
My Library of Ideas

A library. 0-0-0-0-0 I don't own the cover, and this is not really an actual story but a book where I put my ideas. I just wanted to make it look like a story, so it kind of looks good.

LazyTanaka · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 1- Library Opens

A place that is known, but no one knew where it was, a mystery...

A place loved by everyone who hungers for adventure and knowledge.

*Tap~ *Tap~ *Tap~

The sound of light footsteps could be heard in a grand hall that was seemingly endless, gigantic bookshelves neatly organized on the side, millions of books were on the shelves.

"Hmm, it's time to open the Bookstore once again"

Tanaka looked at the huge floating clock in the sky, and nodded.

"I announce, the opening of the library"

Tanaka whispered, but his voice resounded on the whole hall.


There was a sudden shake. The large door of the library suddenly lit up and slowly opened. As it opened, the sound of an angel like voices were heard, they were singing, and it was a heavy metal music.

It took a few moments before the enormous door of the library and once it fully opened, the sound of bells were heard. Outside the door was the void and small lights could be seen from the afar.

Tanaka stepped in front of the door and overlooked the whole Omega verse. The singing angels and the bell didn't stop making sounds, and these sounds spread out the whole omega verse. No matter where they are, they will hear the sound.

"Hmm, who will be the first one to arrive this time?"

Tanaka suddenly spoke, and in the next moment, light started converging in front of him. Slowly, the light formed and in the next second, a tiny figure appeared in front of him.

A very short and small, with a rather large oval-shaped head. He has sky blue skin, except for two sections, from his ears to the middle of each eye on both sides of his head, which are purple. He has small round eyes, and small rounded grey "ears".

His attire is a magenta and yellow-lined coat, with yellow pants and magenta shoes.

"I greet the great librarian"

It bowed towards Tanaka.

"Its been a while, little Zeno, about 3000 years?"


Zeno replied with a smile on his face.

"You can come in and read books. Remember the rules, alright?"

"I do!"

Zeno nodded and skipped towards the library. He curiously looked around books then, there was something that caught his interest but before he was about to pick it up, he stopped.

"Tanaka-sama, I want to read that book!"

Zeno suddenly said with twinkling eyes.

Tanaka, who was looking at him, nodded, then he waved his hand and a book appeared on his hand. It was a book with no beautiful cover, other being its cover as a leather and the title written on it.

[Aincrad In Multiverse(Not Finished)]

Zeno excitedly took the book and entered the room called Dream Room, it was a small clean room with a bed and table, there are also some snacks and some food by the side that magically refills when gone.

Zeno then carefully placed the book on the table before lying down on the bed then he said.


After he said that, the scenery around Zeno changed into pure blackness, then slowly light converged in front of him, forming into a scene with words.

Aincrad In Multiverse(Not Finished)

-Chapter 1-

It suddenly appeared out of nowhere, no matter where they were in their world, they could all see it.

A gigantic floating castle could be seen in the sky, no one knew where it came from, nor who was the one who brought it, but there was only one thing they heard when they appeared.

[Those who wants opportunity can enter, this place can give you anything you want, power, fame, wealth, treasures, and even revive the dead, this is Aincrad]

Those who wished for something all had their interest piqued, some for greed, some for curiosity, but one thing for sure, the appearance of Aincrad changed the lives of every person.


Zeno found himself in a different perspective, he could see but he could not control the body, but he did not panic and just watched from that, then the story continued.

My name is Tanaka Ryuuji, my hobby is gaming, but I haven't been able to play anything recently due to work.

Even though I'm always working, I never get a raise, it's a so-called Black Company.

"Huh? What is this?"

A pop-up suddenly appeared on my computer, it was certainly not an advertisement as it had a plain appearance and a few words were written on it, simple and direct.

[You have been invited to Aincrad, would you accept?]


Seeing this name, I couldn't help but remember Sword Art Online Anime, where I could only Associate it with.

"Did they recreate Sword Art Online?"

But it was impossible, since technology hasn't even reached Virtual Technology yet, if there is, I would have seen it either on the news or on the internet since Virtual Technology is kinda big thing, but there was no such thing that I found.

"Maybe its a virus, I can't afford to be careless, I'm saving up right now"

I immediately clicked the exit button of the panel, but it just popped out immediately, I tried it a few more times but it just kept popping out.

