
My Hollywood Ex Boyfriend Wants Me Back

KELLY: Crash is rich, famous, handsome, and he used to be mine. He convinced me he loved me, took my virginity, then he disappeared. No explanation. Only empty excuses. Now he's suddenly back. Does he really think I’m still that gullible girl he left a year ago? CRASH: Kelly is the love of my life. A year ago I lied to her--but it was to protect her. Now I know, I can't live without her. If I can just convince her to forgive me, maybe I can trust her with the real reasons we had to break up. When Kelly learns the real reason Crash broke up with her, will she forgive him? And even if she does, can their love survive the shark-infested waters of the music industry that almost destroyed them once before? CONTENT WARNING: Language, sexual situations, and sexual assault. Cover Image is copyright (c) 2022 AimeeLynn

AimeeLynn · Urbano
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141 Chs

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When we got to the venue it was easy to focus on what needed to be done. As soon as they realized who she was—and what she wanted to do—the team leapt on her. We had a job getting her a microphone in time—and getting the sound guys clued in about it. But everyone was on board—they knew this was viewing gold. The reunion would go down in Rock history if they pulled it off.

I looked back at Crash only for a second, asking myself if he deserved this. I was torn about it. He was my best friend and I knew they loved each other. But damn… He caught me looking and invited me onstage. I just shook my head. I couldn't share this with the world.