
Closer and closer to summer

-----Actual time line shit here for MHA, I mean I get it, but damn the skips of time. So gonna have 3-4 topics to fill before the MHA exam against the teachers. After that I think I am gonna do y'all dirty and try to reach 100 just before the camping arc. begin the maniacal laughter! Honestly I don't want to stop the chapter mid way through anything so that's why.-----

The year was passing surprisingly fast. We had gotten news that despite summer was closing in we would have a camping trip as a class for training. Which meant we would not get much true vacation time. Looking at the schedule of classes it seemed we would have exams just before the camping trip. The exams though weren't that important to me, since I could likely memorize everything I needed.

I could only laugh in the face of those who did poorly on the midterm. Though Momo's excitement for tutoring had a low ringing of humble bragging. I debated about getting tutored by her as well, but I was fine with my previous 5th ranking. The physical exam was far easier, as Deku learned that it was likely against robots.

Kacchan challenged half the class though. I mean I could understand Deku and I guess Shoto. However I was but an innocent lad, how could he challenge me as well? I planned on crushing everyone in score for the physical exam, but not my worry.

So left with not studying with the group. Not doing any physical training do to not really having the ability to, since in terms of physical strength I had already surpassed all the strength based quirk weights at the gym. Which left me to either absorb more energy or have some fun.

Hmmm, maybe I could do both? I had started absorbing not only the basic energy of things like sound, light and so on. I could also absorb the potential energy and the more let's call them esoteric energies. Inertia technically would provide me with infinite energy except since for my sub-quirk it seem to count as potential energy.

I nodded getting a good idea of what I wanted to do until the final exams and summer break. First was spend some time with Rumi. I hadn't in a while and I truly missed her. The same went for Jess, who would be second on my list of spending some time with. Lastly I could contact Technobabble through the earbuds he gave me and we could start laying a foundation for whatever his plan was. I smiled and left from my desk. School would end soon anyway and Mr.Aizawa had already left.

------this is just small time skip-----

"So you want to go to the mall? I have time right now Destiny. I've been wanting to spend some time with you anyway."

"Yeah, you have been busy. Though I think you would have more time on your hands if you didn't cover such a large area."

Rumi shrugged, "Not my fault people are stupid. I work in a commercial district with several banks. It is astonishing on how many people think they can just steal stuff and get away with it."

I got in Rumi's car, "Well aren't like 40% of thefts now a days shop lifters?"

Rumi rolled her eyes and started the engine. "Oh god don't get me started, I literal get papers about the SLA Rehab Center. Like a good 80% of my job is just doing patrol check ups on petty criminals."

It made sense not all criminals were villains. If every person who committed a crime now a days was put in prison to many people would be locked away. The job retail market had drastically changed due to quirks so I was glad to skip by that. I looked over Rumi's outfit today and it was a nice pair of short shorts and a two part jack combo that show off her mid-riff.

Once parked and ready to get out of the mall Rumi smiled. "Let me be your Sugar Bunny for today."

I didn't mind that at all. I wrapped an arm around Rumi's waist as she led me along into the mall. "I don't mind that offer, except I gotta ask how does that work exactly?"

Rumi smiled as she bounced slightly. "Let's go in and you'll find out."

Rumi pulled me along by my hand. The mall was pretty big and honestly I don't think I have ever been here before.

"First things first let's check out some clothes!"

Rumi didn't seem to understand the concept of her proposal since she had ran into a clothing story that was exclusive to women's clothes. I wasn't gonna fault it though since it likely meant I would see Rumi in some new outfits.

"What do you think of this outfit Des?" Rumi held up a white dress that matched her hair. It had a black belt along the waist.

"I like it, but its too basic. It would look great on you, but I don't think it would jaw dropping."

Rumi's eyebrows curled. "Damn I didn't expect you to be so blunt. I mean its good, but damn."

I shrugged, "I do not have the words to describe how amazing you are. I have no doubts you know that as well."

She smiled, "Smooth recovery, though it does make me want to see your jaw drop. I'll continue here come back later. That way I can show off what I find."

"Okay miss sugar bunny." I wanted to stick around and see what she was picking out, but at the same time. I had no idea how dating really works, I mean I do though knowledge is different than in practice.

Walking out of the store and looking around. I realized I think Rumi was waiting for this since the entrance we entered was filled with similar stores. It was very adorable and I should do this more often.

I suppose it was time to check out some other stores...

-----Rumi pov-----

I had already been planning to take Destiny to a shopping mall over the summer. Though I hadn't figured out the time to ask. Specially with the message I receive from UA about the training camp. I picked up a pretty nice red dress. It was very good looking, but I don't think red was my color.

"Hey Hey Mirko! Watchu doing here?"

I looked over to see some guy walking into the store. It took a second, but I realized it was Stephan the very annoying healer. "Go away I am shopping."

"Psshhh I can help. You can put on that sexy red dress an I'll tell you how good you look."

I rolled my eyes, Now I really wasn't gonna get the red dress. "What do you want Stephan."

"To hang with my favorite hero."

"Go away Stephan I am on a date. I don't want to deal with you."

"On a date? With who?"

I sighed choosing not to answer. I had picked a nice set of outfits to show off. When it came to dates I liked to show off. After all I only dated someone if they were worthy. Speaking of worthy I saw Destiny walking over.

"Hey Babe, I found the outfits I wanted."

Stephan turned to see who I was talking to and Destiny seemed a little surprised. It was clear he didn't expect me to call him babe, but I wanted Stephan gone. Destiny picked up quickly though and responded.

"That's great, but who's this guy?"

Stephan just looked between me and Destiny. "H-He's a teenager or something."

"Yeah and?" Destiny just stared at Stephan.

"I-You, but."

I smiled, "Like I said Stephan I am on a date. Now fuck off."

Stephan just stutter and fumbled away. I turned to Destiny, he had a bag in his hand and also looked his normal self. "Are you not jealous?"

"Why would I be jealous of someone weaker than you? Besides you are hot and well-known like any celebrity you likely have dozens of people jerking of to images of you. Bound to see some weirdos every now and again."

That was a disturbing thought, though he was right. "So what's in the bag?"

Destiny Smiled, "A necklace for you."

"Oooo let me see!" Destiny pulled out a choker at least I thought it was a choker until I realized what it actually was. He had bought a pet collar with a name tag with my name. On the back was his name and number.

"You little bastard, I'll wear it if you tell me how great my outfits I picked are."

Destiny had a smirk as he responded. "That's fine by me."

-----Thought this was a funny chapter, I hope you enjoyed-----