
The boss is here!

Chapter 149: The boss is here!

"If only people could express themselves…" Alex mumbled out.

It was not Dancing Shadow's fault... But also not the people she had been following in their dungeon conquest. In fact, if they all worked together, Dancing Shadow might have received even a better class.

After all, she had been chosen by the item. There was always a chance that this item had been plotting something on the last floor and that there was a better reward… But there was also a chance that this item was the best reward on the last floor.

No one knew.

However, it was clear that Dancing Shadow was hurt by the events on the last floor.

And as she heard Alex's words, Dancing Shadow looked down with bitten lips. She was getting sadder with each second, and her expression paled.

It was hard for her to accept those words. They came from the person she wasn't close with, so weird thoughts popped into her mind.