
My Husband Son of God.

" Who are you !? " I heard a weak voice. I stood frozen and just stared back at him. He had piercing eyes full of distrust and hostility. " Who are you !? And where am I !?" - he turned his head looking for something familiar. " W-what is this place !? " " Try and..r-r-relax please ! " - I put my hands up and indicated no hostility. " Y-you shouldn't move just yet.. Granny!!" --- Don't judge..every love story needs a start. This was mine.

NLorane · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
202 Chs

Chapter Thirty Seven. *

I was angry but, after various promises made and pampering received. I agreed to stop hurting him.

" By Ehlite..you can't help yourself can you?"

" ..You're right. " - he admitted it hanging his head.

He surprised me, admitting it so plainly and so outright. He looked at the ground but, I don't think he saw dirt there.

" I found it and..couldn't hold myself back. I could've escaped, would've been nothing really, a single step in any direction. " - he was honest and open, each word let us see inside him. " I just didn't want to. I received these injures not because she was dangerous..but, because I got distracted thinking..damn, this is too easy. "

He turned to me with sadness in his eyes, his face not a scratch or blemish. A work of art really.

" I'm sorry Lylly. I broke my promise like it meant nothing..but please believe me. " - he rested his forehead on mine and closed his eyes as if imagining it. " I had this. I knew.. I knew I had it, the moment I saw her."

I felt..lighter. From now on at least I can plan ahead accordingly.

I gonna marry a battle hungry idiot. He didn't understand I known more of him than he thought.

" Why you smiling my love? "

I smiled..then bit his neck.

" Lylly!!?"

" No more making promises you can't keep! You gonna tell me everything that goes on in your head." - I poked his forehead hard enough to push it back. " Especially those thoughts that would make me into some sad widow. Understand!? "

" You're not..angry then? I don't have to.."

I put my finger on his mouth before he blabed out my fantasies. " Oh no..that still on, once our house is finished. "

He looked scared but, I want my curiosity satisfied.

Alexander waited patiently and thinking hard. " After you killing this one brother.. I wonder maybe you can kill them all. Hell, maybe.."

" Please Alex, let's just go home. You know we have work to do. And kill them all? Do you even know how many or perhaps where they are exactly? " - he looked at me shrugged his shoulders.

I bite his neck again. He really think I don't see through his word?

" Stop with the witty questioner you idiot. You will not leave our home until we get married. - I moved down on his now bare chest. " Don't forget what...you.. say.. huh?"

I bite his chest area with every word as a punishment but, felt him stiffened under me. He liked me biting him? I looked into his lustful eyes and licked his chest..

" Khmmm.. we still here. " - Demelza tiny voice was like a cold shower.

I got off him desperately wishing to be home..in our own home.

This attractive bastard turned me into some exhibitionist.

I layed back down and rested my head on his stomach and pinched his leg.

" Zephyr!! "

" Fine absolutely. All fighting postponed until our marriage. We celebrate your birthday and find out Anna's. " - he nodded agreeing with all, because he had no choice. " Then you chose me a day you'll like..and surprise me. How is that? "

" Good..I'll do that and you have love it okay? "

" I will. You interested choosing my age too for me?" - he flashed a perverted smile.

Uhh that was interesting.

I always did wonder. I looked to my right nodding my head. This one needed some serious consideration.

The hunting party yet to return. Eli and Anna did with some random flower collection since even I didn't know his favourite.

He loved it very much and thanked them both. Ilianna took her seat and Eli scanned our surroundings like I did about an hour back.

I rubbed some nice smelling ointment on his back which completely soothed him and covered the bruises which stopped bleeding a long time ago.

" Ahh..Vistellia is a genius. " - he tilted his head so he can face me upside down. " What is in this? "

" It's eucalyptus that gives its smell. " - kissed his nose and were done. " Refreshed? "

" Very.."

" They taking too long no? "

Eleanor seemed to be concerned about Lucian who led our man away.

Looking the nightmarish fangs close to us, the worst they run into are boars or some other normal animals. The fangs though, Zephyr told us not to touch it. Like most snake it might still had its venom in it. He wanted to extract it later.

He smiled at her nervous back and forth " Don't worry Eli. Lucian is very reliable for his age. At sixteen he has more common since than some older man around him." - he looked toward the other man sipping hot tea.

" If that was a jab at me brother. I won't respond to it. " - Demelza by his side looked very proud and ignored what was said.

Zephyr smiled and turned to Eli. " ..anyway. There is no need to fear for him."

Eleanor nodded absent mindlessly. She looked too distracted to listen for anything logical.

She soon ran off once sighting the party return. With empty handed.

" What happened..Zephyr only killed a few minutes before you left."

Alexander was front of them searching for the body of Tori like they could hide it.

Lucian after he was released by Eli explained what they say. " There was only the shape inked to the ground that's left. No body, not even blood."

Same with Emet..except this time it was an hour not a day.

" Something that big ..how could it be gone?"

I asked Zephyr but, had no answers either.

Looks like the souvenir he took are the only earthly remains left behind by the divine beast.

" It's unfortunate. But can't be helped. We have more important things to do. " - he handed me a disappointed little girl. " All those who made the decision to join us go and start gathering everything and anything they want to bring to their new home."

The elder brother Moritz went with his people and checked in on those decided already. Zephyr turned to Manata.

" I've heard there are some who are reluctant to leave their homes. May I see them?"

" Of course master. I gather them at once."

He raced away to bring back that frumpy old man who left once Zephyr returned to discuss something and the other family who didn't wanna commit.

It was late afternoon and the little valley was bathed in gold. Soon not only the elders but, what seemed like the whole village returned.

The previous old man walked to the fore front.

" Lord Zephyr. My name is Isun Hue. And in the name of all those came before me, I thank you. " - he looked at sky then bowed slightly. " By killing Tori our snake Queen you fulfilled dreams of generations."

Ohh..he wasn't some grumpy old man after all.

Zephyr looked at me with a guilty smile. I leaned closer to his ear.

" I know you haven't killed her for them..but everything he said is true. Go accept their love. " - I licked his ears just a little. " And tonight..accept mine."

I kissed his lips softly encouraging him.

So who cares he if killed her for less than noble reasons? The outcome didn't change and these people are all completely free now.

Zephyr licked his lips distracting me completely. Than his ever confident smile returned.

" Thank you Mr Hue. Thank you all. With this now you are free to stay, if that what you wish. After all some has ties they rather not sever. " - looked at those standing in front us with understanding.

" This was always your decision. I understand all those who do decided to stay."

My love.. of course none stays.

After a few hours they understood how easily you dispatched something they feared since they new their own minds. It was no turning back.

" Lord Zephyr, I can't talk for the rest but the Hue family will pick up it's roots and move near you. " -

The elder extended his hand and Zephyr took it without hesitation.

" It and honor..and please I'm no..Lord. Just call me Zephyr, elder Hue. "

He accepted their love just like I asked him.

It was getting darker by the second. The villagers wanted to celebrate the fall of Tori but, Zephyr was against it.

" I would love to accept your gesture..and I will. Back home! So please spend tonight not with celebration but preparations. " he smiled at those who looked disappointed. " Gather everything with meaning or value to you. Tomorrow at dawn, we will be make our way back to Emet village. Once arrived.. we celebrate then!! "

He put a smile on those felt bad about tonight promise of food and booze.

Now all quickly dispersed to pack up their lifes and start a new one.