
My Husband Son of God.

" Who are you !? " I heard a weak voice. I stood frozen and just stared back at him. He had piercing eyes full of distrust and hostility. " Who are you !? And where am I !?" - he turned his head looking for something familiar. " W-what is this place !? " " Try and..r-r-relax please ! " - I put my hands up and indicated no hostility. " Y-you shouldn't move just yet.. Granny!!" --- Don't judge..every love story needs a start. This was mine.

NLorane · Fantasia
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152 Chs

Chapter Thirty Three. *

After back in the wagon I took a place next Anna and let the ride lull me to my dreams filled with unlady like behaviour and normal stuff too.

I woke to a bit of commotion and alone.

The wagon was standing still and the sounds of cheers came from the outside. Still groggy, I walked out and saw it was late afternoon.

There was a fight in a middle of the circle between two of our escorts. Behind them the most incredible Lake.

Lime lake, as the locals called with was much bigger than I thought.

Its waters looked beautiful and treacherous. From here it was bathed in the setting orange of the sun.

The fight reached its peak and the others cheered them on.

I saw Alexander and Demelza with my daughter not far all shouting and encouraging the fighters.

Demelza waves me over. " You woke. I was just about go wake you ! "

I walked over quickly. " Where is Zephyr? "

I patted Anna's hair and looked around but not a sign of him.

" He went swimming with some others. I bet he want see the bottom of the endless Lime lake. " - he looked at giant lake a little distance away and the back at me. " My brother not afraid of anything.."

Is that so?

" You brother..is a damn fool sometimes! No wonder you found each other. " - since I didn't see them. " Did Eli and Lucian gone with him?"

" They did. Want me to show you?" - Demelza got up and dusted her dress

" I want to swim too." - Ilianna reached toward me.

I took Anna with me and followed Demelza down a well traveled path leading to the lake.

Soon, I saw some people form a far.

I noticed my sister blonde hair. As we went closer I saw Metill sons, Lucian and Norman. No sign Zephyr..

We walked close enough too see them and I was getting scared. Did he actually went to the bottom of some..monster lake?

I walked closer to the black water. " Hey!! Wher.."


Just then, I heard a sound above us and saw my idiot standing 30 feet up on a tree branch. He was soaking wet.

Ughh..I can't sleep for a few hours. Also look at him standing there, imagine him without his warm smile, he would've looked like a executioner from under the depths of the black waters.

I covered my eyes, shielding it from the last light of the sun. " Did you have a nice swim!? And don't you dare appear behind me!!"

He just smiled amused and took a step off the branch into empty space.

I shouldn't but, my heart still missed a beat seeing do stunts like that. I suppose him getting better using it is the only way forward...

He appeared a few feet in front of us but some water from his clothes, coupled with the wind still reached us, making Ilianna very happy.

" Dad, let me swim in the big lake ! "

" Ok princess but, only in the shallows, it becomes.." - he looked at the water and chuckled.

" ...Quite deep after just a few steps."

He picked up his running daughter as he explained the rules.

The younger brother Manata Emil was the first to arrive " Did you see the bottom Master? "

He shook his head while looking towards the deep waters." I don't believe there is one..it was just darkeness. After a while it was hard to tell which way was which. It felt incredible and chilling to the bone." - rubbed his shoulders a little.

His smile did not match his words of a literal nightmare lake.

The others looked as horrified at least as I felt.

How nice going so deep in water that you can't tell which is way is the bottom anymore. Idiot..

I stepped closer before he gets swallowed by other questions clearly coming. " Zephyr?..a moment."

My voice was calm as the deep waters but, just as cold.

He sighed fully knowing what's coming and give Eli her niece to look after.

We walked further into the forest I was standing with my back to him.

I was all too ready to give him a piece of my mind and let him grovel a little.. by the time I turned around he was half naked.

" What is this? " - I pointed at his nakedness.

He raised an eyebrow looking confused. " It's nothing..it's me drying my clothes love.. Why? "

"..no reason, g-go on."

He looked amused at what his naked top half did to me.

He stepped forward and twisted his shirt with the water splashing on the ground and waited patiently for my brain to work again but, it didn't.

" Shouldn't you go on? You wanted to talk to me? "

" Right..I was.." - I shook my head and close my eyes only to open and see him took off his shoes and started on his pants..

" Lylly?? Go on.."

I swear to Ehlite..

