
Girls will take care of the shrine

Chapter 428: Girls will take care of the shrine

[You are no longer under the soul grave-keeper's protection.]

Alex received such a message at the same time the cracks in the sky shattered. Amidst their falling bits, Alex read the system message, then confirmed his thoughts.

Something must have happened to the old man.

There was a high chance he had been killed.

As Alex had exclusive land in the old man's realm, no one from outside it, no matter what undead, couldn't step inside the Deathwill Castle's lands. That has changed significantly as the new kind of undead emerged from the grounds.

"They are here," Alex said wearily, his eyes narrowed from exhaustion. He saw some new skeletons, zombies, and ghosts sprouting from the ground in the usual undead way. Ghosts casually went through the ground, skeletons seemed to have invisible hands pulling them out of the soil, and zombies simply dug.