
Quests: Making A Team (part 6)

Quests: Making A Team (part 6)

War between teams

If you wanted to survive in the Guild, fight for a slot;

They returned to the Guild and stood in front of the reception desk to report about their hunt. Qiao had suggested to submit their spoils for their own safety and brought the other two with him. The reception man was amazed to see them alive after returning from quest. He was a little unwilling to believe that they had hunted any monster. 

"Name of your monster?" he picked up his pen to write down the details.

"White Mull level three," Qiao looked toward Quipu to confirm the name and spoke.

The reception man looked up with surprise in his eyes, "Are you sure?" 

Qiao scratched his hair and smiled, "Here are the spoils for you to take a look at," he handed the crystal.