
Chapter 74. Time Needed

Rachel's gaze settled on Dylan, knowing full well that the older woman was just as capable of bold and unconventional actions as her mother or even better. With a meaningful look, she thinks about Dylan's question.


Taking a deep breath, Rachel's tone was tinged with a hint of resignation as she began. "I was disappointed at first."


"But?" Dylan's brow furrowed slightly.


"I'm not being kicked out, just told to reflect. There will be a better stage for me to shine on during the next world tour." Rachel's expression softened as she explained.


A serene smile graced her features as she continued. "This time, I want to support Harper in her achievements. I want to be there for her—four months, five, or six. I have that much time to make up for the two years we lost." Rachel said as she took Harper's hand in hers.