
My hero: Molten mochi

After kyubi was sent to the realm of the gods. There was three random devil fruits chosen for him. After that he wasn’t sent to the world of my hero academia. He appears in a house alone he didn’t have any parents but he had an alarm on his phone to go to the trails for UA academy

Dr_Mochi · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs


Kyubi was training at night for a minute when he got a text from deku saying there in trouble with the hero killer. He quickly put on his costume and burst out of his house as he had a wave link on his phone to deku's location.

He turned into a beam of light for a second as he landed onto of a building and looked down to see the hero killer getting ready to stab into lida. A spiral of glass went down and made a wall in between them and broke a bit of stains sword off.

Kyu jumped down and stood infront of lida. As he stares at stain.

"Get the hell out of my way kid you all are getting on my ner-" todorki ice then hit him in the back as stain then jumped up and sliced through the ice. But stain was lashed across his back as kyubi sent him in the ground.

"Mochi if we make it we're he can't attack it will be easy for us to knock him out." Tdodorki said.as he sent a beam of fire towards stain.

Stain jumped over the fire as he sent a knife downward at kyubi the knife went through kyubi as his arm exploded as mochi and re attached. As a small circle of mochi formed in the air behind stain as a fist came out of it and hit him in the head and extended him into the ground.

Deku and lida got up as then they both slid up the wall and slammed there legs and fist into him and he flew out of the ally way. Some of the other hero's was alerted by the noises .

"We need to see if there is anymore problems " Deku said to kyu. Kyu then nodded his head as they both ran off towards the fight that could be heard down town.

"What the hell didn't deku stop after they got rid of stain. Oh yeah right we finished this off way sooner so there is still nomu's battling down town." Kyu though as they hit a corner to se three nomus battling.

Deku jumped up and hit one in head knocking it out as kyu ran at they and tied one up but then covers another one up in glass.

They started to notice there was many more nomu's coming, some had wings some was strong and others where fast.

Soon endever and some of the higher up pro heroes came and helped out deku and kyu.

"Ok deku let's leave them to the pro's whe should head back. " Kyu said to deku as deku then nodded as they cut through an ally way and disappeared into the darkness.

"I know sense this happened that mean all for one is coming soon. Just thinking about that makes my breathing un even" Kyu said as he cut through a corner with deku. Them both breathing hard.

"Even now I belive I'm not strong enough to go up against even shigaraki head on. I might freeze up but then again I could be other thinking this." Kyu thought as they made it back to to the group as one of the flying nomu Came back to the group.

Kyu jumped off the wall before making a hot thick string rope and wrapping it around the creature before sending it spinning and flying into a building.

"Ah that one was close." Kyu said as he huffed a bit before turning his attention to hero killer stain.

"What exactly does this world have in store for me later on. Will I even be able to keep up with my class mates if even stronger people come." Kyu though as he looked at stain.