

Jessica Amelia, seorang wanita cantik yang telah di selingkuhi oleh suaminya yang bernama David sanjaya. Perselingkuhan suaminya mulai di ketahui oleh Jessica, saat dia baru saja melahirkan anak pertamanya yang bernama Alexandria Elleanor Sanjaya. Mereka memutuskan bercerai di usia pernikahanya yang menuju usia ke sepuluh tahun. Setelah Jessica menceraikan suaminya, dia mencoba untuk bekerja lagi di salah satu kantor milik keponakanya David. Tidak lama kemudian keponakan david diam-diam telah mencintai Jessica, setelah dia sering bertemu bersama dengan jessica di kantor miliknya. David yang mulai melihat kedekatan mereka selama ini, menjadi membuatnya mulai merasa cemburu. David lalu mencoba untuk mengejar cintanya Jessica kembali, setelah dia tahu bahwa tidak ada wanita yang lebih tulus mencintainya, kecuali Jessica.

Enny_Lestarii · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs


The next day my husband had given me 3 million. I went straight to the supermarket with my daughter Michelle. Unintentionally while I was shopping at the supermarket, I met again with my former lover named James William.

James William was my ex-boyfriend when I was in college. At that time I loved him very much. But after what happened back then, when we were still dating, he was caught cheating on me, which turned my love for him into hatred.

''Hey Jeniffer, is this you?'' Said James who was behind me.

I was silent, and I pretended not to recognize him.

''Mommy, that man is calling you mommy. Who is he? Why does he know mommy.'' Said my daughter Michelle who heard James calling my name.

I reluctantly turned back to reply to his greeting.

''Hey, you still remember me. You still remember the woman that you disappointed five years ago by having an affair with another woman.'' I said in annoyance.

Why did she reappear in front of me now. I felt like slapping her again. If I look at her face it makes me remember what happened five years ago.

''Jeniffer do you still hate me. Please forgive me for what I did to you back then.'' Said James who was looking at me.

I didn't want to know or approach my ex-boyfriend. Especially now that I am married and have children. I was afraid that if Cristian saw me talking to my ex-boyfriend, he would misunderstand.

''I have long forgiven all your mistakes. So from now on, let's say we never meet again. Then I'm going back to my house first.'' I said as I left James at the supermarket.

Once home I hoped Michelle wouldn't say anything about James to my husband. I was afraid my husband would misunderstand me.

In the evening, my stomach suddenly hurt. I was going into labor tonight. I immediately called my husband Cristian, who hadn't come home until now. It was already 12:00 pm.

''Aughhhhh... My stomach hurts so much. I said while holding my stomach.

While I was in pain about to give birth, it turned out that my husband was having fun at the club with his mistress Stella. That night because I could no longer bear the pain in my stomach, I immediately called Cristian's brother to take me to the hospital.

Tringgg... The sound of the phone.

''Hello brother, please take me to the hospital now. It looks like I'm going into labor tonight. I called Crstian earlier, but he didn't pick up.'' I said in pain.

''Ok, I'll go to your house and take you to the hospital.'' Cristian's brother said and went straight to my house now.

Meanwhile, my husband could not be contacted. I felt disappointed with Cristian's attitude for not being able to contact him.

"Honey tonight you're going to sleep with me at home, I feel lonely without you. Said Stella who was hugging my husband at a nightclub.

''I can't baby, Stella will become suspicious of me. Next time I'll accompany you, if not tomorrow afternoon you just come to my office.'' My husband said to Stella.

It wasn't long before my husband took Stella back to her house, after which he immediately rushed back to my house.

At 3:00 am Cristian arrived home. When he entered the house he was surprised to see that neither Michelle nor I were home.

"Where did Jeniffer go with my son? Cristian said, not knowing that I was in the hospital giving birth.

My husband immediately took his cell phone to ask about my whereabouts. After he looked at his cell phone, he was surprised to see that my phone number had been called ten times but not answered.

Cristian immediately called me to ask where I was. Since I was in the operating room, it was my mother-in-law who picked up the phone.

Tring..... Telephone voice.

''Hello darling, where are you? Why aren't you at home with Michelle.'' Said my husband who was worried.

''Hello Cristian, it's Mommy. We're at the hospital, where have you been and you haven't answered the phone. You're not cheating on Jeniffer, are you?" said my suspicious mother-in-law.

" No mom, the tire on my car was damaged so I went to the repair shop to get my car fixed. I'm going to the hospital now to see how Jeniffer and my baby are doing. Cristian said as he went straight to the hospital to meet me.

It wasn't long before my husband finally arrived at the hospital. I felt disappointed with his behavior when I needed him by my side. After my husband arrived at the hospital I had already given birth to my second baby girl.

I immediately named her Alexandria Mellysa Bradley.

''Honey, I'm sorry I couldn't be with you when you were giving birth." Cristian said, hugging me.

''Where have you been, dear, you should have been home at that hour. Why haven't you come home yet? You're not having an affair behind my back, are you? I said, feeling angry with my husband's attitude now.

''Yes, dear, I'm sorry.'' Said my husband who immediately asked me to forgive his mistake.

" Where did Daddy come from, why did he just come to the hospital? Michelle said innocently.

''Yes, dear, daddy's car was broken on the road. So daddy had to fix it first at the garage.'' My husband said trying to find a defense.

My mother-in-law came over and immediately defended the mistake my husband had just made.

''Jeniffer, never mind, the important thing is that Cristian is here now. It's a pity that he's working so late at night for you,'' my mother-in-law said in defense of my husband.

I could only remain silent while holding back my emotions at my mother-in-law who always justified my husband's mistakes.

In the morning, Cristian was still accompanying me to the hospital. Suddenly it seemed like someone was calling him.

Tringgg.... Cristian's voice on the phone.

''Honey, I'll take my friend Roy's call first.'' Said my husband who immediately went out of my room at the hospital.

I started to think about Cristian. It was like he was hiding something from me.

''Hello dear Cristian, where are you? Last night you told me to come to your office, and now you are not here. I miss you so much, dear.'' Stella said to my husband.

My husband forgot that last night he had told Stella to come to his office.

''Honey, I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you that I am now at the hospital accompanying my wife in labor, dear. Tomorrow night I promise to play at your house.'' My husband said, immediately turning off the phone.

Stella is always spoiled to my husband, almost all of her wishes are always obeyed by my husband. While I, as his wife, rarely pay attention to him anymore.


In the evening, a message suddenly came from Cristian's cell phone. Cristian, who was fast asleep in the hospital, immediately took his cell phone which he put on the table next to me.

When I saw the notification, it turned out that the number was again sending a video of her wearing sexy lingerie bought by my husband. But because I didn't know what my husband's cell phone password was, I couldn't open the wattsap message from that number.

In the morning I saw my husband looking at his cellphone and immediately smiled to himself like he was happy.

''Honey it looks like you're very happy, why.'' I said while looking suspiciously at my husband.

''No honey, just a funny video from the office group. Oh yeah tonight I have a meeting at 7pm with roy. It was supposed to be this afternoon, but I told him that I couldn't because you just had a baby.'' My husband said trying to lie to me again.

Tonight my husband is going to see Stella, his mistress, at her house. Stella had made my husband do everything she wanted. Since I didn't know all of my husband's lies, I finally allowed my husband to go tonight.
