
My Hero Under The Tree

Rowan is a kind-hearted person who would do anything for his friends and family. He and his friends wish to become knights and serve their country, Remus. Although it does not go as they hoped for. This is his story and his life through his own eyes.

NexusAzara · Ação
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32 Chs


Three days have passed, and I have not been able to make any progress. Tyler makes me spar with Athena daily. While we are fighting, the fort is preparing defenses and also helping in restoring Kelmarsh. No public announcement had been made, so people are just confused as they are doing what they're being told. Today was different. When I reached the training grounds, Athena was on the side lines and Tyler was the one I was facing.

"I know this might not seem fair, but remember we aren't fighting. We are testing you and pushing you." Tyler said

"Right." I said

"I need you to remember everything that day. All the hatred, sadness, anger, and whatever else." Tyler said

"I'll try." I said

"No, don't try. Do it." Tyler said

I closed my eyes and pictured Jack. I pictured the man I killed. I pictured the men that died that day. My heart rate rose and so did my temperature.

"Feel it. Feel the pain and suffering. Embrace it. Embrace the hatred and anger," Tyler said, "Show me all of your strength."

I let the anger slowly build up until I could think of nothing but the burning hatred in my mind. Then I felt it. That strange sensation. The tingling feeling that I felt that day. I opened my eyes and charged him with my sword. Everything was different. I could see more details. I could see more. Time felt so slow.

"Yes!" Tyler shouted, "Don't stop!"

We clashed swords. I could feel the power surging within me. I focused on Tyler's eyes. Then I remembered his plan. He was holding back, but not anymore. He pushed back and attacked hard. Our swords locked. I gritted my teeth and pushed him back. He leaped back and struck a few times. I swatted each attack away. We paused for a moment. I breathed heavily and focused on him. Tyler started to dash. I read his every movement and blocked him. He continued his assault. Our swords clashed and echoed. They scraped together as we fought. He had a massive grin on his face. My eyes began to burn but I pushed forward. I finally pushed him away. I charged him and slashed upwards, knocking him on his back.

It was my turn to take the advantage. I slashed and slashed. Each swing hit its target perfectly. Then something changed. He became stronger and faster. His face relaxed. This was not even a taste of his true strength. He pushed me to the ground, and then my energy left me.

"Not bad, not bad a'tol." Tyler said, grinning.

"Thank... you." I said, catching my breath.

"Well, I'm glad I was able to see that." Kyle said, walking up to us.

"You saw it as well?" I asked

"Yes, amazing work Rowan." he said, helping me up.

"Now you just need to keep that anger and do it more freely." Tyler said

I simply nodded.

"Our time is short, so practice whenever you can." Tyler said

"Why did you fight me, instead of Athena?" I asked

"Simple. I didn't know how powerful you'd be." Tyler said

"Oh." I said

"Just keep going. Just keep practicing and I'm sure you'll be able to do it on your own soon." Kyle said

"What if I make more mistakes?" I asked

"You... you always have moments when you can't focus or block out your emotions. You will have to learn to control it at all times. Everyone has those moments. Those are moments when you tap into it. Focus on hatred, anger, jealousy or whatever. Just keep focused. Or sometimes, you let it take control of you." Tyler explained

"This is the last training we'll do with you. We have to focus on the real threat in front of us." Tyler said

"Will you be here with us?" Athena asked

"No, I'm going to Fort Cena. I've got some... matters to attend to there. Nate will stay here, of course." Tyler said

"When do you leave?" Athena asked

"Tonight." Tyler said

"Wow, so soon." Athena said

"Don't worry, I have a feeling we will see each other again. Nate too." Tyler said

Athena and Tyler walked back after saying their byes. Kyle and I walked back to the barracks. We had a meal with everyone. Dave, Will, Toby, and Kent were there too. We ate and told jokes. Then the atmosphere became more serious. The silence took over the room. No one spoke, but you could tell they all knew what was going to happen.

"I hope we get some rest before something happens." Toby said

"If only. The thing about war is that it has no respect for us and our safety." Kyle said

"I can feel it." Kent said

"I can too." I said

"The King of Kralovia actually wants war with us? That's new." Kyle said

"They will probably be coming from Northgate, a strong fort like Kelmarsh." Kent said

"No, not like Kelmarsh. Like Remus City. It's on a hill top and next to a river. One of the hardest forts to siege. It also houses about two million civilians. I don't exactly know how big Remus City is, but it is probably around the same." Kyle said

"Northgate used to be the capital actually." Will said, munching on his food.

"Kralovia is strong, but we have more people." Kyle said

We finished our food and started walking back to the barracks. The sun was setting and there was a strange sense of peace. Kyle pulled me aside before entering. We took a few steps back so they couldn't hear us.

"It's strange, isn't it?" he asked

"What? The upcoming battle?" Kyle asked

"No, just these feelings we are having." he said

"Yeah." I said

"I'm... worried about you and everything." he said

"Aren't you supposed to be cheering me up?" I asked, sarcastically.

"Oh...right..." he awkwardly said

We walked into our barracks and began relaxing. We could hear the sounds of people leaving the fort and horses galloping off. Kyle told me that the capital is sending men to Kelmarsh and to here, although he said they will arrive in two-three weeks. We all knew we didn't have that much time. Kralovia had already begun marching South. Their arrival is still unknown.

The next few days, the fort seemed much smaller with everyone. On the sixth day, Kyle and I received orders to go guard the north wall, near the port. When we arrived, three other guards greeted us and pointed to the posts next to the wall. There were two wooden benches next to the doors of the entrance. They were made of stone and fairly wide. The weather was slightly chilly, and the wind was blowing softly. Cargo carts were being shipped back and forth from Kelmarsh. After the Black Company incident, Commander Eren III Prakul has an envoy constantly doing checks on all forts and villages. Commander Prakul, himself, has been stationed at Gilden, a village south of Kelmarsh but far from Heart Stone. Food and water supplies have grown in the last week. Training has been non-stop. Frank's squad has been moved to Kelmarsh and Jack's squad has been moved to Gilden. From what I've heard Gilden is the most vulnerable village, because it has no walls surrounding it. 

Our shift was from dusk till dawn. There were two guards stationed at each entrance to the castle. In all there were twelve guards, including the gate and gate keeper. These rotations lasted five hours. Two on, then a break, then back on for three hours. Guard stations had racks of spare weapons and leather armor inside. Each shift change was very tense. Kyle and I stood upon the wall under the array of stars above. He looked into my eyes, and I looked into his. He reached for my hand and held tightly.

But, before the sun even rose on the ninth day, the cries could be heard. We would never receive those extra knights from Remus City, for the battle had already begun. A messenger was the only thing we got.