
My Identity Is Becoming More and More Astonishing

"Great Mr. Chen Yu, having been successfully elected as the leader of the human race last night, do you have anything you'd like to say to the whole world?" Chen Yu got out of bed, bewildered and still undressed, "I don't know, I just woke up...” …

Ah, okay, okay, okay · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
129 Chs

Chapter 26 Golden Legend!

The next day.

Chen Yu slept until the sun was three poles high.

Groggily opening his eyes, he grabbed his phone to check the time, got out of bed, and pulled open the curtains.

The bright midday sunlight instantly poured in, nearly piercing through him.


Rubbing his sore face, he quickly washed up, got dressed, left his room, and went to his neighbor's door next door.

As the saying goes, there's no sorrow that can't be solved with one round of video games.

If there is, then play another round.

Chen Yu didn't know how big of a blow a breakup was to his neighbor.

All he knew was that last night, the guy next door had been watching movies until the early morning...

Considering his neighbor's capacity for such "hand movements," he was very concerned about his physical condition.

He leaned in close and listened for a bit.

He didn't hear any noise.

Chen Yu then tentatively pushed the door.


The security door opened with a noise.


Stepping in gently, Chen Yu immediately saw his chubby neighbor sitting at the computer desk.

There he was, "fierce-faced," "hands fiercely smashing," continuously battering the keyboard and mouse, controlling the character on the screen to unleash skills.

The title above his neighbor's head had also changed back from "Striving Youth" to "Useless Otaku."

"It's not easy to improve, but falling back into old habits is damn quick."

Muttering to himself, Chen Yu saw that his neighbor was okay and relaxed. He walked over and patted him on the shoulder, "Hey, good morning."

The chubby neighbor toned down his "ferocious" expression, gave Chen Yu a cold look, and without saying anything, continued his game.

"Bro, feeling defeated?" Chen Yu, hugging his neighbor's shoulder, carelessly said, "How about a run outside?"

"Got something on?" the chubby neighbor pursed his lips, "If not, go out and don't interrupt my game."

"You angry?" Chen Yu was surprised.

Chubby neighbor: "…No."

Chen Yu: "Have you forgotten your dreams?"

Chubby neighbor: "I've never had any dreams."

Chen Yu: "Who was it yesterday then, who said they wanted to change completely, not to be a 'Useless Otaku' anymore, and become a real man?"

Chubby neighbor: "Not me. I'm just a loser, being a 'Useless Otaku' suits me just fine."

"Damn it." Chen Yu exclaimed and threw a punch that knocked the neighbor to the ground.

"What... what are you doing?" The chubby neighbor, lying on the ground, was stunned for a long time before he reacted, scrambled to his feet, and bellowed angrily, "You really think I won't fight back?"

"Good." Chen Yu crossed his arms, smiling, "Still got some spirit, there's hope for you yet."

"Do you have a problem or not? Stop bothering me, okay?" The neighbor sat back at the computer, his face dark, and continued manipulating the mouse and keyboard.


Chen Yu, with one flying kick, knocked the monitor away.

Glass shattered everywhere.

Then he grabbed his enraged neighbor and headed out, "What's so special about playing keyboard warrior? I'll find you a place to vent."

"Get lost! I'm not looking for hookers!"

"Who said anything about hooking you up with hookers? You think that shit passes censorship?"

Dragging his neighbor out the door, down the stairs, and into a taxi.

Chen Yu, familiar with the route, arrived at a Fight Club in the western suburbs of Qingcheng, got two membership cards, and headed to a punching bag at one of the rings.

"Come on." Chen Yu picked up a pair of boxing gloves from the ground and threw them to his neighbor, "Punch the bag, that should do for venting."


Silently, the chubby neighbor gave Chen Yu a deep look, gritted his teeth, put on the gloves, and suddenly delivered a heavy punch to the punching bag!


The force was so fierce and the sound so loud that it stunned the nearby members, all of whom turned to look.

"Definitely a fighting prodigy," Chen Yu nodded in satisfaction, waving his hand, "Keep going."



The chubby neighbor started throwing punches. Though the technique was unprofessional, each punch was powerful, and he growled as he struck, "You… aren't afraid I'll punch you?"

Chen Yu: "You wouldn't hit me."

The chubby neighbor turned his head, swung his fist, and began to curse, "You motherf—"

"You can't even open your mouth." Chen Yu interrupted.

Chubby neighbor: "…"

"Know why I'm doing this to you?" Chen Yu took a half step back smoothly.

The chubby neighbor glared at Chen Yu but didn't respond, continuing to punch with a "bang, bang, bang."

"Because from the start I could see your effort was in the wrong direction," Chen Yu began his spiel again.