I just sighed, surely this thing is a virus, I'm just going to restart my computer.

[Are you sure you want to restart?]

Just as I was about to click the Yes button, another pop-up immediately appeared on my screen.

[No Response, Regarding it as acceptance]

As I saw those words, I suddenly felt something happened but I couldn't tell what it was. The next thing I knew, I was looking up at the blue sky with small clouds.

I could feel the breeze brushing to my skin and the sound of the rustling leaves on the surrounding.

I looked around me, I was in the middle out in the forest, I looked at myself and saw I was wearing the clothes I was wearing before I got into this place, just as I was thinking about things, a sound sudden;y rang in my ears.


[Welcome to Aincrad]

A floating blue panel appeared in front of me.

"Is this what they call the system in the novels?"

[Identifying Player…]

[Error, unable to Identify the player, troubleshooting…]

[Unable to Troubleshoot, asking for the admin]

[Error, unable to contact the Admin, initiating Solution 2]


[Player Tanaka has been registered]


[Player Tanaka has received Broken System]

[We wish you luck Player Tanaka]

[You are now in the 300th floor]

The moment the system finished, it disappeared, making the dazed me wake up.

"What just happened?"

I blanked out when I heard it was initiating Solution 2 then after that, I suddenly blanked out and the next thing I heard were like gibberish words, and only I regained my senses when it said where I am right now.

"300th floor? Is that the lowest floor or something?"

I couldn't help but wonder, I looked around my surroundings and from the corner of my eyes, I suddenly saw a minimap, speaking which, I also noticed some game like hud in the corner of my eyes.

But I have a minimap! This made me sigh in relief, at least, I won't get lost from now on. I looked in a specific direction, in that place, there were a lot of red dots, probably enemies, but I got curious, why are there so many of them?

But before I proceed, I first looked at what I have, at the lower mid of my eye sight, I could see something like a skill hud, I have two skills, one is a skill called Meteor Shower and the other is Defensive Barrier, both are level one.

This is great, at least, I am now assured I have something to protect myself, I casted a defensive barrier around me and a golden barrier of light covered my entire body, I tried to touch it and it was very hard, the barrier lasted for about 10 seconds before it disappeared, I also discovered I don't need to say anything to activate my skill which is a relief, how difficult it is if I have to yell the skill.

With that done, I looked at the map once again and made it bigger, there it expanded until it covered my whole eye-sight, there I saw a little bit about 3 kilometers around me, the name of the places also appeared, for example, the place where many red dots are gathering is called the Dragon Valley.

Do dragons live there? If they are dragons, they must be intelligent beings right? Maybe I could ask about this place.

With that in mind, I strutted towards the dragon valley, it wasn't that far, only about a few minutes walk, the said dragon valley is actually a canyon, it was also huge, I then cautiously proceeded forward and when I was close to the red dots, I hid behind a huge boulder and carefully peeked from it.

There I saw the red dots on my map, they were lizardmen? Simply, they are humanoid figures with lizard-like features, they are wearing armor and weapons on their hands, they seem to be an army.

Just as I was observing them, I suddenly noticed they were changing formation, the archers stepped forward with their bows prepared and the one that seemed to be the commander was commanding them.

And as I was thinking of what they were about to do, the lizardmen soldiers pulled the string of their bows and they were pointing their arrows towards…me?

*Swooosh! *Swooosh!

A rain of arrows flew towards the skies and rained down towards me.

"Defensive Barrier!"

I yelled unconsciously when the arrows were raining towards me, a golden barrier of light covered my entire body in an instant and the rain of arrows arrived, the arrows that hit my barrier bounced off as they collided, but I could see my barrier were having cracks, I hid behind the huge boulder to at least, lessen the burden of the barrier, but I knew it won't last long for sure.

"Since you are attacking me, don't curse me for counter attacking, Meteor Shower!"

I immediately used the skill meteor shower then my perspective suddenly changed into a god view with a circle in front, which seemed the area of effect of the Meteor shower, I immediately pointed it at the center of the lizardmen that were attacking me and fired it out… but after waiting for a few seconds, nothing happened.

"Is it not working?"

