
My Hero Academia: You call that a Hero?

"..." "...He beats them to a bloody pulp--do you think those are the actions of a hero!?" "..." "He's a dog with a broken chain. Someone's gonna have to put him back in his cage." "..." "It's his third year already and not a sanction has been struck upon him, not even expulsion? How preposterous." "..." "I've been a hero for nearly my whole life...and all I can say is that his actions do not merit that of a hero. ᴴᵉ ˢʰᵒᵘˡᵈⁿ'ᵗ ᵇᵉ ᵉᵛᵉⁿ ᶜᵃˡˡᵉᵈ ᵒⁿᵉ."

Unga_Bunga_7766 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter 1

The night was cold. The sky was pitch black. The only known source of light as of late was the cars and the buildings from below. The wind howled its cold air as a black figure zoomed past a building. The scene pans to the side view of 6 other buildings. A shadowy figure instantly jumped in between each and every one of them, roof by roof with ease. Zooming closer to this shadowy figure, it was currently holding a civilian, said civilian's left arm was contorted in directions an arm isn't supposed to.

"P-Please...d-don't eat me..."

That was a usual plea for the dark figure. The said figure wasn't very..friendly looking, to say the least. It was terrifying.

The figure didn't respond, further concerning, and worrying the injured civilian. In fact, the man was so worried and terrified, he tried to squirm off the figure's hold mid-jump to another adjacent building.

"I-I have a wife..! Kids! ...I-I don't want to leave them too early...!" he pleaded.

Then the figure stopped momentarily on the roof of another building, tensing up the injured civilian. The figure did not let go of the said civilian, giving him a firm grip bridal style. The lights of cars and buildings below flickered to life as a soft drizzle from the dark clouds took place.

"I-I have a family...I-I..." he sniffled as a rumble of thunder boomed. "I can't leave them yet...! I have a growing debt...a-and support! Yes! T-They need financial support! They...They couldn't live without me..! Please...please don't kill me..."

"Your name." the figure finally uttered in a low monotone voice that made the latter shiver.

"U-Uhm...O-Okada N-...Nobuo..."

There was a long silent pause. The soft drizzle eventually developed into a downpour, dousing the civilian, making him wet and cold, while the figure on the other hand, the drops from the downpour seemingly slid down its black armor-like appendages. The loud slams of the raindrops echoed on the rooftop, every drop made Okado shiver more intensely from the cold. Then finally, the helmet of the dark figure suddenly observed the vicinity, looking from side to side, searching for a location.

"I-I'll pay you! H-How much do you need? I'll bring it up right away--"

Right then and there, the figure and the Okada instantly vanished in plain sight, only the loud crack and flying of small debris signified their instantaneous leave.


Doctors and nurses alike rushed in between rooms, gathering needed materials or transferring patients like worker ants picking and replacing new food. Many rushed to the ER to gather those that are severely injured. The hospital has mainly been bustling with patients, some with severe injuries or severe sicknesses, either way, both are life-threatening in their own right. Some were watching the latest news about how 7 villains were bloody and beaten, their arms and legs shattered, but, still intact enough to allow the villains to stay alive. It was a morbid sight since as of now, they are paralyzed for life, anything they hoped and dreamed they could do was now fragmented, unable to be reached since...well, they can't. Anyway, it was the norm of every doctor and nurse at this point, but never had they seen someone crash into the hospital's entrance intentionally, slamming open the doors, and shattering them. A cloud of dust enveloped the scene.

Everyone in there screamed and ran further deep into the hospital by instinct, which was reasonable since no one except a villain would oh so suddenly crash into a hospital. However, once the smoke and dust cleared, they saw a black figure, wearing an armor they'd never seen before. The figure was all black and looked terrifying. He wielded a black scythe and was intimidating enough, the figure's height only added to that fear.

