
Chapter 111

edit,   In my dream, I finally saw my child. He was there, waving his hands at me and calling out, "Mom, Mom..."

  "Mom, come find me, I miss you so much..."

  I woke up drenched in cold sweat, the image of my child's longing eyes clear in my mind. My child is waiting for me.

  "Nat, you're awake!" Mr. Eugen saw me wake up and immediately came over to check on me.

  I looked at the dark sky outside, another day has passed. "Mr. Eugen, I want to go back." I looked at Mr. Eugen and said.

  Everything that happened today is related to Vicky. My child was not found, I was kidnapped, and almost had my organs harvested. I can't help but suspect that Vicky orchestrated all of this. Vicky not only wants me to never find my child, but also wants me dead.

  Vicky, this time I will not let you go. I will make you pay the price you deserve. I will make you answer for everything you've done. Nothing will be left unanswered.