In panic, I spammed the skill continuously, afraid that it was not working, but I suddenly heard a whistling sound that came from above, I looked up and saw one of the scariest things I have seen in my life.

Gigantic fireballs fell from the sky like it was going to end this whole world, and there were a lot of them. Spamming the meteor shower is probably the biggest mistake I have made in my life.

*Boom! *Boom! *Boom!

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

I didn't even know what happened after that. I could hear the system notification ringing many times but I ignored it as one explosion after another came as I held on for dear life wishing I wouldn't be like the dinosaurs.

it lasted for a few minutes before it finally stopped, I was buried by soil and I slowly stood up, I looked around me and saw the once huge canyon turned into a huge fiery pit, I couldn't see the lizardmen who attacked me earlier, for sure, I know they disintegrated from the Meteor Shower.

I weakly sat on the ground, I felt my mouth was dry as I somehow survived a huge disaster, maybe I have water in my inventory? And yes, I looked into my inventory and saw a lot of things inside, weapons, dragon scales, armors, there were endless list of these things in my inventory, I wondered where I got these from and when I saw the notification log, it was dropped by the lizardmen I just defeated.

But I don't care about those things right now, I am very thirsty, I searched around my inventory until I found a thing that looked like a water bag, it was called, Well Bag.

[Well Bag]

A water bag able to produce an infinite amount of water.

I immediately unlid the cap of the bag and drank the contents of it. I was so thirsty that I devoured it greedily and even spilled a lot but I didn't care. I was like a man who finally found water in the desert after a long journey.

The water tasted sweet and it was also refreshing to drink. It took a while, but I finally stopped when I felt like I was drawing from drinking too much.

I then felt hungry and took some from my inventory. There was bread and a lot of dragon meat and many more, did I also somehow mistakenly kill a Dragon?

While I was eating bread, I decided to check my notification log, and saw I actually got a lot, I also received some titles such as.


[Monster Slayer]

[Scale Tribe Slayer]

[Scale Tribe Calamity]

[Scale Tribe Natural Enemy]

[Wyvern Slayer]

[Dragon Slayer[Lower]]

[Dragon Slayer[Infant]]

[Dragon Slayer[Adult]]

[Dragon Slayer[Ancient]]

[Dragon Slayer] with [] inside continue endlessly.

[Dragon Tribe Natural Enemy]

[God Slayer].

A god slayer title, it is a very crazy title, did I somehow also kill a god? Is there a consequence from doing that? I think I need to ask Kratos for advice, well, not like he is here.

I also received a lot of levels from that, right now I am level 839, a very high level if I should say so.

There is also a skill tab, and I have unlimited skill points? Well, that was neat but before all of that, I decided to hide the meteor shower skill, this skill is powerful but also dangerous as I almost died from it.

While I'm also at it, I picked a lot of skills from the skill tab and even maxing some of them, there are a lot of skills here so I only took the most important ones.

Such as:


[Sprint (Lv10)]

[Jump (Lv10)]

And more, There are also some skills that I have not seen before but that is for another time.


Just as I was resting, I suddenly heard the system notification,, but this one was different.

[Player Tanaka, an error has been found. You will be teleported to the 1st floor, sorry for the inconvenience. As a compensation, the system will reward you 1 million Cor, please enter the teleport portal.

A swirling blue portal suddenly appeared in front of me, I didn't really have anything to do in this place so I immediately entered the portal, also I received 1 million Cor. I don't know what the hell that is but the system seems generous, so I have no problem.

After I entered the portal, on the other side was nothing but a white space. Was there a bug with the teleportation?

Just as I was thinking about this, a portal suddenly appeared not too far away and then there were 2,3,4 until I couldn't count how many portals were in front of me.

I got interested so I waited and finally a few moments later, a figure emerged from one of the portals, no, there are actually 2 people that emerged from the portal.

A fair-skinned man with spiky, black hair that had a slight blue tint to it, he wears a black shirt with a high-collar left slightly open, with blue pants and bandages around his shins. Around his waist he had a white sash that held a sack.

The other is a tall man with tanned skin and dark eyes. He had waist-length black hair styled in a center-parted fringe that framed his face, he wore dark red armor worn over a simple black suit with sandals. This armor was constructed from numerous metal plates, formed into multiple protective guards along his body

I froze the moment I saw these two, because they were extremely familiar faces. The two curiously looked around. They looked at me, but immediately our attention was caught by something. As one after another, people started coming out of the portals.


