
My Hero Under The Tree

Rowan is a kind-hearted person who would do anything for his friends and family. He and his friends wish to become knights and serve their country, Remus. Although it does not go as they hoped for. This is his story and his life through his own eyes.

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32 Chs

Good Friends

The next morning we were up at six and training started at seven. Not much of a big difference from before. Kyle woke up everyone else. As we were getting their training clothes on Kyle talked to us.

"Today we will be taking it lightly. I want to get to know you guys better and learn what your strengths and what your weaknesses are." Kyle said

"What if we don't have any?" Will asked

"What?" Kyle asked

"Weaknesses, what if we don't have any?" Will asked

"Oh, I thought you meant strengths. I was a little worried." Kyle said, with a smile.

"I don't." Toby said, sliding on his shirt.

"Of course you do." Kyle said

"I was always told that I was mediocre. I'm the lowest rank and I graduated the lowest in my class." Toby said

"That just means you have lots of room to grow." Kyle said

"What are we going to do?" Kent asked

"Two on two. Rowan will fight the winner of each. It will be Kent versus Toby. And Dave versus Will." Kyle said

"What?" Toby said

"Is there a problem?" Kyle asked

"I can't fight Kent." Toby said

"He is only two ranks above you." Kyle said

"Not true." Kent said

"Yeah, he should be a first lieutenant, but his fighting style was seen as... dishonorable." Dave said

"Oh, I see. But the two of you will still fight. Use any methods you want." Kyle said

"Really?" Kent asked

"There are no rules on the battlefield. Except, don't kill your allies." Kyle said

"Real swords?" Will asked

"No, wooden swords. If you are about to hit the head or neck, stop short and the fight will end." Kyle said

"Sounds fair." they said

"Let's go." Kyle said

We left the barracks and followed Kyle. He led us to an open space, there were no others training here. I stood by Kyle as we watched the two matches. Kyle was focused on Kent, and so was I. His style was strange. He held the blade backwards and used his off hand to get an opening. Toby was in the usual stance for a knight. Kent was obviously faster and stronger, but he was holding back. Kent held his blade behind his back before attacking. It made it harder to predict where he was aiming. Toby used the wooden sword the best he could, but in less than five minutes he was on the ground. I looked over at Dave and Will, they were enjoying their fight. Kyle bumped my arm and signaled to take Toby's place. Kyle took Toby and talked with him.

"That is very interesting, the way you hold your sword." I said

"I learned it from a sailor. He was older, but he said that's how most sailors fought." Kent said

"How old was he?" I asked

"105. He could still fight and move as if he was twenty." Kent said

"What was his name?" I asked

"His name was Quin Womack." Kent said

I pointed my sword at him. He got low to the ground, he placed his left palm on the dirt and held his blade above his back. I have never seen anything like that. He was fast, he charged me and it felt like he flew at me. I deflected his attack, but a second one was already on its way. There wasn't much strength behind his attacks, but his speed was notable. I swung at his torso and knocked him back, his reflexes were slower than mine. He placed his hand where I hit him and stumbled back.

"Ow." he said, with a chuckle.

Again he did the same stance. I rolled out of the way and hit the back of his leg. He fell to the ground. I looked around and saw Dave helping up Will. Then I looked at Kyle, he signaled to end the fight. Kent stood up and we ran at each other. He swung down at my head. I blocked it but his swing was too strong. My arm was numb for a moment, then pain shot through my shoulder. I heard cracking from the wooden swords. Kent took a few steps back.

"No more holding back." I said

"No more." Kent said

With all my might I dashed and blocked and attacked. His speed was slower than mine, but his strength was increasing. I took one step back and aimed at his sword. I swung up, hitting it and sending it flying in the air. I struck at his neck and stopped shortly before making contact.

"Wow." Kent said

"You are good too." I said

Kyle started clapping.

"Now Rowan, fight Dave. Then we will take a break." Kyle said

Dave had the same stance as me. He was taller than me, so he had more reach. I kept that in mind every time I fought him. Our swords clashed many times. He was a second lieutenant, but his skills were not that far off from mine. He had a smile the entire time, even when I disarmed him and ended the fight.

"Great! All of you did great. Now I can see where you are on an individual level," Kyle said, looking at his pocket watch, "It is 8:30. How about we come back here at ten?"

"Sounds good, cap- I mean Kyle." Dave said

Dave and Will went to the cafeteria to get some food. Kent went back to the barracks and Toby followed Kent. Kyle and I found some grass and sat down. There were a few trees and we sat in the shade.

"What did you think, and be honest." Kyle said

"Kent fights in a strange way. It's unpredictable and fast, but there isn't much strength to it. Near the end, he switched his tactic to fight like us and he was already stronger." I said

"Interesting. I wonder why he fights like that. Speed is useful in a fight, but so is strength." Kyle said

"Dave enjoys the fights. He's not serious when fighting, if he was then he would be a lot better." I said

"We enjoy the fights, too." he said, leaning against me.

"The wind feels nice." I said

"Spring is nice." Kyle said

"Yeah, it is." I said, leaning against him.

We fell asleep against the tree and were woken up by Kent.

