
A warm house

Chapter 411: A warm house

"Is it time for me to smash Olivia's bitchy face?"

To these words, Alex made his usual comical expression. He shook his head before laughing out loud — for he should've expected Schnee to think first about punching Olivia first after hearing the word 'competition'.

He stood up, still holding her big ass. And as Schnee was a flexible and nimble girl — for she was that kitty — she easily wrapped her legs around Alex, her tail waving behind her happily.

Alex held her until the door, "We will have a different competition. Well, get off me. I don't want to start the day with you two arguing."

"Why not?" Schnee smirked, still holding onto her beloved.

But as she knew that Alex often avoided arguments in the morning to have a better start for the day, Schnee let him go, lazily descending onto the ground. She fished out a phone, then took a quick photo with Alex.

Alex did the same, then called out his other two girls.