
The beginning of the end


A voice shouted as he gawked at the radio clock on his desk as his sister pulled the blanket off his bed. It was 6:30am and it was his first day back at work. As his eyes scanned the dark room, he could only stare at what little sunlight fell upon him before falling asleep on the couch. He'd forgotten to switch the nightstand lamp off last night when he went to sleep.

"Yes?" He replied.

As his body adjusted itself against the sofa, he glanced up at his sister. She sat across from him with a grin plastered on her face. He blinked a few times and let out a yawn. "Yeah?" he asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Happy Birthday!" She shouted.

Happy birthday? The words seemed like foreign concepts in his mind. He had no idea what she was saying or even if she was still speaking English. His eyes shifted down to the small box in her lap. "What's that?" He managed to ask through another yawn.

"I hope you like it! She shouted happily.

It felt heavy in his hand and he couldn't remember the last time someone gave him anything without expecting something back. It wasn't a gift that he received every year but there was always something that came along with them. He didn't really think twice about it anymore but he was curious now.

"Why did you give this to me? How do I even open this?" He asked.

She beamed at him before pulling a lever on the bottom. A light turned on above his head causing him to squint. When he saw what it revealed he had to stifle a laugh, which prompted his sister to smile. She picked up an item from inside of the box and held it out to him.

He raised a brow as his vision adjusted. It was a bracelet made up of three stones that each represented a different color. In between the stones were some small letters. Ellis looked back up at her expectantly but she continued to smile.

It dawned on him then that she knew what color stone it was and that he hadn't said thanks yet. He reached over for one of the stones and held it up between his fingers as he spoke again.

"Thank you," he said, his voice coming out quieter than he expected.

The television popped on showcasing super heroes on the screen smiling ear to ear. He turned away from the TV and focused on his sister instead. Her face lit up as she watched the heroes on the screen.

They all wore bright smiles and their costumes were beautiful and unique. One of them had a huge staff. Ellis didn't know much about superheroes other than what he saw on TV but he guessed they must be pretty powerful since she seemed so happy. He was suddenly struck by a strange thought.

"Hey, sis?" He began.

"Yeah? What is it?" She asked, glancing back at him briefly.

"Do you wanna be a hero?" He asked, unable to contain himself anymore.

Her eyes widened and her mouth formed into an O shape as she stared at him. For a moment, Ellis feared that he'd asked the wrong question but then she grinned.

"Of course, silly! I'm going to save everyone."

He smiled as well, although he knew she wouldn't see it. He liked hearing her talk, she was always full of energy and happiness. The way her green eyes sparkled when she talked about her dreams was enough motivation to keep him going.

Ellis leaned forward slightly as he took in a deep breath. "Then I'm glad we can call each other siblings."

"Remember have a safe 4th of July summer!"

The clad hero in silver and blue announced as he lifted an arm into the air, followed by a wave to the crowd. As soon as the red and white cap was lowered to cover the man's face, the crowd erupted into cheers and claps.

As he walked back to his car, he waved to the spectators and blew kisses until he reached the door of his car.

Ellis and his sister watched them leave on the TV before pushing the show off. Their father and mother walked in with groceries in their hands just after. They greeted each other as they placed the things on the countertop. As he heard the familiar creaks, cracks, thuds, and grunts his dad made while putting things away.

"Happy birthday champ!" His father shouted.

Ellis nodded and rubbed the back of his neck. "Thanks."

He turned his attention towards his mother as she poured some milk into a cup and sipping it. "Can you believe he's already sixteen years old?" She sighed.

She dug through the grocery bags before turning to Ellis handing to him a small wallet . He frowned.

"Can you go back to the shop real quick and get salad please." She begged.

"I am coming too!" Ellis's sister shouted.

His parents looked at each other. "No, sweetie we don't want you to get hurt. Just stay here, alright?"

Ellis sighed and ran off to the kitchen. He grabbed his jacket from a hook on the wall and started to head toward the back door. Before he could step outside however, two small arms wrapped around his legs. Ellis looked down at his sister.

"Mom wants us to come back early today." She said quietly.

He walked down the steps going down the street to get to the store. The streets were empty except for a couple cars driving by.