-30 minutes Earlier-

Madara and Hashirama were looking at the Hidden Village from a mountain, it was still in the stages of being built but it was going well, but their attention is not on the village right now, but on the floating castle on the sky, it suddenly appeared out of nowhere a few years ago, and no one knew how and why did it appear.

The reason they weren't able to check it is because there was no way of reaching it and even if they tried to, some kind of force would stop them, but somehow they could tell that this place called Aincrad is not open yet.

"Hashirama, do you think it's true?"

Madara suddenly asked.

"Are you thinking about reviving your brother, Izuna?"

Hashirama could somehow tell what Madara was thinking.

"Yes, if what it said is true, I will do anything to revive Iuna"

Madara replied.

"Then, I will help you, it was our fault why Izuna died after all. I know you resent me because of that"

Hashirama nodded.

After that, there was only silence, but the two suddenly jolted and looked at each other.

"Did you also hear that voice?"

"Yes, I heard it"

"After 5 years, it finally opened"

Madara immediately stood up.

"I'm going to prepare. You don't have to come. If you leave, no one will take care of the village"

"No, I will go check it with you. We don't know if it is a danger or a blessing to our world. I can leave it to Tobirama to take care of the village"

Madara said nothing and just nodded. They then both dispersed towards their houses.

Hashirama arrived at the Senju compound and there, he saw his beautiful wife, Mito waiting for him anxiously.

"Hashi, have you heard the voice?"

Mito immediately asked.

"Yes, Madara and I are going to go check it now"

"I'm coming with you"

"No, I want you to stay here and protect the village, please, for our baby too"

Hashirama kissed Mito on the forehead as he said this, Mito is pregnant right now, if she was not, he would have allowed her to come but not right now as she was pregnant.

Mito nodded and helped Hashirama on preparing his things. It didn't take long for him to wear his armor and gave Mito a kiss before going to his brother Tobirama who was also anxious, Hashirama told about his plans and Tobirama accepted it reluctantly, Hashirama also made an announcement to the whole village before meeting up with Madara.

Madara and Hashirama met up at the gate of Konoha that wasn't built yet.

"Let's go then"

Madara nodded, then they looked at the Aincrad.

"We want to enter Aincrad"

Both of them said then suddenly an information appeared inside their head as if it was always there.

Both looked at each other for the last time before they both said the entry word.

"Link Start!" x2

The next thing they knew, they could only see white empty space, then some kind of colors started going towards them.

[Registering Player….Successful]

[Character name: Madara Uchiha]

[Creating Character… Successful]

[Notice: everyone will start as level 1 as they enter Aincrad, and your strength will be adjusted to Lv. 1, this is for every new players, killing monsters and doing quest will earn you experience which is…]

The system explained to Madara how the Aincrad works, it was your normal RPG game,but there are also some changes, their chakra have turned into an attribute, that means, if they want to raise their chakra levels, they need to put points in their chakra attribute.

It also explained how the Item system works, everything Aincrad had to offer were explained to them after that, it was done.

[Welcome to Aincrad, we wish you luck~]After the system voice vanished, Madara saw a swirling portal in front of him, taking a deep breath, Madara entered the swirling portal.


Madara got out of the portal and to his surprise, Hashirama also seemed to have just finished at the same time and they both got out the portal at the same time, Madara and Hashirama looked at each other before nodding and looking around.

A white empty space and identical swirling portals around too, they then noticed a man not too far away also curiously looking at them, both looking at the guy and they had never seen him before.

"Let's go ask him, maybe he knows what is going to happen next?"


Madara nodded but just as they were about to move, people suddenly started coming out from the swirling portals.

"Huh? Is this Aincrad? I think the advertisements it gave is fake"

"Gin-san, I think this is the waiting area"


""Oh? Newgate? I didn't expect to see you here!"

– Tanaka POV –

Many who recognized another laughed when they saw someone familiar, but to me, everyone here is familiar, no, they were characters I saw in screens, this is crazy!


The scene suddenly ended and Zeno returned back to his senses.

