
Chapter 2

The mixed smell of rust and decaying matter whizzed past my nostrils, I tried turning my body from left to right but I still couldn't get comfortable and that was not only because of the suffocating odour but I seemed to be laying on a bed without a foam and metal underneath seemed to dealing damage to my back, I then aggressively turned my body in annoyance and ended landing on a place far harder than the bed I lay, I immediately awake with a jerk and some pains, I then looked around and realized I was in jail,

 "What's all the ruckus about" I heard someone say, making me freeze, "Hey I'm talking to you" I heard the voice again and I slowly turned only to see a black dude gazing at me with a frown like he wanted to eat me whole, 'holy shit' I felt a lump down my throat, his frown then gradually turned into a smile

 "Hi" he then said to me and I became speechless. Everytime I hear about prison, there was always negativity in the description but here this guy is being all nice and stuff,

 "Hi" I replied back,

 "You must the new guy who got dumped in this joint the other day, I'm Andre, and you're gonna be stayin' here with me for the rest of you're indefinite days, ha" he says way to cheerfully for a prisoner,

 "yep, that's me" I smiled trying to give off the same vibe as the strange guy in front-- "hold up, what do you mean by indefinite?"

 "It means you gonna be in prison till further notice, poor guy" he said hysterically, I could practically feel my heart aching bitterly, I was pained to the core and this guy is freaking taking my situation as something to laugh about,

 "But dude, you sure are one hell of a serial killer" he laughs, but I didn't take it the way he expected me to,

 "Shut you're damn mouth Andre, I'm innocent, I didn't do shit, I'm not a criminal like you!!" I shouted almost deafingly, startling the officer watching us,

 "Shut the fuck up" the officer doing patrol roared at me after which, he passes,

"What the hell was that" the guy says, making me turn to face him, "I'm tryin' to nice and you clearly shoved it at my face, and you know, try to listen to people before you start judgin' them y'know", I could see tears forming on his eyes as he goes to lie on his bed, he then faces me again, "and the next time you call my name in that manner, I'm gonna make sure those will be your last words, ya' hear me!" he then lies on his bed, from where I was I could hear him quietly sobbing, out of pity and in order not to make an enemy on my first day in prison, I decided to approach him,

"I'm sorry for the way I came out earlier, guess I was just really annoyed at some things but if it at all helps im here to hear you're problems if you want to talk", I sympathized but he didn't respond, "guess I deserve that" I then sighed and was about to leave his presence when he spoke,

 "I was framed for murder to on my seventeenth year birthday, the day I was supposed to be happy..." He was saying, but wait a minute, I knew he wasn't that old, no wonder he's still cheerful..., Stop Daren don't think about that now, you freaking hurt someone feelings

 "I'm sorry I didn't know", I pitied the lad, his predicament wasn't that different from mine,

 "...after which I was put on trial then sentenced to ten years in prison, but instead of crying over it, I decided to accept my fate and be cheerful, and I ain't even got no relatives to bail me out of this shit hole" he said with a smile, "you gotta try to be cheerful too, it's gonna help",

I'll try" I smiled back deciding to take his advice and try to embrace cheerfulness, but there was one thing I knew I was not gonna embrace, and that was the fact that I will be here for long.

I tilted my eyes down the path leading to the prison gate, and from the look of the surrounding it seemed that the prison was lacking necessary funds from the government, the two security guards on duty were just lazily dozing off on chairs just in front of the gate, I continued examining the surroundings as I had planned to leave here one day. As I was lost in thought, I had no idea when an extremely long plank was wiped against my head making me yell as I fell to the ground,

 "Your purpose here is not to be surveying, it is to do the dirty work assigned to you, now get your ass up and complete your duty" the supervisor commanded. As I went back to my labour I began to wonder if this was how I'll be suffering everyday, why did he do this to me, someone I cherished, I could feel tears dropping from my eyes when I got another wip that blacked me out.

A sigh escaped my lips as I leaned against a wall, there was no way in hell I'm gonna keep leaving like this, I have to find a way to break out of this joint and fast,

 "Word of advice, if you wanna survive in this prison you gotta stop standing out, Incase you haven't noticed this isn't a prison for adults, that means they can go all out on us, knowing fully well we ain't gonna retaliate" he said with a serious and concerned expression on his face, so he did care about me it felt soothing but I didn't really care about that,

"I'm going to leave this place in no distant time" I said with a determined look on my face

 "You're planning to break out!" he said in a rather trembling tone, "it's a very risky feat, even though this prison is security lacking their penalty for offenses is brutal"

 "Well I can't just stay and continue to be treated like shit, I have to do..." Andre suddenly put his hand over my mouth,

 "Shhhh, someone's coming" he whispers as the footsteps came closer, "I've gat a bad feeling about this Daren, those footsteps ain't friendly" he said as he faces me, "brace yourself for what's about to happen"