
Chapter 10

"Happy birthday!!!" Everyone screams together as Harry stands in front of his cake,

"What are you waiting for, blow your candle" Vivian then persuades Harry who then blows the candle, making everyone give him an applause. As everyone began celebrating and singing, I from the edge of the room just sat on a chair while observing their behaviours, they were all so cheerful and it made me wish I could be as carefree as them.

Their celebration was brought to a pause as Mr don walks into the room, he then notices everyone suddenly went silent,

"Don't mind me, just continue with whatever you have going on, I just want to speak with Daren" he says as he calls me over and then we both left the room.

As we continued walking through the passage then finally to the exit of the building, I wondered what he could possibly want to talk to me about,

"Let's go sit at that spot" he points to a shade that had several chairs arranged under it. As we then settled down he then faces me with an expression that made me feel something terrible has happened,

"Is everything alright sir?" I then asked with concern,

"For me, yes, but for you, I'm not so sure" he then replies making me become more confused, "let me start from the very beginning, at the time when all of you were away, I had some men go observe sir Rogers estate as I heard some men that might be the ones you're after reside there,", I then leaned forward as the explanation began taking my interest,

"But sir the explanation seems to quite enticing so what's with the unhappy face?" I then asked as I absolutely saw no reason to be sad whatsoever,

"Just listen and you'll understand" he replies as he continues, "before I tell you our discovery let me give some details the man known as 'Patrick Filan", he and your father were co-workers in the same business, as you know your father was an extremely successful and wealthy man, he even became the CEO of the company, but Patrick on the other hand was not all that successful, but since they were really close, Patrick did not bear any jealousy towards Rogers, but instead he just approached him and asked him the key to his success, Rogers on the other hand then told him a business he could invest in and the gain he would get, and it made Patrick so pleased that he decide to check it out immediately, then later on things began to get out of hand, it all started when Patrick resigned from the business your father owned and focused all his attention on the business he was currently investing in as it was making him gain millions, as if that was not enough, Patrick began scheming mischievously which Rogers later found out would cause hardship to him and everyone around, this then lead him to the point when he had to shut down the investment business which also affected Patrick as he had already put half of his wealth into the business. Filled with rage he then decided to destroy Rogers and everything he had ever worked on up to his current stage, and it appears Patrick was successful",

"Why tell me all this?" I then asked with a straight face,

"After telling you this, I wanted to see how you'll respond if I told you what we discovered" he then replies, "but on a second thought I don't think you're ready for what I'm about to tell you",

"Come on tell me I can take it" I said as I was getting more curious than ever,

"Your..." he pauses unable to continue,

"My what?" I then asked, "come on what's so hard for you to just tell me"

"Your..., your..., Mother is dead",

"Come again, say what" I then said thinking the footsteps of the rest of our crew approaching us was what disturbed my hearing,

"I know it's hard for you to take in but she's dead, we found her body", he says feeling pity for me, I then faced him, "are you okay" he asks,

"Of course I'm fine" I replied, "it's not like there was anything I could do in the first place", but he knew better than anyone what self deception looked like, "now if you'll excuse me, I would like to take a quick nap " I then walked off,

"Hey Daren'" Vivian calls after me, but I was in no mood to engage in conversation,

"Just let him be" Mr don says as he stands for his chair, "he's going through a tough process that might affect him positively or negatively so let's just say the next time you meet him he certainly would've changed big time",

"Poor guy" Stacy sighs.

"It's all my fault" I muttered as I walked into my room, "it's all my fucking fault, while I was here goofing l had no idea this was going to happen, if I had only..., if only I had gotten my revenge sooner, she might've been alive" I punched the wall in anger as tears found their way out of my eyes. As I continued regretting bitterly every moment I wasted, my heart suddenly began to ache me, "arrrgh" I grabbed my chest in pain as I fell to the ground, my sight started blurring, it then occured to me that I was loosing consciousness, and in that moment I began seeing my past memories flash before my eyes, I then began thinking "why is my life flashing before my eyes, am I about to die", then my consciousness continued fading until everywhere went black, "Mum...