The sun shined brightly overhead as he quietly walked toward the store. As he passed the park, he stopped and looked over at the playground equipment. There was a swing set, monkey bars, slide, etc.

Ellis walked over and stood by the swings watching the wind gently blow. His feet swung back and forth occasionally. Suddenly, footsteps caught his attention. Turning around he watched as a man appeared on the sidewalk.

His brown hair curled behind his ears giving him a youthful appearance. He looked around the neighborhood before locking eyes with Ellis.

"Hey kid, how ya doin'" the man asked, smiling.

Ellis didn't answer immediately but eventually did.

"I'm good..."

"Good," he said with a grin. "Mind if I join you?"

He gestured towards the swing beside Ellis and the man obliged. They both silently agreed to not say anything for awhile. Once they got comfortable, they began to talk. It became apparent that Ellis had not that much knowledge of superheroics than the man beside him.

"I had been to jail..." He smiled softly. "I didn't really make it easy...but I managed.

Suddenly a flurry of cars in the distance turned over with a gust of wind . The man looked up and chuckled. One after flew through the air as the man caught it slowing it down in front of Ellis's eyes.

"You are lucky to set eyes on me today." The man laughed.

"You aren't a superhero are you?" Ellis asked.

"How about you come with me?" The man replied.

Ellis was frightened as the man took his hand as another person came toward them. He noticed the person coming at them with a grin on her face.

"Keres, looks like I found our newest victim!" He laughed.

"Victim?" Ellis replied.

"You're looking for a super hero, right?" The stranger laughed as Ellis slowly backed up. Ellis shook his head.

"But look who else you are walking into your death zone buddy." Keres responded.

The man tossed Ellis on to the ground and pinned him to the ground by grabbing his shoulders.

"Look at that! The boy has no weapons to defend himself!"

Ellis struggled under the weight of the man trying to pin him to the ground. "Let go of me, you stupid-"

"Use your ability, Crimson Crow! Make him disappear or else I will kill him myself!" Keres yelled.

Crimson Crow's gaze softened for a moment as he released his hold on him. He turned around to face his partner.

"No! Not yet…"

"Don't worry my little bird, he'll have his in the end" Keres smirked.

"You are the Crimson Crow?" Ellis asked. "I've seen your name on a magazine and online videos."

Crimson Crow let out another chuckle as he kneeled beside him. "So, I guess you are smarter than I thought. You're pretty young. Only fifteen, correct? But your death will not be in vain!"

"What do you mean by that?" Ellis demanded. "Are you crazy?"

Keres let out a low chuckle. "Oh, you poor thing...you haven't heard any of the rumors about Blitzfire huh? He is dead . Killed by none other than Crimson Crow himself!"

Crimson Crow stood up abruptly. "Come on, you should take our newest victim home." As they left, Keres threw him a last glance over his shoulder before she disappeared around the corner.

"What do you mean Blitzfire is dead? I just saw him on TV?" Ellis shouted.

"That I cannot disclose!"

Ellis pushed himself off the ground, his hands balling into fists. This was all wrong. Blitzfire was the strongest of the group, a hero who had saved countless lives during his time with the group. If anyone was strong it would be him. And yet he's now gone.

"What is your name boy?" Crimson Crow yelled.

Ellis didn't respond.

"What is your name!?"

Crimson Crow screamed as he grabbed him by the collar and shook him violently.

"Answer me!"

Ellis clenched his teeth.

He wasn't a weakling but he couldn't stand someone touching him without permission. Even though he knew that they would only harm him if they tried hard enough, he hated people treating him like a piece of trash.

"My name is...Ellis. Ellis Bell. I am sixteen years old and-"

"Silence!" Crimson Crow shouted. "Do not interrupt! Your life is forfeit." He growled.

Ellis glared angrily at him before spitting on the ground, causing Crimson Crow to snarl.

"I warned you, boy." He roared. "You will be punished."

Ellis felt his blood boiling. He wanted nothing more than to run into the alley behind the building and fight back against this man but he couldn't disobey. No matter what happened, he still had to protect his family. So instead of responding, he simply nodded once in response.

Crimson Crow's gaze softened as he stared directly into Ellis's eyes.