"Its interesting as always, I'm going to get a new book"

Zeno chuckled gleefully and immediately ran out of the room, but as he opened the door, there were already lots of other beings outside.

"Oh Zeno! so you were the first one to arrive"

The figure said, then ran towards him and hugged Zeno. It was a girl with pale skin tone, big brown eyes, and brown hair. She wore a highschool girl sailor uniform also wearing an orange-yellow headband with ribbons on the side, in her hair.

"Umu! It's nice to see you again, Haruhi, what are you going to read?"

"I'm going to read one of Tanaka-sama's book, The Hidden Village, I'm so excited to read it. Anyway, it's very good to see you again. I'm going to go read now, lets talk again later"

"Okay, have fun. I will read another book"

"Okay, bye~ bye~"

With that, Haruhi immediately left and entered one of the Dream rooms, Zeno then turned his attention around. There were many powerful beings in this place but each of them were friendly and organized, none were making troubles.

"What book should I read next?"

Zeno started wondering what book should he read next, books are really fascinating~

While Zeno is busy reading, Tanaka was moving around, looking at the people who visited the library.

"Hmm? Kaguya, have you decided what to read?"

Tanaka suddenly noticed one of his visitors seems to be struggling of what to read.

"Ah, Tanaka-sama, umm, I'm having a difficult time of what to choose, do you have any romance genre?"

"A romance genre? there is a lot there isn't it?"

"No, what I mean is something you have written"

"Oh, I am unfortunately unexperienced with romance, but there maybe something similar, it was something like love for what he does? here check this one"

Tanaka handed her a book.

[Obsession: Food Wars Fanfic]

"I will read it. Thank you Tanaka-sama"

"No problem"

Kaguya bowed then left towards the dream room, she was very lonely right onw as her sons sealed her, the reason she was able to come into this place is because she didn't need her real body to come here.

She looked at the book and placed it on the table before going to the bed.

"I want to read in Gods view,"

-Obsession: Food Wars Fanfic(Unfinished)-

-Chapter 1-

In one of the houses, a teen could be seen cooking his own food as he danced around to the music.

Kaguya saw a young man from gods view.

"Yeah! I will leave the lights on!"

He sang along as the song reached the climax, but even with that he moved around cooking the dish he just finished, he put the two on the plate and served it on the table.

"Ah! Chicken and Egg best combo!"

It was nothing but a friend chicken with egg for some reason, just as he was about to eat, a teenage girl came down from the stairs and went towards the refrigerator to get some cold water, she then turned towards the guy and she looked at him with a deadpan expression.

"Chicken and egg seriously?"

"My dear sister, you don't understand this combo, it's one of the best combos in the world"

"Oh my dear brother, I don't know who in their right mind will eat a chicken and have a boiled egg as their second dish"

"That is wrong my sister, it's a combo, if you are going to eat the mother, why not also eat its children? balance as all it should be, Like Thanos once said The Hardest Choices Require The Strongest Will, which also applies to gourmet"

The teen replied with a big smile, the sister rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, I'm going to leave now, tell mom and dad when they arrive"

The sister said and took her purse and left.

"You sure you don't want to eat my wonderful creation?"

"F*ck off"

"Language young lady!"

"Yeah~ Yeah~"

"I won't give her a gift on Christmas then"

The man said then went to eat.

" Thank you for the blessing, lets eat *Crunch, hmm... It's a little bit salty, but it's all good for my taste, but I can't serve this or mom will kick me out from the kitchen again, and it's not the same as I saw from the internet? Are videos about making food is a scam too?"

He couldn't but contemplate, he wanted a crunchy and delicious on the inside fried chicken but what he got was not so different from a barbequed chicken and there is no taste inside at all.

"Maybe, I used the wrong flour? ah, whatever, I'll think about it later"

He continued eating while commenting about his dish once in a while, he was so focused on his dish that he forgot about his surroundings, but unbeknownst to him, the ground started shaking, and it got stronger by second.


One of the pieces of furniture fell to the ground.

"Huh? What? a thief?"

He noticed it too late, and when he finally reacted, he saw there were already cracks on the walls, and then all fell down.


The ceiling fell to his chest and after that, the whole house fell down along with him.

