
My Hero Career is Seemingly Quite Difficult

Renault found himself transmigrated into a world with superpowers known as "Quirks". After awakening his own quirk, Vector Manipulation, he thought he could live a peaceful and steady life even without becoming the strongest, and maybe he still can become a hero. However, he gradually realized that wanting to have a peaceful and steady life in this world was... quite difficult. Especially without graduating from school! So difficult! === MC is NOT Accelerator, let's just say that he's just a guy who transmigrated into a body with an Accelerator-like face and Vector Manipulation as QUIRK. Don't compare his quirk with the real Accelerator with esper power from the Magical Index verse. From what I know, this fanfic is MHA crossover with Kamen Rider and some characters from Magical Index, Macross, and Honkai Impact. It seems like MC knows other anime but nothing about MHA. I will consider this as AU, some things are not the same with canon. === This is not my story and it was written by a Chinese Author, I'm just translating it. Thank you very much for reading! Author: Second Battalion Commander Raw: https://www.trxs.cc/tongren/4024.html === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

VALRRR · Anime e quadrinhos
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295 Chs

Hero Name

"In short." Aizawa looked at the students in the class who looked a bit disappointed for not receiving their draft offer and said, "Whether you've received your offer or not, you'll still need to go outside of the school to participate in what's called Internships.'"


"Ah," nodding, Aizawa continued, "You all have already experienced real combat with villains, so the school hopes that you can continue to improve by gaining more valuable experience in the real workplace."

'That's why we need to come up with our own hero names,' Renault thought to himself.

'Although they had already known about this beforehand, U.A. was still very bold. However, a part of the stress would also be transferred to the Hero Office.' Thinking of this, Renault also showed a smile. 'Even though our hero names are only provisional at the moment if anyone dares to take them lightly... I'll show them what hell really means!'


The classroom door opened, and Midnight walked in wearing a tight flesh-colored suit, immediately catching the attention of several male students.

By the way, how old is Midnight this year?

Renault had some mischievous thoughts and considered looking up related information on his phone.

'Hmm? I feel like there's some malicious intent,' Midnight stopped in her tracks, feeling a chill behind her, but upon looking around the classroom, she couldn't find the source and dismissed it as a mistake.

Walking up to the platform, Midnight said, "Many people who choose their hero names during their student years gain recognition from the world and become Pro Heroes."

"Well, that's how it is," Aizawa sounded relieved when Midnight came in.

As he took out his sleeping bag, he continued, "As for taste in naming, that's up to Midnight-sensei to evaluate. I'm completely useless in that regard. Think about what hero name you want to use, leave a fixed impression through your name, and continue to work towards it, that's what 'Billboard Charts' means, just like All Might."

After finishing speaking, Aizawa silently walked to a corner and crawled into his sleeping bag.

Renault remembered his hero name, "Eraser Head," which was the English meaning of Aizawa Shota's name. Although it matched well with his Quirk that could erase villain Quirks, it was still quite funny. Renault couldn't help but wonder how he had come up with that name.

Soon, everyone was given a marker and a signature board to write down their hero name. As Renault looked at the board on the table, he began to think.

However, he soon had a helpless smile on his face.

He wasn't good at coming up with names, and so far, he had only thought of one name that matched his ability the best. But did he really want to use it?

"Well, it doesn't matter. I won't become that kind of person anyway," Renault muttered to himself as he quickly wrote down his chosen name. Looking around, he realized that he was the only one who had finished, while everyone else was still deep in thought.

Just as Renault was debating whether to come up with another hero name, the others began to finish and write down their names. When most people were done, Midnight spoke up, "It's almost time. Let's start with those who have their hero names ready. Who wants to go first?"

"Are we really going to announce them in front of everyone?!" The others exclaimed in surprise, not expecting this part of the routine.

Two minutes later, Aoyama was the first to step up to the stage to announce his hero name.

Hmm, his movements on stage were as elegant as ever.

"I'm here!" Aoyama slowly turned his sign around to face the audience and said, "Shining Hero, I cannot stop twinkling! It means; I Cannot Stop Twinkling!"

Are you serious?

And then, everyone saw Midnight take Aoyama's sign and make some alterations to it.

"Let's take out the 'I' here and abbreviate it to 'Can't'. It'll flow better when you say it."

"That's it! Mademoiselle!"

Is this teacher really okay? And does Aoyama prefer speaking English or French!?

Next, Ashido followed suit and stepped forward.

"Hero name, Alien Queen!"

Hmm, she can spray acid and is a female, so it's kind of fitting...

What the hell!

Can't this girl come up with a better hero name?

Renault rubbed his forehead, feeling a bit fed up.

Fortunately, although Midnight was a bit off, her bottom line was still there, and she immediately vetoed Ashido's hero name.

Under the actions of these two people, the atmosphere at the scene began to become solemn.

In the first place, those were two bizarre names that made everyone else too afraid to go up, even Renault felt that he should wait a little longer.

Just then, Asui raised her hand and asked, "Can I go next?"

After receiving permission, Asui stepped onto the stage and said to everyone, "I've known since elementary school what my hero name should be, Rainy Season Hero: Froppy."

After a moment of silence, everyone expressed their appreciation for her excellent naming example which gave a strong sense of affinity.

Midnight immediately praised her, saying, "How lovely! It's very impressive and gives a strong sense of familiarity. This is an excellent example of a name that can win everyone's love!"

Under the influence of Asui's fantastic performance, others also gained courage and began to step forward.


"Used your real name directly? Are you sure?" Midnight asked in surprise, looking at Todoroki's hero name.

"Ah, Yes," he replied.

Finally, Renault stepped onto the stage after Todoroki.

"Well, after thinking about it, I decided to use this name," Renault said, flipping the autograph board over to face everyone.


"Accelerator; One-Way Road?" Midnight was a bit uncertain as she looked at the name. "What does that mean exactly?"

"Accelerator or One-Way Road. Meaning, as long as I'm there, the road ahead is a one-way road, and no villain can get through nor turn back from me."

"Wow! What a confident and proud name!" Midnight said with her eyes shining. "Work hard to become a hero worthy of this name!"

"I will," Renault replied with a sigh of relief as he returned to his seat.

Though he had some reservations about using this name, he realized that it was still the best choice compared to the other names he had considered.

After Renault, Bakugo took the stage.


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