

Chapter 81: Kiss

Her eyes shone brightly, freezing the tears on her reddened cheeks.

"Is there a point?" Henred smiled, "If we both die, she will end up in either the royal family or mine. Both families will look down on her and even use her worse than slaves. She can not return to the human world because His Majesty won't allow our blood to fall into humans' hands."

There was no place for them.

In spite of her indignation, Sara recorded her former husband's words well, "He won't let us leave the kingdom? Then…"

Henred nodded, "He will imprison you two. Fortunately, I am no longer associated with you, so the king will spare my family."

"We are your family…" Sara whispered.

Although it seemed like no more tears would come out, Sara let out one hot tear that fell onto Celia's babyface.

In a little dullahan's body, a shift happened. Something sleeping within her awakened, then promptly sealed itself again.

It lasted a second, but Henred noticed it.