The scene pans to the hospital's hallway where the figure that adorned the black armor stood. The figure wore a smooth black helmet with a sharp edge on his chin, and pearly white teeth for the jaw area creating an unintentional eerie grin. The figure remained there in clad black armor that enveloped his torso, the spiked shoulder pads curved upward ever so slightly as for his back, where his spine was, were large and slightly drawn out bony spikes that protruded outwards that became smaller and smaller the lower the position was in the figure's spine. He wore black armored Chausses where the knee pads had a small spike to them. And of course, the large looming scythe that was held between the fingers of the armored figure that seemingly threatened to take anyone's life to those that dared to oppose him.

Then the figure suddenly dropped a body on the floor.

"Help him." the black figure stated, pointing his scythe at the poor injured civilian.

The doctors and nurses just trembled in horror, not knowing what to do just after seeing something like that appear before them. Most of them started to hyperventilate, worrying about their own safety, and some were about to call the heroes. It took only a minute until a doctor finally gathered all his willpower to stand up and face the figure.

"I-If he needs help...then I'm up to the task." the brave doctor said, walking up to the injured, unmoving civilian. The said doctor pressed his finger on the civilian's neck. "He's losing his pulse. "

Noticing that the black figure gives off no hostility, which so happened to be the doctor's quirk, he knew that there was nothing to be afraid of, for now at least. He then stood up to face the towering figure. "We're going to need an immediate operation...this man doesn't seem in great shape."

The figure did nothing but stare at the doctor with its eerie helmet.


---10 minutes later---

After a series of check-ups, the doctor that voluntarily assisted the armored figure left the operation room. Right after, the said dark figure was seen leaning on the wall just adjacent to the entrance of the operation room.

The doctor gulped. "He...didn't make it. His shattered ribs punctured his lungs...and his neck...snapped. We assumed the cause of death was due to the velocity of some sort of flight or a speed that came to a sudden halt, which..ahem like I said, punctured his lungs with his bones and...broke his neck. He died the...moment we laid our hands to save him," The doctor let out a sigh as if a heavy weight was lifted off his shoulders. "My condolences."

Then a woman with two other kids, one at least 4 years old female, while the other must be 6 years old, male, came into the opposite end of the hallway where the operating room was.

"Mommy, where's daddy?" the girl asked, at first, failing to notice the looming dark figure leaning against the adjacent hallway. "I can't wait to show Dad my quirk!" she exclaimed proudly, activating her quirk, a dark red ball the size of an eraser morphed into life. Then suddenly, the lights in the hallway suddenly flickered repeatedly and small clouds of dust started to spiral around the said dark red ball.

"I still can't get over how cool sis' quirk is!" the brother uttered in irritation mixed with glee. "But I think mine's cooler!" he said, grinning, this time, activating his quirk. He spread out his small palm as he closed his eyes, focusing. As a result of his concentration, a shadowy spear about 3 meters tall formed around his hand, giving the little boy a wide smile as dark small clouds oozed from every part of it. "See!" he stated proudly. "Cooler!"

The little girl pouted.

From a distance, the doctor stared at them grimly. Knowing that he had to break the news to the deceased victim's family. "It's uhm...time for you to go."

The armored figure stared at the doctor impassively for a moment before he stood up from leaning against the wall, and started walking past the family. Every step it took let out a loud and heavy thunk on the ground, leaving small cracks on the tiles.

Meanwhile, the little boy stared at the armored figure in awe at its sheer height and the fact that it was taller than his spear. "Whoaaa...."

Then the black figure departed from the hospital.


Class 1-A's reputation skyrocketed in U.A. Of course, everyone in the Academy recognized them. Some envied them, some admired them, some, though only very few, simply did not care, and some wanted them to fail. There were mixed reactions from every student. Y/n was one of those that didn't care. The man was in his third year in the academy and was a massive dude. Standing at 6'10, due to his appearance, it was clear he was a foreigner, he decided to settle here in Japan a long time ago. He's been in the country for almost all his life, which makes him a citizen, and no doubt in the eyes of the natives, he's charming and handsome. It's just that he's not so much of a social butterfly. He doesn't talk to anyone, make any sort of eye contact, any interaction, nor does he put any effort into creating relationships with others. In short, he's the quiet kid in the class. Although he does interact with others when needed, when it comes to having a friend group...he doesn't have one. He has zero social skills.

