities. Other than that... she's much like Sasuke, physically I mean. They're both agility-based fighters that can dish out a lot of damage quickly but are fragile under the best of circumstances. A glass canon, if you will." I provided.

"I would need an x-ray of her chakra network to even attempt this, even with that information. And unless you've got a medically trained Hyūga on hand, that's going to take some time to acquire." Tsunade rubbed her temples.

Everyone in the room but Shizune and Tsunade grinned.

"Why is everybody grinning?" Shizune asked.

"Well, that's because we just so happen to have one such individual," Kakashi explained.

"Excellent. We can begin the necessary preparations as soon as we get them to take a look at Haku." Tsunade declared.

"Uhm... may I say something?" Haku raised her hand.

"Sure," Tsunade responded.

"Does any of this pose any serious risk?" Haku questioned.

I walked to her and held her close, I could tell she was feeling anxious about the issue.

"Not to your life, no. But your Chakra network could be irreparably damaged if we don't take great care to ensure that we procure the necessary information to ensure the highest possibility of success." Tsunade clarified.

"Hm" She nodded and buried her face in my neck.

Haku had apparently been more worried about her future as a shinobi than I thought.


After that, I sent Haku back home with Shizune so that they could get acquainted, and got ready to leave with my team before Jiraiya stopped me and gave me a water balloon. I looked at it and picked it up, before popping it with my chakra. He looked impressed and gave me a rubber ball next. I did the same thing and the explosion sent a shockwave that broke all of the windows in the Hokage Office.

Jiraiya was speechless but gave me an air balloon to do the final step. I tried it but couldn't get it the first time; thankfully. He told me to come back to him after I had this step completed. I nodded and asked for his autograph for my copy of his first book, it was the only one I'd read up to this point. He looked teary-eyed for a moment but signed it: "Never give up on your dreams and you will one day succeed. From Jiraiya, the Toad Sage."

I thanked him for the autograph and the cool new training and walked off with my team to do some team drills and light training, or so I thought. Sasuke and Sakura went balls-to-the-wall with their intensity today. I guess I couldn't blame them. I wouldn't want to hold back or be a burden to my teammates either.

Then when I got home I found out that letting Shizune spend time alone with Haku was a terrible idea, because now I had an angry and horny tag team of Haku and Ayame to contend with tonight. They were non-too-gentle with their approach to the intimate activity, but they were also so damn sexy. 

I initially had a great time and I felt like we grew a lot closer as partners after this. But then Shizune also dropped by to spend the night, and I'll admit, it was all well and good until the three decided to triple-team. I was shown no mercy.