"Very well. Come with me."

With those words he dragged Ellis out of the park and across the parking lot to the back of the building nearby.

They entered the stairwell leading down to the basement where he was held captive when the others kidnapped him.

At one side of the stairs there was a large steel door which opened once every few minutes to allow the members to enter or leave the building. He could see that there was a control panel above the door which controlled the elevators, door guards, and elevator doors.

In addition there were multiple camera's throughout the room. There were many doors along the wall. Some led to rooms, some led to cells, and others led to the offices. There were even cameras on the ceiling which gave the workers access to monitor the prisoners' every move inside.

The basement also housed numerous cages containing several other people . Some of them had been there for months, some for just a day; the rest have been there for years. They were all kept under tight security so nobody could break into the basement or escape.

There were four cells at the end of the hallway in the first row on the left,the left corner. Two on either side of the hall with one room in between. On the right side was a small window looking over the hallway leading up to the second floor.

"Welcome to your new home." Crimson Crow noted.

Ellis glanced at the cell. He then looked at the man next to him. His green eyes seemed to glow in the darkness of the basement.

"Where do I sleep?" Ellis asked.

Crimson Crow grinned before pointing up at one of the cells on the other side of the hall.

"That's yours. Well bye bye!"

Opening the door and pushing Ellis in , the man closed the door, leaving him alone inside the room. He could hear faint sounds of voices coming from the hallway, indicating that several other prisoners were being moved to their respective cell.

As he lay on the narrow cot bed, Ellis stared into the darkness. He sat up as he heard footsteps approaching his door. Peeking through the crack he could see a figure standing at the edge of the light in the middle of the room.

The figure stepped closer and placed her hand upon the bars separating her from the prisoner inside. "Hello child," she spoke softly. "How are you feeling?"

Ellis didn't reply. He remained silent as she approached the cell, stopping at the bars separating them and leaning forward.

He noticed she was pregnant. She carried herself with confidence and ease. Her brown hair was long and straight and framed a pale complexion. Her body was slim but muscular and she was tall. When she leaned forward again, Ellis could see dark blue eyes staring right at him.

When he realized that she was looking at him, he quickly pulled away, hiding himself inside the shadows of the cell.

"I am sorry my husband has taken you hostage..." she said. "...but you must not fear us."

Ellis lowered his head as she continued to speak, but then something occurred to him. She said husband but there was no wedding ring. It made no sense why she would kidnap a sixteen year old kid.

Who exactly is she anyway? The voice of his mother echoed in his ears.

"This place is dangerous, you have to stay away from the others until this is all over."

His mother's words began to replay in his mind.

"No!" Ellis cried out in disbelief. "This isn't real!"

He stared down at the gift his little sister gave him.

"Just a dream…it's just a dream…"

"Are you okay?" The woman asked softly, pulling back her arm to get a better look at him. "Did he hurt you?"

A whip smacked the bars scaring them both. Ellis jumped to his feet and looked at the door. A guard stood there with his arms crossed.

"Get in here before I have to lock your ass up."

Ellis took a step back, keeping his eyes locked on the guard.

"Please don't hurt him!" She begged.

"Don't make me repeat myself." The guard growled before turning away.

"No! Please, why must you act this way?!" She yelled. "Why can't you let him go, leave him be?"

The sound of metal clattering together filled the air before the guard slammed the metal door open. Ellis sank to the floor, shaking and hugging his knees as his sister's gift slipped from his fingers.

"Get the fuck out of here woman!" The guard yelled. "Or else!"

Ellis watched as the women stormed past the guard to the door. She paused briefly and turned back to face him one last time. Her expression was full of sorrow and worry.

"Forgive me boy..."

They pull Ellis out of the cage beating him in the face dragging him to a room filled with torture devices . He was beaten, tortured, and humiliated repeatedly. It felt as though every part of him was being ripped apart while he was helplessly watching the scene play out in front of him, screaming out at them, pleading for them to stop, but they wouldn't listen.

As they beat him, as his body trembled under the torture, as his screams grew weaker, the woman's voice rang loudly within his ear. She apologized to him for everything she did. For everything she put him through. For everything she never gave him a chance to be. For everything that ever made her hate him.

