
Chapter 9

On coming out of the elevator, Harry begins to look around in search of something,

 "Who are you looking for now" I then asked as I really wanted to leave the building before anything happens,

 "I'm looking for Stacy so we can get the hell outta here" he replies as he keeps on looking, "...and there she is" he the drags me as we both walk towards her,

 "Have you taken it?" She then asks Harry as we reached her,

 "Of course I have" he then replies, "now let's get out of here before the men I knocked out regain their consciousness". Together, we were then walking out of the door when suddenly,

 "Seize the three of them" one of the men of earlier screams as he runs out of the elevator holding the back of his head, "those three, they schemed and have finally taken the 'Golden diamond' they must not get away", then suddenly, all eyes were turned towards us,

 "What do we do now" I asked Harry quietly as I could feel my heart racing,

 "There's only one thing we can do" Harry then whispers back as he looks at Stacy, "Run!", We then immediately zoomed out the building, fully aware we would be followed but we still kept on running. Andre can already be seen leaning on the car along with Vivian and Smith,

 "They would be here from any minute now" Andre replies to the duo that kept on questioning him about when we would arrive, "there they are" Andre then spots them and quickly taps Smith, "quick, you two should get into the car, it's like they're in a hurry", they then quickly opened the doors and entered after which we came zooming in,

 "Quick drive!" Harry says to Smith hurriedly, "we've been busted",

 "Shit!" Smith then exclaims as he turns on the car, "why didn't you tell me that the moment you reached here" the car then zooms off.

Everything seemed safe as it seemed like we were not being followed as l kept on checking from time to time,

 "It's like we lost them" I said with a sigh to Harry who seemed to have stopped panicking, "everything would be okay" I then smiled thinking no one would follow us again when suddenly,

 "Stop the car now!" One of the policemen driving among the many cop cars behind us shouts into a microphone hanging on his neck repeatedly, 

 "Guys we've been caught" I then said with fear as every part of my body was telling me it was over,

 "We are not caught until we are caught" Smith then assures with a smile, "brace yourself everyone, cause it's going to be a bumpy ride" he then matches the accelerator in the process increasing the speed of the car. As we kept on driving, we then saw cops approaching us from our front, Smith been aware of this quickly drives through a nearby turn, we kept on diverting repeatedly until we had almost a multitude of cops on our tail, but we still kept on driving until we encountered a problem, cops were approaching from front and there were no turns,

 "Is this were we get arrested" I then asked as I began to pant due to fear,

 "Don't worry Daren, Smith always has a backup plan, right?", He asks referring to Smith. Although everyone was in panic mode apart from Stacy though, what we just saw was Smith smiling mischievously, then immediately he speeds again, this time towards the approaching cops,

 "What the heck do you think you're doing, do want to get us all killed" Vivian screams to Smith who was apparently paying no attention to her, we all then concluded at that moment that Smith had lost his mind when he suddenly drifts into someone's garage leaving the cop car colliding into each other simultaneously,

 "This guy's a maniac, how did he think of something so disastrous" I thought in shock as Smith then reverses the car then drives of. We were then near our residence when we decided to take a short cut in case we were been followed which made us arrive at the back gate of our building after which we drove in as the gate opens.

 "You guys did a good job, but you were too careless Harry" I heard Mr don say to Harry with disappointment,

 "Sorry boss, it won't repeat itself again" Harry then replies with remorse, Mr don then faces us, 

 "Good job everyone, you can all take of your disguises now" he then says as I removed the sunglasses and moustache I had on, while Stacy cleaned the makeup on her face with a face towel as well as the rest who removed what made them looked different, "for a job well done you guys have earned yourself a break from all work activities and you'll receive your allowance by next week, that includes you Daren" he then faces me "you're gonna get paid since you're one of us now", my face then suddenly lit up, I was gonna get paid, could my life just get any better,

 "Thank you sir" I then thanked the man with gratitude,

 "Don't mention it" he then left the room. While the rest were engrossed in one activity or the other they had going on, I just sat down in one of the chairs while thinking, everything seemed to going well for my good but I was not to forget what was at stake, cause as every second passes, I felt like the day I would get revenge is drawing near.