
Chapter 436: Tearing The Facade-I

Haruhi appeared to be taken aback by Li Lian's demand even though she knew he must have expected this request of hers when he first agreed to the negotiation. "I can't do that," Haruhi flatly refused.

Li Lian's jaw tightened. She knew it was a great opportunity for her to know who was her true enemy that had been hunting for her life, wanting her to be dead. As much as she tried to act as if she has the upper hand in the negotiation, she needed the information from Haruhi and both of them currently has the same position in the negotiation. 

"Then do you have an idea to what you can agree with?" It was Li Jun Wei who asked her the question.

"I can agree with helping Li Lian to find the truth of who had pushed her grandmother," answered Haruhi playfully.