
My Hero: The Vixen

Death by a hundred cuts, by a hundred animals. Waking up in another world, Hush decides to be a protector. Using the powers of the ones that killed him in the first place. -------------------------------------------------------------- MHA x Vixen (DC) AN: This is just for fun, and my first time writing a fanfic, especially an MHA one. So reviews, comments, and suggestions are gladly accepted.

PaperGod · Anime e quadrinhos
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12 Chs

Death By A Hundred Cuts

Alone in the streets, Hush found himself in a peculiar situation. Although the place being empty was quite normal, the lack of any noise sent a visible shiver down the boy's spine. No birds chirping, dogs barking, not even the wind rustled the trees.

Everything felt so...dead.

Just as the thought appeared in his mind, a slight rumbling caught the boy's attention. The ground vibrated, and the tiny pebbles danced up and down. To curious at the situation, he failed to notice a man running down the corner.

As the man made his way closer, the sound of his foot steps finally alerted Hush. He was about to open his mouth when Hush realized something was off.

The man looked terrified, his pupils were dilated, and he seemed to be running for dear life. As he was about to raise his hand, the man screamed and collapsed.

Hush froze.

When the man fell, Hush could see a feline-looking creature gnawing at the man's back. The creature raised its claws and tore through the shirt and into the skin. It growled, showing it's teeth as it started to eat the man's flesh.

Fearing the worse, Hush instinctively stepped back only to alert the creature of his presence. As they made eye contact, a brief moment of silence wafted through the air.

For hush it felt like an eternity.

The creature jumped off the man, and as if it signalled something, the creature shrieked. The ground started to shake, stronger than the slight rumble from before.

Finally gaining the courage, Hush turned around and ran for dear life. The boy had no idea what the hell was happening, but he was sure he wasn't gonna stick around to find out.

Hearing the shaking getting louder, Hush turned his head. At that moment, Hush wet his pants.

Behind him was a stampede of hundreds of animals, and their blood-thirsty eyes seemed to zone in on Hush. Seeing the massive wall of animals, Hush forced himself to run faster.

"HEEELLLPPP!!" Seeing the animals getting closer, Hush screamed at the top of his lungs only to find his calls unanswered.

And as the animals got closer, Hush was now a crying mess. His feet became more wobbily and the tiredness started to kick in.

"Nononononono!!" Hush kept screaming, knowing his body was about to collapse at any moment. He knew he was never the physical type, but he didn't have to get crushed for it!

Feeling the animals get closer, Hush pushed himself to the very limit, a sudden rush of his memories flashed before his eyes.

He was never the social butterfly, nor was he the popular one. He would spend his time cooped up in his house reading novels and watching shows. At that, a vision of his last watched anime appeared in his head.

My Hero Academia, the anime that he has been hooked on ever since it was released. Feeling his life disappear, he cried like a baby. And he thought about how he could easily survive if he had a superpower.

His thoughts then moved on to DC comics. He has always been a DC fan, even though he hasn't read that much of the comics. Realizing his situation at the moment, Hush chuckled in the middle of crying.

His favorite DC hero was Vixen and he was now gonna be killed by a horde of animals.

'Looks like I'm not as blessed by the spirits...' Hush thought to himself as he finally collapsed to the ground, his body to tired to run.

Seeing the wall of vicious creatures looming over him, he closed his eyes and thought how he would have just flown away, if he had the spirit totem.

The stampede soon devoured Hush, and the seconds of pain turned null, as he took his final breath.

Hey guys, this is my first fan fic. So criticism is a must. Hope you like this one. It's a crossover between MHA and Vixen since I haven't seen much of this, I decided to make one myself.

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