
Eva Mora

Chapter 444: Eva Mora

After the banquet, Alex and his dullahan girls went to their house. Celia was with them, so everyone went just to sleep. The next morning, Celia suddenly received news that Veronica had an important task to do.

Curious and eager to help, Celia requested a trip to Earth! Ubo was also on Earth in his humanoid form, and it seemed like these three would have a good adventure!

Left with two blonde-haired beauties, Alex knew that he also would soon start a good adventure, just in bed. And it indeed happened as the mother-daughter pair pulled him to the bed to start a morning in the passionate way — overly passionate!

After nearly breaking the bed, Alex lay on it with Sara and Mia clutching him from the sides, "How will I find Eva Mora?" he asked.

To his question, the girls swore to help him.

He then grew curious about Veronica's important task. Was it related to her school, or did something once again happen when he was busy with his own matters?