
Chapter 4

"Andre!" I immediately ran to where he lay shot unable to move and knelt beside him,

"Shit Andre, you're bleeding!" I shouted as I took of my shirt and pressed it against his wound to stop the bleeding, "don't worry you're leaving with me and we'll find a doctor alright" I then pressed harder,

 "There isn't hope anymore, the bullet hit me at one of my vital organs, even if you stop the external bleeding am bleeding internally as well, so it's best for both of us if you move on without me" he said as he coughed out blood, "I really did want to leave here in one piece but I guess that ain't gonna happen, Daren if you really care about me..., leave here... and see the... outside world... for both... of... us...", he then stopped talking as the light in his eyes disappeared and his heartbeat stopped. I then looked forward only to see flames raging towards us, I looked at Andre's body and decided to grieve in my heart as I stood up and started running towards the entrance, upon the raging flames, I could still hear the damn soldiers firing shots at teens, freaking teens!. As I continued running to the entrance, my eyes caught the glimpse of little boy clinging to fuel tank making me loose focus as I tripped on a brick and the tip of a slim metal pole was driven into my leg, "aaaarghhhh" I screamed grabbing my leg in pain as I rolled from side to side trying to ease the pain, from the corner of my eye I could see the flames raging towards me, "it's not even giving me time to be in pain" I cursed while pulling out the pole, I then tied it with a piece of my trouser and was about to start running when the boy called out for help,

 "Please sir..., help..., me..." the boy said as he fainted, at first I wanted to ignore his call, but I then realized the raging flames was fast approaching and the boy was lying beside a fuel tank that was likely to explode if it comes in contact with fire, 'and well it would not turn out good if I let the boy's death befall him, "dammit" I sighed as I ran to pick up the boy, "you'll be coming with me" I quickly carried the boy and placed him on my back then started running again until I was finally out of the building, as I approached the gate, I could see up to six men guarding just the gate, "why!", I exclaimed as I started looking for any other escape routes. Suddenly I could hear a 'shsssss' sound coming from behind me making me to look back inside the building, only to see that the flames had already come in contact with the fuel tank,

 "Shit" I said as I quickly ran and dived far from the building as it exploded in flames which startled the men and they fled, which then opened an opportunity for me "its now or never", I then sprinted past the gate, although some guards heard my footsteps they couldn't react due to the commotion everywhere. I kept on running until the prison was out of sight, "ouch", I was too caught up with escaping that I forgot all about my injured leg, and the way I sprinted seemed to have the pain more severe. I looked at the boy I had at my back and wondered, "of what use will he be to me, I might as well just drop him off at an orphanage but first I need to pay my old man a visit...