"Don't bother with that nonsense," the chubby neighbor sped up his punching.

Chen Yu, ignoring him, continued, "A big man, a 'Hero of Humanity' who even dared to report me, and you're saying it's all for a woman? Aren't you ashamed?"

The chubby neighbor kept punching.

Chen Yu: "From the beginning, I told you that the reason I push you and help you is because I admire your courage in confronting darkness and upholding justice."

The chubby neighbor threw punches with his head down.

Chen Yu: "I don't want someone with principles like you to suffer retaliation for your righteous acts in the future."

The chubby neighbor threw punches with his head down.

Chen Yu: "That's why I want you to become stronger—to be able to face the darkness ahead. You did just that; you worked hard running, losing weight, swimming. But in just one day, you veered off the path."

The chubby neighbor paused for half a second before punching again.

"For a woman? Tsk, tsk." With his hands behind his back, Chen Yu paced the ring, muttering, "You should know that darkness in this world is not limited to violence. Lust is also a big part of it. A true king should always be clear about his goals. What are you striving for? What change are you looking for? What's the purpose of your training and getting stronger? Isn't it to empower yourself?"

"Ah, today a girl could sway you and make you lose your purpose. Tomorrow if someone offers you ten million, will you chase after money? The day after, if a gang leader offers you the position of deputy gang leader, will you then chase after status and power?"

The chubby neighbor stood gasping for air, staring blankly at the punching bag in front of him.

Chen Yu pressed his advantage: "Remember, all your efforts and struggles are for yourself. Not for me, your brother, nor for any disastrous woman. You're doing it for yourself, OK?"

"Think about how you were yesterday and the day before. Do you think you were normal? Pure, pure simp! Just a few words from a girl and you were head over heels."

"In fact? She was someone I hired for ten thousand yuan."

"Do you think there's a chance in the future that an enemy might spend more money to trap you with an even more beautiful woman? Then is the strength you've developed just to be used by others?"

"Whether you want to be a king or just an ordinary person, you need to be clear about one thing."

"The pursuit of a beautiful girl isn't the reason you became badass!"

"It's because you're badass that you attract the pursuit of girls."

"Money, status, power, connections—it's all the same."

"Now think back, you being a 'useless otaku,' completely worthless, broke as hell, yet a beautiful girl pursuing you—that's purely a trap, isn't it?"

"..." The chubby neighbor remained silent, slowly squatting down, lost in thought.

"Brother." Chen Yu also squatted down, patting the neighbor's shoulder: "For those whom heaven places in great positions, it first toughens their hearts, wears them out… whatever the hardship. It's about making you endure hardship to be superior. All the small losses and lessons today are to equip you with experience to avoid bigger losses tomorrow!"

"...I understand." The chubby neighbor pursed his lips, took a deep breath: "These past couple of days, I really was an idiot. Yu, I appreciate your tough love."

"Right!" Chen Yu was relieved: "Experience gained from mistakes made. It's okay to fall down; get back up, correct your course, forever carry out your true self, that's victory!"

"Okay!" The chubby neighbor clenched his teeth, stood up abruptly, and hit the punching bag in front of him with even greater force.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom—"

The noise was so loud it hurt Chen Yu's ears.

"Fuck the dames!" The neighbor punched fiercely.


"Fuck the chicks!"


"Women only delay the speed of my punches!"


"Women only affect my progress in becoming stronger!"


"I am doing this for myself!"


"I am doing this for my brothers!"


"Hell no, not for the women!"

"Boom, boom, boom—"


"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom—"

The punching bag swing wildly, and a female instructor couldn't stand it anymore and climbed onto the platform, covering her ears to intervene: "Sir, please, it's break time now…"

"Go to hell, woman!"


The chubby neighbor, as if mad, turned around and threw a fierce punch at the female instructor!


The female instructor fell to the ground, her legs stretched out stiff…

Chen Yu: "..."

"Roar!!" The chubby neighbor's muscles bulged, he clenched his fists and roared.

He felt as if something inside him was about to burst out!

The boiling, bizarre energy made him even less clear-headed, only wanting to recklessly vent the frustration in his heart.

At the same time, the title "useless otaku" above his head faded at an extremely fast rate.

Before the shocked Chen Yu could react, that title changed from "useless otaku" to "not to be underestimated!"


Then, accompanied by a blinding golden light, even more text bars than last time "exploded" out of the neighbor's body!

Dozens of them!

Dense and almost completely covering the neighbor.

Among them, one right across his chest was particularly eye-catching!

[(A+ grade) (Golden) Beastly Strength: With accumulating rage, strength can grow indefinitely without limit.]

"Holy shit! A golden legend!"

Chen Yu also burst out swearing: "Holy fuck!!!"