" Yes..right it's a a...S-stop undressing! " - I ended up stopping his hand moving. " I can't concentrate you idiot.."

" I'm sorry if you have difficulty honey but, I need this down now with the sun setting. " - he looked behind and continued with his pant. "...so go on."

" You don't think, I know what you doing? " - I turned his head around to face me.

He sighed with all so obvious fake frustration.

He sat down with his pants still on..good there is no telling what would've happened.

" Now..tell me, did it scare you me going under water? " - he pointed behind him. "Perhaps you think it was stupid?" - he pointed at his head. " Am I anywhere close? "

Listen to those condescending questions..his theatrical hand gestures.

He obviously knew it would make me angry and done it anyway.


" Hmph.." - I threw my hair around and left.

I walked back to the others without looking back.

We'll see if that curbs his bad behaviour.

I arrived back at the people we left. Anna was having fun 2 ft in the Lake and splashing Eli and Lucian.

They already looked the part..just like me and Zephyr, before we became parents.

" I'm going back..I'm hungry." - I touched my sister's shoulder once close enough.

She looked behind me searching. " What about Zephyr? Where is he? "

" Drying himself..look after my daughter Lucian ..or it's your ass." - patted his back passing him.

I walked back the camp. The fighting has ended and most were enjoying a stew from several large cauldrons on the healthy fires.

I went back inside the wagon and counted patiently. It took around 5 minutes.

He looked and after confirming it, stepped inside.

" My love..are you very mad still ? " - he took a seat in front of me.

" ... "

" Please don't this.."

I just stared without a word. He looked annoyed.

"..I'm sorry. I was reckless having fun. But that was all..fun. " - he took my hand and even if in the ever darkened space.I saw his eyes shining. " It may sounded dangerous from my words. Try and see my perspective?"

I was happy to see him having fun..I suppose things sounding insane to me are child's play to him.

Seeing the bottom of an endless lake..he can do it.

Or at least close enough.

At this point my silence was visibly distressing him..I kind of wanted to tease him more.

" Hmm.."

" What was that?? What is that!? " - he laughed a little and shook his head in confusion.

I couldn't hide my smile anymore.

I invited him as you would any cat. He climbed on top of me settling in comfortably. Pulling my dress up.

I stopped his hand. " Zephyr we can't!! Anyone can just..peak in. Not mention it's walls made of fabric."

To make my point I tapped the sides.

He kissed my neck and felt his grip on my dress become stronger then move it to the side a little and let it go. " I'm not doing anything..your dress made my knees uncomfortable. How dirty minded do you think I am? "

He said that but then,kept pulling it up. And pulling my panties aside. I lost my reasoning really quickly once I felt it teasing me.

" You asking me that? I can feel your dirty mind creeping inside me..right now. No... We can't.. not in he.."

He smothered my words with his tongue then entered me filling me up and all hell brake loose.

We got into the our rhythm fast and was close to lose myself like always but, something terrible happened early on in our insanity, someone knocked.

" Hello..sorry don't want to be rude..khmm the entire wagon is moving. It also..the sounds."

We were saved by Demelza's voice of reason and quick response to the most obvious situation I foresaw already.

" Ok ..alright tha.." - I panted under him and could barely get the words out.".. Demelza. "

I pushed him off me, now only in his shirt and me adjusted my underwear in the now almost dark wagon.

On his back he adjusted himself." Soo..you might've been right about the location thing.."

" Of course I was..it's all your fault don't listen anyone " - I slapped his chest. "..acting like some underwater fish. We might as done in it in front of everyone..ughh."

I felt his hands on me and got goosebumps head to toe. He knelt behind me felt him pushing it against me through the very thin dress of mine.

His licked my ear and pulled me even closer grabbing my breast." Is that what you really disappointed about? " - and then he pulled away and layed back down leaving me all hot and bothered. "...also next time you go Malai. Get some more of those panties...some nice black ones."

I got disappointed even fully knowing he can't ravage me, not here. Went back adjusting my dress.

" Shut up and go out first.. make sure no one is looking when I go out. Stop teasing .." - I grabbed it still rock hard. " Pull your pants up before I do something I'll regret."

" Fine.." - he pulled it up, with some difficulty.

He stepped out after some time and I made a couple of mental notes.

More nice black underwear. Check. Wagons move during sex. CHECK. Sex in front of others. CHECK.