
My Life As a Jujutsu Sorcerer Is Wrong, as I Expected

Sanemi Nobunaga, descendant of the ancient and powerful Nobunaga lineage, is the latest heir to a cursed magical technique that has been passed down through generations. Despite his father's refusal to acknowledge him as a Sorcerer, Sanemi is determined and enrolls in the prestigious Metropolitan Magic Technical College in Tokyo.

gojo_Jarold · Anime e quadrinhos
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2 Chs

Sanemi Nobunaga Returns to the Path He Originally Followed

"I am Gojo Satoru, 26 years old."

Those who don't envy others are simply fortunate. It's just because they never encountered one... someone who was completely loved by the Gods. A strong and vivid person who destroys everything... as if it were an infinite void.

I was born strong. I think being born into this world is a blessing in itself. My father was also strong, but after our mother's death, he stopped helping people as a sorcerer and immersed himself in sake.

Perhaps my mother's hope faded away; she was very religious, praying to the Sun God for it to shine warmly on her children. Almost dying during my birth, she prayed for me always. As an unwanted child but with the potential to inherit a cursed technique, I caused great concern and felt very bad about it.

When I remember the moment I was informed of my mother's death, my bones chilled. It was so shocking that I held my breath and dropped my wooden sword.

Being an unwanted child, my mother's death did not improve that situation. The same happened to my younger brother, so after my mother died from an illness, I knew that my father didn't want me to become a sorcerer, and even if I inherited a cursed technique, I would end up being just a priest.

But in the end, I never went to the temple; I wanted to run as far as possible and see how far the sky reached. But even though I ran for a whole day and night, my feet never felt tired or stopped. By the time I realized it, I had arrived at a lonely park at night and could only vomit at the sight of a Grade 4 curse chewing on the head of a child my age.

Even if you have something more precious to you than your own life, others can easily trample on it. My dream was to live a quiet life... a beach house and see my brother happy. It was fine. At a distance where seeing what I loved happy would be possible.

That would have been enough for me. But even that will never come true. Because curses existed in this world that my mom called beautiful.

So even if it was stupid, I decided to do something with the strength I was blessed with and started killing curses. I couldn't stand the feeling of hitting someone, and it felt horrible. But if it was a curse, there would be no problem.

By seeing through the body of something, you can find its weakness. I only had the physical ability to immediately respond to the instinct of my technique.

All I had to do was kill curses until I turned into ashes and disappeared; I thought that was my destiny in this world, but that was about to change.

I turned and saw the man dressed in black with that dazzling smile on his face, despite not hearing anything, I felt the overflowing strength and nature he brought. He was tall, had sharp white hair, and had a white bandage covering his eyes.

I knew this man from what was talked about in the Clan corridors... Gojo Satoru.

He seemed to be speaking, so I simply read his lips.

"And what? Are you always this quiet?"

"What?" I blurted out, not understanding.

"What is your name?" he asked again.

"Ah... Sanemi Nobunaga."

"Ah, Nobunaga..." I read his lips again. "That makes more sense. You're very powerful; at your age, mastering a cursed technique and breaking a domain expansion with a single attack is something out of the ordinary."

Sanemi nodded simply, still seeming confused by the whole situation, with Gojo Satoru, the strongest sorcerer, in front of him while his ears continued to bleed.

"I really can't hear you...." Sanemi said hesitantly.

"Ah..." Gojo glanced at the state of my ears before nodding. "If you use cursed energy on your ears, maybe it'll be enough." Gojo smiled as he saw that Sanemi 's ears were emitting cursed energy as he indicated. "Ah, maybe you didn't hear when I introduced myself. My name is Satoru Gojo, I'm 26 years old, from the Gojo clan. And you're from the Nobunaga clan? I thought the son of the head of the Nobunaga family didn't have a cursed technique."

"Ah... you mean Takeru, he's my brother. I'm the son of Kyogo and Akeno."

"Ah... That explains your strength. After all, Kyogo-san was a great sorcerer."

Upon hearing that from Gojo-san, my attention was caught.

"You saw my father in his time as a sorcerer?" I asked, eagerly awaiting his response.

"Ah, yes," Gojo-san replied vaguely. "He was a special-grade sorcerer when I was a student. But shouldn't you know that about him? After all, he must have taught you."

"I'm sorry, but that's not the case. Everything I know about my cursed energy and my technique is self-taught."