He felt dizzy for a long time and he felt his body heating up, he slowly opened his eyes and looked around, he was stuck under the rubbles, a huge part of the walls was weighing on his chest making him unable to breathe.

He turned his eyes and it fell on the chicken that was not too far away.

"So you are failure number 69th thousand, to think it will end here, I will perfect you one day, along with your children, ah, I shouldn't be thinking about these things for now? that was a crazy big earthquake, I hope Mom, Dad, Little Sister are okay"

"I think help won't arrive for a while"

He couldn't help but look at the sky, he was regulating his breathing since it made for him to breathe with the heavy ceiling on his chest thankfully it was not that heavy and seemed to be stuck into something.

"Big Brother!"

He suddenly heard a yell, it was very loud.

"I'm here~"

He tried to reply.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm good~"

"I'm coming okay!"

"Wait no!"



He coughed blood due to the sudden pressure but it returned immediately as his sister immediately stepped back when she recognized her mistake.

"I'm sorry!"

"It's okay, but my dear sister, did you gain weight again? that was too heavy for me"

"Stop joking! I already called Mom and Dad, they are okay, they also went to get help, just stay there okay!"

When he heard the help, he couldn't help but smile, they still cared for him, but he could not help but look at his stomach, there was a piece of metal that was pierced into it, slowly he was losing blood.

"Hey, my dear sister, are you there?"

"Yeah? I'm going to be here"

"Can you do a favor for me"

"What are you saying!? Please Bro don't joke like that, the help is coming, everything is going to be okay"

"Tell, Mom and Dad I love them so much, I'm still making the best dish for them, I love you too my dear sister, don't forget to destroy clear my browsing hist- oh, wait, I can see my computer is already smashed to smithereens, that is good *Cough!"

"Stop talking! Please! Just Please!"

"I'm sorry, My little sister, I couldn't take you to the beach as promised, I- I love you all~"

She could hear he was crying when he said the last words, she started sobbing too as she felt her brother was going farther and farther away, his voice was slowly started to disappear.


She yelled for the last time but heard no reply, as she started sobbing, she heard the sound of sirens coming, and later, the rescue team arrived along with her parents, she ran into their embrace and cried a lot.

"We found him!"

One of the rescue team suddenly yelled.


Waking up, he found himself laying on a hospital bed, he felt very weak and couldn't move his body, he looked around and found a woman was sleeping beside him, she had long smooth black hair, he couldn't see her face because it was covered by her arms but he could tell who it was, there was only one woman that can make him remember no matter how long time has passed.


He called out weakly.

Hearing his voice, his mother's body jolted, she immediately woke up and checked upon him.

"Baby, are you okay?"

She asked looking at him, but she got no reply, he was only staring at her absent-mindedly, she panicked and immediately called for some help.

But he ignored all of it,m because right now, he was shocked, very shocked, because, his mother looked very young, too young actually, he remembers that face as when he was young.

"What happened?"

Ryuuji Tanaka, that was his name, and this time, he was very confused about what is happening, he looked at the window where he could see his appearance and saw his face from the reflection.

It was his appearance when he was but a 3-year-old kid, but what is more strangest is that he still retained his 23-year-old memories.

"Tanaka! Tanaka! baby are you okay?"

He finally snapped out of it and looked at his mother who was looking at him worriedly.

"Yep, I'm okay"

Tanaka tried to make it as natural as possible by smiling like a kid, his mom sighed in relief as she saw this.

"Mom, what happened?"

Tanaka asked to assess his situation.

"There was a scary earthquake and it tried to take you from me, my baby, thankfully you didn't go to them"

She said as she kissed him on the forehead.

Tanaka suddenly felt something click inside his head.

'Is this one of those fantasy anime that my little sister likes to watch? what is it called again? Regression? or Reincarnation? well, whatever, but to think I went back to when I was a 3 year old..'

Tanaka could not help but sigh, his sexy muscular body was now gone, anyway, later some doctors later arrived and started checking upon him.

-2 months later-

2 months have passed since then, Tanaka was finally discharged from the hospital, it was too early but Tanaka was already good, and staying at the hospital was just wasting money.

So they were now on their way towards their house, anyway for the two months he was in the hospital, Tanaka discovered some things that were different from his past life, it was that Culinary Schools are very famous right now.