"Captain. Captain!" Kent shouted

"Ye-yeah?" Kyle said

"It's ten." Kent said

"Oh, good. Rowan, it's time to get up." Kyle said

"Right." I said

Kyle and I got up slowly and we waited for the others to show. When they did, Kyle showed us some stances for defense and offense. We practiced for hours. Once Kyle noticed we were all fatigued, he called it a day. We went to the bath house and quickly showered then went back to our barrack. We all laid on our beds.

"What do you guys normally do after training?" I asked

"We eat lunch then we go into town." Dave said

"All of you?" Kyle asked

"No, just Will and I." Dave said

"What about you, Kent?" Kyle asked

"I have friends in other squads that I hang out with. There is a game room with a pool table and darts." Kent said

"Toby?" I asked

"Toby? Kyle asked

Will looked over at Toby.

"He's dead asleep." Will said

"What are you two going to do?" Kent asked

"We should go see Jack or Frank." I said

"You know Captain Frank Gnoins and Captain Jack Copper?!?" Kent asked in surprise

"Yeah, we accidentally sat at the captain's table at dinner yesterday." I said

"They let you sit there?" Kent asked

"I was with Kyle. We also ran into Frank earlier before that." I said

"Well, have fun." Kent said, changing into his uniform.

Dave and Will changed into their casual clothes and said goodbye. Kent left and waved bye. Kyle and I sat on my bed and then Toby started snoring. I looked at Kyle.

"Let's go see what they are up to." Kyle said

"They could still be training." I said

"True, only one way to find out." Kyle said

We stood up and quietly closed the door behind us. We hurried over to Frank's barrack 15. Kyle knocked on the door. A young man opened the door. He had brown hair and blue eyes. He had a lovely smile.

"Hey, can I help-" he stopped mid sentence and was looking at Kyle's badge, "Forgive me, sir. Come right in."

"Thank... you." Kyle said

The barrack was empty. We walked into the center where the most room was. The young man closed the door then we introduced ourselves.

"My name is Kyle Landon. This is Rowan Niron." Kyle said

"Hello, my name is Samuel Bancroft." Samuel said

"Nice to meet you. What rank are you?" Kyle asked

"I'm a second lieutenant, sir." Samuel said

"No need for the formalities. Just call me Kyle." Kyle said, with a smile.

"Sure, Kyle. What brings you here?" Samuel asked

"We came looking for Frank, do you know where he is?" Kyle asked

"He was hungry. He went to the cafeteria." Samuel said

"Thanks." Kyle said

"Are you going to go there?" Samuel asked

"No, We'll go to barrack 14, where Jack should be." Kyle said

"No, they always eat together." Samuel said

"Oh, that's good to know. What is the training like?" Kyle asked

"Early in the morning, then done by lunch." Samuel said

"Okay. That's how we are doing it." Kyle said

"That's how most captains do it. Colonels usually are more strict and have longer and later training sessions." Samuel said

"Can we call you Sam?" I asked

"Of course." Sam said

"We should get going." Kyle said

"It was nice to talk to you guys." Sam said

"You too." we said

The cafeteria was almost empty. It was an hour after lunch, but there was Frank and Jack. They were sitting at the table from dinner. We sat down next to them. Frank started off the conversation then we were off. We talked for quite a while there. Frank and Jack grew up together in Kelmarsh. It's strange that they were stationed so close to home. Kyle and Frank got along the best, they both knew a lot about history. Jack would occasionally say something. Their stories were great and they knew a lot about old legends. I enjoyed listening to them speak. After a while, we decided to leave.

"We should go back. Everyone should be back now." Kyle said

"When do you want to train together?" Frank asked

"How about Monday?" Kyle suggested

"Sure, tomorrow is Friday. We usually give them the weekend off." Frank said

"Yeah, that makes sense." Kyle said

"You in, Jack?" Frank asked

"Of course." Jack said

"Do you two have any plans for the weekend?" Frank asked

"We were going to go to town." Kyle said

"Would you like to join us?" I asked

"No, not this time. Definitely next time." Frank said

"What did you have planned?" Kyle asked

"Jack and I are going to work on our skills. Go swimming." Frank said

"Where's the lake? I asked

"It is West, not too far. It's called Lake Sooty." Frank said

"Sounds good." Kyle said

"Yeah, we are going to 'practice' there." Jack said

"Ha, that sounds fun." Kyle said

"You'll have to join us next time." Frank said

"Does your squad go too?" Kyle asked

"Of course. It's bonding time." Frank said

"See you guys on Monday then." Kyle said

"Yeah, have fun." Jack said

"Yeah, you too." Kyle said

We got up from the table and left the cafeteria. As we were walking we bumped into Dave and Will. They told us about their day at the town and gave us suggestions on what to see and do there for the weekend. When we entered the barrack, Toby was still sleeping and Kent hadn't returned yet. Dave and Will changed into their uniform and got ready for dinner.

"Why did we leave the cafeteria, if we were just going to go back?" I asked

"Dinner isn't for another hour. I wanted to lay down for a bit." Kyle said, laying down in my bed.

"Fair enough." I said. sitting next to him.