In response to my words, Gojo-san remained silent for a moment before laughing; he realized that my words were not false.

"So that's why there was so much trouble with the Nobunagas not having a successor? How amusing. Hey... Sanemi , do you want me to train you...?" Before he could finish his sentence, there was a vibration in Gojo-san's pants, prompting him to take out his phone before answering.

"Huh. One moment, Sanemi ..." He turned to his call. "Yes?"

I could feel the fatigue and pain in my ears, but he seemed to relax. But now that I think about it, I have the most powerful sorcerer in Jujutsu society in front of me, and it seems he saw something in me and wants to train me.

At least he's not steeped in alcohol like my father... Although I'm not sure if I should trust him. But he doesn't seem to be entirely dishonest. Although I still had to finish school before anything else. Not just because I'm from a clan with so much wealth, but also studying is the focus of my life.


It seemed to be another ordinary night. After being informed that a bunch of children and young people had died in similar situations in an abandoned building, I was called to see what was happening there.

Upon arriving at the location in Tokyo, I could feel an enormous amount of cursed energy coming from the place. No, there was more than one person; the energy was so concentrated that it seemed like they were charging up a cursed energy attack. But with my six eyes, I could visualize the cursed energy coming from a young person.

And suddenly, a domain expansion overlapped in the place. Although it was very basic, it still had the effect of a guaranteed hit. But this young person killed the curses with a single strike of his sword. He hadn't even finished cutting one curse when he had already dealt with all three.

The cursed energy emitted by this young person was almost non-existent, so concentrated that it seemed like a wine glass about to spill, but nothing could disturb it. So, I had to assume that his control was only comparable to his amount of energy.

I was interested; he had severely damaged his ears after understanding his opponent's attacks and killing him with that advantage. And killing him with a single strike... Wow. As I saw him leave, I could observe him well.

He didn't seem to measure more than 1.68 meters, quite pale with coal-like hair. And an earring that stood out on his right ear. So I approached.

It wasn't a big surprise to learn that he belonged to one of the great Jujutsu clans. In fact, he was Kyogo's son, albeit with another cursed technique... But what caught my attention was that he had learned everything on his own. A little lunatic who faces curses just because he can, it was amusing.

As I received that call, they needed me again, but I didn't want to waste this opportunity. The growth curve of a Nobunaga with such a rare cursed technique couldn't grab my attention more. He kept his gaze lost until I called him.

"Hey, Sanemi , I have to go, but I want to know, since your clan doesn't teach you, what if I do?"


Upon hearing that, I knew what it meant—the most powerful shaman of the modern era had seen something in me. I couldn't let this chance pass...

"Sure, after all. At home, I'm not allowed to practice beyond my sword technique."

"I see..." Gojo rubbed his chin. "Perhaps in a year, you can enter the school, where they'll let you develop. But don't worry, in the meantime, I can give you a few lessons, huh."

"Ah, going to a school is a bit...?" I really had no idea what he meant by school.

"It's not a normal school; it's a school for sorcerers." Ah, that makes more sense. "They really don't let you see anything related to sorcery; Kyogo-san is a bit disturbed."


"I don't want to have problems with him, so how about we meet at Shibuya station on Friday?"

"Sure, I have no problem, after I finish my duties."

"Hah, it's a promise," said Gojo-san before disappearing from my sight.

Oh, I forgot about the girl. Looking back at my foot, I could see her sleeping, so I picked her up in my arms and started moving.

So, a school of sorcery... it wasn't what I expected, but maybe it's a good step. I started jumping across the rooftops to return home.

Upon returning home, it was already late at night. Only the lights in the mansion's hall were on. As I entered, I could hear the sound of a series of retches followed by a liquid hitting the floor. And upon entering, I saw my father vomiting from drunkenness while holding onto himself.

"Father." I quickly approached him, taking him by the shoulder. "I'll bring you some water."

"I don't want it," he said quickly. "Sake. I want sake."

When my father turned, I could see tears in his eyes, but as he fixed his gaze on me, he grabbed my shirt tightly and looked at me angrily.

"You again... Have you been killing curses again?" My father said as he could speak. "Ugh... shit. What foolishness."

Seeing tears come out of his eyes surprised me so much as he pushed me away to vomit again.

"Damn it," he said while retching. "Why...? Why don't they understand anything... Neither Sanemi nor Takeru... nothing about all of this?"


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