
Chapter 3

'How the hell could he tell the outcome of an event from just footsteps, it could be they come bearing good news,

"Play cool" he whispers as the footsteps come to a halt, "here they are", I then directed my gaze from Andre to the approacher who was an heavily built man wearing a suit while at both his sides stood two huge officers but there was a similarity between three of them which was the shared disgust for me filling their eyes,

 "Is there any problem sirs?"Andre asked trying to reduce the tension in the air but he was ignored by the men who had their gaze still fixed on me

 "Speak of the devil" the man suddenly blurted out, 'speak of the devil?, what the fuck does he mean, "you know the saying prevention is better than cure, right?" I nodded even though I knew not what he's talking about, he then mysteriously smiles, "you are a smart kid alright, seize him", before I knew what was happening both officers entered the cell and one grabbed me and pushed me to the ground

 "What the hell..."I exclamated as they tied my hands and feets after which one raised and placed me on his shoulder like I was a cow on its way to the slaughter house, but to be logically speaking, It felt I was on my way to the slaughter house the difference was just that I won't be killed immediately, it was a place where I was gradually going to kick the bucket,

 "Noo, please don't do this to me!!" I pleaded,

"Oh, it was not our intention, it was your father's, he said he doesn't want you attempting to escape" the suited man says admist chuckles,

"What..", I couldn't believe my ears, so he still wants me to suffer even in prison, can he really hate me to that extent. As they finally reached where seemed to be an underground dungeon, they untied my hands and feet and threw me inside after which the door was slung shut. I tried looking around me but I couldn't see as everywhere was pitch black and silent to the extent I thought I was in an empty void. Due to my sight been rendered useless, I used my hands to touch around for a bed or something I could just maybe lay on, it then after a tiring search occured to me that there was nothing of such. I couldn't take it no more, I wanted to end my life right here right now, but I then realized I was being denied of death too, the roof seemed to be very far from my reach, my belt was taking away, no object of any sort was around, I evened tried choking myself but I didn't have the strength to carry that out, I just lay on the cold floor wriggling my body side to side trying to find comfort, I tried thinking of something that would lighten my mood but nothing came to mind, I just lay on the floor shivering and rolling until sleep finally kicked in and I gradually dozed off. 

The immediate and loud ringing of the building's alarm dragged me back to reality as I immediately awoke with a jerk, "what the hell was that" I thought as I found my way to my feet,

 "Daren!" someone holding a torch from front of the dungeon gate shouted, but wait, that was not just anyone, it was Andre,

 "Andre, how did you get here" I asked with confusion as I walked closer to the gate,

"Ain't there time for questions, quick let me help you out" he responded as he unlocked the gate and pulled me out,

 " How did you get the keys, and what was the cause for that deafingly loud alarm that rang earlier" I asked him as he suddenly grabs my hands and starts running, "you haven't explained to me what's going on!" I asked him again as it was starting to scare me

 "I don't know how, but fire suddenly broke out everywhere in the prison building and is spreading fiercely, and with the commotion everywhere, the prison is thrown off guard, so if you still want to escape, there ain't no better time than now, so quit your questions and let's get the hell outta here", he said as we kept on moving forward.

The man was startled at a guards sudden entry "what's with the abrupt entry?" the man questioned,

 "Sir the fire continues to spread uncontrollably even the fire extinguishers have been rendered useless" the guard said in panic,

"what about the prisoners?" the man then asks,

 "That's even the main reason I'm here..., they're escaping" the guard screams as he felt the man's palm land on his face, "you good for nothing guard, why didn't you tell me that when you first ran in here?"

 "I'm sorry sir I didn't kno...",

"there's no time for apologies, round up all the soldiers and tell them to recapture the prisoners" the man then said as he rested his fist on his chin in thought,

 "But sir am not sure any would comply, they're extremely large in number so they could even swarm past and even beat up the soldiers, is there not any other option" the guard advised,

 " You should be ashamed of the words coming out of your mouth, so you're telling me you can't hold your own against mere teens" the man shakes his head in pity, "Then if that's that case, tell them to rain bullet on any prisoner they come in contact with who doesn't comply, now go!". The man's fierce voice was what pushed him out of the room, he then leans on the wall opposite him, "if he could be these angry about prisoners escaping, how would he react if I tell him we can't find his son..., I can't even think about it, I better just do the needful and when the times come, I hope to remain alive".

 "Dude hasten your foot steps, we need to get out of here while there is still hope" Andre said to me as I was running too slow due to the weakness in my whole body as I had not eaten for a while now,

"I wish I could but my body is feeling too weak, even the pace am running at now is killing me" I replied as I tried to increase my speed so as not to hold him back. Suddenly I felt a bullet whiz past my face, "Holy shit" I shouted as the weakness of my body vanished and I was now running like an athlete, "was that a bullet",

"Oh no, its not just that, the soldiers are shooting in all directions, we really need to hurry" Andre said as he increases his speed as well,

 "Isn't that the exit of the building" I said as a smile slowly spreads across my face, Andre then shouts on realizing it as well, "it really is the exit, thank goodne..."

 "Isn't this wonderful, we're finally going to be free" I said with joy, but I didn't hear any response from Andre, "Andre?" I then looked sideways only to see Andre not by my side, I then started hearing groans from behind me making me turn around, "Andre...