
Chapter 435: Starting a War-III

With the way Haruhi had raised his hand and rolled the sleeve of his arm to show his wounds, it was hard for Li Lian not to notice it. She could feel Li Jun Wei's eyes trained on them and it was because somewhere in him, he felt frustrated for not being the one who had saved her that day. 

"I don't remember," Li Lian then said, surprising the two men. "Have we really met before? I can't seem to remember you anywhere from my memories."

"You are lying, aren't you?" Haruhi's smile widened, "I have done a thorough background check on you, Li Lian. It's something that both I and your husband always does when they feel the need to find more information of the people they are curious of. I found out you have been searching for a certain boy and that boy has the same wounds as I have now."