But it was no use. The woman's words did no good. The pain they inflicted upon him was indescribable. His vision was blurred. The blood ran into his mouth making him choke and gag. His screams sounded so distant compared to the deafening silence around him that he barely recognized the voice anymore. His world became darker.

More painful. His vision darkened and his legs gave out from underneath him. As he fell, he saw two figures appear. One he recognized as Crimson Crow who kneeled down next to him and gently wrapped an arm around his chest while pulling him up. The other he didn't recognize at all...

Ellis gasped as he shot up from his sleeping position gasping heavily for breath. He blinked furiously, wiping tears from his eyes as they slowly adjusted to the dim lighting. It was then that he noticed that he was in a bedroom. Sitting next to him was the lady from earlier.

She smiled softly at him. "Good morning." She greeted quietly.

"Good morning ma-"

"It's Mrs. Caine now." She informed him, cutting him off.

Ellis' eyes widened slightly at her correction.

"Oh..um ok. Good morning, Mrs. Caine." He replied awkwardly.

Ellis stared at the floor while he nervously twiddled his thumbs. After a moment he glanced up at her.

"Do you feel okay now?" She asked.

He noticed her hands glowing slightly. He gawked up at her curiously.

"Your hands…"

"You're not afraid of me anymore, are you?" She questioned

"No. Not anymore." Ellis replied honestly.

Mrs. Caine gave him another soft smile.

"Good...now if you don't mind...can you please give me your wrist?" She asked as he held out his palm.

"O..okay." Ellis responded as he slowly slid his left hand out from under the pillow and rested his forearm against hers. He felt her begin to run her hands up and down the length of his arm, checking for any injuries he may have suffered during the process.

Once she satisfied herself that he wasn't injured, she grabbed hold of his wrist with her other hand and lifted it up to her eye level. She then placed her fingertips onto the inside of his wrist, where a few marks were left by the cuffs.

"Those handcuffs are pretty tight aren't they?" She questioned quietly. "Your wrist must still be hurting."

"Yeah, it does." He laughed, "But I don't mind."

Her face turned serious again.

"Thank goodness you are okay." She sighed, letting go of his wrist and standing up.

"What is a healer doing here?" Ellis asked.

Before she could reply there was a knock on the bars followed by the sound of two pairs of shoes shuffling across the wooden floors. Before the pair of guards opened the cell, Mrs. Caine gave Ellis one last reassuring nod before stepping back to give them room to enter.

"Well you got him awake." The first guard said.

"Don't try anything stupid woman." He warned. "You are with child!"

"I'm not trying anything. I just wanted to heal him ." She stated.

Both guards looked confused. Crimson Crow gradually walked in the cell to look at the kid with an angry face . He reached out his hand, grabbing Ellis by the collar of his shirt and hoisting him up onto his feet as the guards rushed towards them.

"What the hell?! You fucking bastard!" They exclaimed simultaneously as they started beating him on his back, hitting his ribs with their fists and kicking his legs.

Ellis gasped desperately for air as he fought back against their assault. It didn't take long before he was too dazed and exhausted to keep fighting back. He slumped over, collapsing to the ground with a thud, unable to hold himself upright. He lay limp on the ground, struggling to breathe. One of the guards pulled him onto his feet again as the other pushed him back into the bed behind him.

"Stop playing games." Crow demanded as he pushed a dagger into Ellis's back.

"Let me go! Stop!" Ellis struggled as he tried to escape from the grip of the guards.

"Shut up!" Crimson Crow barked.

Stabbing Ellis many times till he is collasped on the ground bleeding out on the cold tile floor. He watched as the woman caught him as he sat there dying . She pressed a kiss to his forehead whispering in his ear as she cradled his unconscious body.

"I am so sorry..." She whispered tenderly.

Crimson Crow laughed at the boys death as the boy laid in his wives arms . His face twisted into a cruel snarl when he realized how close she got to the kid.

"You little shit!" He spat, throwing the knife across the room.

This story is an mc slowly descending into madness so taking some time to warm up sorry if a little slow ^^;;

Hannah_King_6215creators' thoughts