
My Idol My Wife (GxG)

Harper Wilson, an attractive and imaginative YouTuber, leads a seemingly uncomplicated life on the road with her campervan, documenting her travels and thrilling her loyal audience. But unknown to her followers, Harper carries a secret that only a select few are privy to - she is married to Rachel Lee, a charismatic and very famous K-pop idol. Behind the glitz and glamour of Rachel's public persona lies a deeply personal and private life that she guards fiercely. Amidst the glimmering world of fame, Rachel and Harper have discovered a refuge where they have nurtured a secret bond shielded from the intrusive gaze of the public. They carefully manage through the complexities of their contrasting worlds, where the temptation of celebrity clashes with the peacefulness of a nomadic life. However, as the unforeseen danger of being discovered approaches, Harper and Rachel are confronted with a devastating choice. Will they dare to expose the truth, potentially putting Rachel's career and their precious relationship at stake? Or will they continue to live in the shadows, protecting their fragile, yet profound connection?

ToriAnne · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

Chapter 21. Not Approved

"You should've stopped her! Not encouraged her!" Their mother's voice erupted, the shrill tone piercing the air as she stood before Sophia, her face twisted with fury. "And what makes you think she can just stop going to school? I told you I wouldn't pay for anything if she was going to Seoul! How are you going to make her go to school?"


Sophia straightened her posture, her expression unwavering despite the rising tension. "Rachel will be attending Yongsan International School in Seoul. It's already been paid for, and I've helped her with the transfer process," she explained softly, without any fears.


The sound of a sharp slap echoed through the room, leaving a vivid red mark on Sophia's pale skin. "What do you mean she's going to an international school in Seoul? That costs at least $30,000 USD! And who's going to pay for it? You don't even have that kind of money, and I'm not going to let you use the credit card! That was your father's and my money!"


Sophia took a deep breath, steeling herself against the onslaught of her mother's accusations. "It's already been paid for, Mom. I have the receipts for the school admission and everything," she stated, firmly gazing at her mother.


Their mother's eyes narrowed, suspicion etched into every line of her face. "Who paid for it?"


"Someone who's acknowledging Rachel's talent," Sophia replied, doesn't really want to bring Harper into their family drama.


"Who?" their mother demanded, her hands clenching into fists.


"Harper, her name is Harper Wilson. She's in Germany," Sophia explained, her tone measured.


Their mother's brow furrowed, a mixture of confusion and disbelief crossing her features. "Is she rich? Where does she go to school? University?"


Sophia steadied herself, knowing that her next words would only further infuriate their mother. "I don't know if she's rich or not, but she's attending Heidelberg University," she revealed, bracing herself for the inevitable backlash.


Their mother's eyes widened, her expression morphing into one of shock and indignation. "Heidelberg University? That's one of the most prestigious universities in Europe! And she's paying for Rachel's education? How does she even know our family? What gives her the right to interfere with my daughter's life?"


Sophia held up a hand, attempting to interject and defuse the situation. "Mom, please, let me explain. Harper is Rachel's sister and our sister. She's been in contact with Rachel and is going to support her dream of becoming an idol. She's-" Sophia is trying to explain the meaning of sister: "not sister like me or Rachel, but it's like more, the bestest friends, something like that."


"Sister?" their mother scoffed, her voice dripping with disdain. "I have no other children besides you and Rachel. This Harper person is trying to deceive you, Sophia. I won't allow it. Rachel is staying here, and she will continue her education as I see fit. There is no more talk of Seoul or international schools. Is that clear?"


Sophia felt a surge of desperation and resolve coursing through her veins. She had come too far and invested too much to let her mother's stubborn refusal derail Rachel's dreams. Taking a steady breath, she met her mother's glare with a steely gaze of her own.


"No, Mom. Rachel is going to Seoul, and she's going to Yongsan International School. Harper has already paid for it, and Jonathan and I are going to support her every step of the way. This is Rachel's dream, and we owe it to her to give her every opportunity to succeed."


The room fell into a tense silence, the air thick with the weight of their confrontation. "Are you not going to obey me?" their mother demanded, her voice dripping with authority.


Sophia straightened her posture and squared her shoulders with determination. "I'm the top student at Harvard Law School, and Jonathan is set to get into Cornell Medical School. We've done everything as you wished, and you have no reason to stop supporting us. If you do, you'll lose your top-performing children," she explained. Her voice is firm and solid.


Their mother fell silent, realizing that her children were her formidable assets in their own rights. Sophia knew exactly where to strike, targeting her mother's weakness—the desire to maintain her image and control over her children's success.


"I'll never allow you to share or give anything to Rachel," their mother spat, her eyes narrowing with resentment.


"Never," Sophia responded, her voice calm and collected. "We're not using your money or your father's to support Rachel. Your money and Father's are going to me and Jonathan, as you see fit. To support us as your precious chess pieces, your pride and joy."


The words hung in the air, each one cutting deeper than the last. Sophia could see the fury building within her mother's expression—the realization that her children were no longer entirely beholden to her wishes.


"You!" their mother exclaimed, her finger pointed accusingly. "I'll check your and Jonathan's accounts every month! And if I know you've done something or sent her money or anything, I'll make sure you receive a proper punishment!"


Sophia inclined her head, and a small smile formed in the corner of her mouth. "Yes, Mom. Sure."


Her mother's expression softened momentarily. "You've always been the responsible one, Sophia. She is the one who keeps everything together. But what if this doesn't work out? What if Rachel ends up disappointed?"


Sophia reached out and placed a hand on her mother's arm, giving her assurance. "Mom, there are no guarantees in life. Rachel knows that, and so do we. But if we don't take a chance on her dreams, we'll never know what she's truly capable of. And even if things don't go as planned, we'll be there to support her and help her find her way; that's what family is for."


Her mother sighed, her shoulders slumping with a mix of resignation and uncertainty. "I don't like this, Sophia. I don't like it one bit. But if you're convinced that this is the right path for Rachel, then I will trust your judgment. But let it be known; if any harm comes to her because of this choice, it will be on your shoulders."


Sophia nodded. "I promise, mom."


"I hope you know what you're doing, Sophia. I hope you haven't underestimated the challenges that lie ahead." Their mother hissed, still finding the idea of Rachel being in the entertainment industry unsettling.


"Yes, mom." Sophia answered again, taking a deep breath. After this, she will talk to Rachel.


Their mother's gaze darted around the room, searching for her other prized possession. "Where's Jonathan?" she screamed, the desperation in her voice thick.

"He'll say the same things as me, Jonathan, I mean." She said this to her mother.

"Oh, be quiet!" Sophia sees her mother walking away from her and looking for Jonathan.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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