He saw it on the T.V. where a contest called Shokugeki appeared, it was a contest of cooking and the stakes are their property and some crazy things, it was new to Tanaka as it was kind of new.

But anyway, he noticed that they weren't going towards their house but instead to a different place.

"Mom, where are we going?"

Tanaka could not help but ask.

"To your Grandpa and Grandma, they wanted us to live there for now, your dad will be coming soon too after his work"


Tanaka became surprised since his grandparents had died when he wasn't even born yet.

'But thinking about it, there have been many differences in this dimension? universe? or whatever, so Grandpa and Grandma being alive won't be a surprise anymore'

Tanaka didn't think about it anymore and just swung his head from left to right while listening to the radio of the car.

His mom who's name is Ryuuji Emi, her age is unknown, she has a very sweet appearance, though, contrary to her appearance, she is a very impulsive and emotional person. While she adores and dotes on her only son, Tanaka she is also overbearing and overprotective of him. She also cries easily when upset,

She also has violent tendencies when she is upset, often resorting to punching people that have angered her. His Father has since learned To expertly dodge her punches but occasionally will let her vent on him if he knows his decisions are the source of her stress. her punches aren't very strong.

Emy looked at the rear-view mirror that was focused on Tanaka who was swaying from left to right, she sighed and also smiled, seeing her child happy is the best for her.


The trip lasted for a few hours, his grandparent's house is located in the countryside, it was already nighttime when they arrived at the house, a huge house mansion actually, there was a huge gate that extended about as large as a football field? his grandparents are rich!

Though it was very late at night, the moment they arrived at the gates of the mansion, they were greeted by two old people, no, they looked quite young, like they were in their forties, and both were wearing a yukata.

"Ma, Pa, why are you outside? it's cold!"

Emy went out of the car and said towards his grandparents.

"What can we do? we are excited to meet my grandchild, is that him? Tanaka my boy! I'm your grandpa! come here!"

The old man was very excited and rushed towards the car and immediately carried Tanaka out, he started hugging him as if he was holding the greatest treasure of his life.

Tanaka laughed genuinely as he played with his grandpa, he liked his grandpa already as he was very playful.

"Now, now, let's go inside, it's cold out here"

His Grandma said, they all nodded and entered inside the mansion, Tanaka curiously looked outside but it was too dark to see anything, so he just gave up and played with his grandpa.


The next day, Tanaka woke up early in the morning hearing the crowing of the rooster who seemed to go super Saiyan mode and going further and beyond.

Tanaka rubbed his eyes and looked out the window, he now have his own room, which was on the second floor, his mother actually wanted to sleep with him but Tanaka wanted to sleep alone, even though he is young right now, he was still 23 years old inside, sleeping with his mom, he had long past it.

Tanaka looked outside, and when he looked outside, he was blown away by what he saw, what he saw yesterday was just the tip of the iceberg of how big this place really was, extending up as far as the eye could see, he could see a lot of livestock animals in their own fences, he could also see his grandparents wearing their uniforms? and tending the animals.

Tanaka looked at the time, and the sun hasn't even raised up yet but his grandparents are already working, fascinated, Tanaka joined them in curiosity.

"Ah, my boy! Good morning!"

His grandpa was the first to greet him.

"Grandpa, what are you doing?"

Tanaka asked like a kid.

"Oh? are you interested? come then my boy let me show you"

His grandpa became excited and showed him around.

It took them until lunch before they were called by his mother, a smile could be seen on Tanaka's face as he returned, his grandparents were actually livestock farmers, as Tanaka got into the house, Grandma was just preparing to cook using the ingredients from this farm, this got the most of Tanaka.

He hugged her legs, and looked at her with starry eyes, then with a cute voice he said.

"Gwandma, I want to cwook too"

"Alright, I will teach you how to use a knife"

'Works all the time'

Kaguya who is reading, couldn't help but smile as she saw this.

"Such a cute guy"


What's up guys, if you ever read this thank you, this book is where I place all of my ideas, just like I said on the synopsis, also, most of the books are unfinished and have a few words but I will try my best.

Updates here are random because I only write when I have a sudden inspiration about a book idea, if you are interested in my ideas, just comment on the word below.


Anyway, that is all thank you.