
The beginning

I've always thought of what would have happend if I had chosen the right path, if I had made time to be friends with people i didn't even know, now I'm stuck in a lonely and successful life which by the way I like, but now people only come to be friends with me only to get money.

As I was heading to my company with my black Lamborghini by the way, I wondered what would've happend if I had told my crush Johan from highschool that I liked him, of course I liked him for his kindness and his sweetness but alittle of his looks also counted, He had white wavy hair which was in an undercut form of hairstyle, his eyes were blue as the ocean or sea and I'm probably sure that his lips were only made for kissing and his jaw was a nighty degree angle not to be specific.

With all the thoughts of my highschool life gathering in my head, I accidently lost track of the road, when I shifted to the wrong gear I went flying over a cliff next thing you know I'm in my bed, not in my house not in a hospital but in my parents house who had died a few years after my wedding.

After I woke up I went to check my mirror and I noticed something way different about myself I was a teen again,"Nooooooooooooo".

This is my first book to write hope You enjoy it If you wanna find out what will happen to Marry you have to see what happens next on the next chapter hopefully she will run into her highschool crush

Gabriella_Jeromecreators' thoughts