"Y/nnnn!!" a bubbly voice called him out

Well, maybe he has at least one.

"Yo, what's up, Y/n!" Another cheery tone called for him.

Let that be two.

"Y/n," A student from the other two voices uttered, nodding at him, this time, a bit more silent and reserved.

Alright, so the man does have a friend group. It was the Big Three.

"There you are!" Mirio exclaimed, lightly slapping Y/n's back. "We've been looking for you everywhere!"

"Yeah! We lost you there!" Nejire added, pouting having to look high up to see his face. "Don't just disappear like that!"

"I agree. You just vanished," Tamaki stated.

"Ah, sorry," Y/n finally replied, rubbing his nape. "You were talking to one of those students from Class 1-A, I thought you didn't need me. So I left."

There was a brief silence before Nejire let out a hearty laugh, rubbing the latter's back. "Read the room sometimes, alright Y/n? Just because we talk to someone else doesn't mean we want you to leave!"

Mirio chuckled. "She's right y'know?"

The huge man rubbed his cheek in response, switching his gaze out the massive glass window of U.A.'s hallway. "My bad."

Y/n was taken in by the group right before their first year in U.A. was over. They took the initiative to talk to him, and lucky for him, even if he continually failed to socialize with them, they still conversed with him with glee, supported him, and cared for him, like real friends.

Then the announcer broadcasted. "Third year, Mirio Togata. All Might is calling for you. Please go to the counseling office at once. I repeat..."

The mention of the blonde's name caused the three of his friends to question him.

Mirio gasped. "All Might's calling me! I wonder what he wants!"

In the end, Mirio made a joke about him going to All Might.


No one laughed.

"Oh, right, Y/n! Sir Nighteye wants you to meet up with him any day this week!" he added. "In his office!"

Y/n frowned. "Why?"

"Dunno. He said it's got something to do with his current investigation."

"Sir also needs you involved in it, right?"

"Mhm! Hope we can work together this time!" he said with a wide and eager smile. "You always got to scrutinize your personal matters! Say, how's the progress anyway?"

Y/n contemplated for a moment. "So far, I've recovered only 3 pieces of...something out of a mask--I can't tell just yet, found used blemish appendages for stabbing, and a shattered shell the size of a human forearm. Significant progress, but, incomplete. Lacking." he spoke in a low monotone voice.

Nejire pouted once more. "You speak so dully! Try to smile some more when you talk!"

Y/n gazed at her. "You should tell that to Tamaki too."

The said man ran to a corner and placed his head on the pillar, ashamed. "That's mean."

"Oh. Sorry."

"Heyy!" Nejire retorted. "Tamaki freely speaks out his emotions and follows his heart too! You should try that! You'll be a much better hero!"

"Revealing my emotions to others will only make me look weak. I only follow my thoughts. Following how I feel will only make me look weaker, not only that, make me sink into depression."

Tamaki, knowing that he was being referred to, sank his head deeper onto the corner's pillar. "That's mean..."

"I'm sorry."

Mirio let out another laugh. "Anywayy, at least you have some progress! Be sure to meet sir!" Then his grin widened. "Now I've-"

"Don't say it..." Y/n prevented the blonde from making another corny joke.

"AHAHAHAHAH! You got me there! Alright then, I'm off!"


Later that day, Midoriya and Mirio arrived at Sir Nighteye's agency by train which lasted for an hour. As of now, they stood over at the sidewalk, a huge building looming over them, making the young hero doubtful and nervous.

Mirio pointed at the towering building. "This is Sir's agency."

Midoriya stiffened for a moment, due to his overthinking.

"Hey, don't be so stiff!" the blonde hero told the latter. "It's not good. I didn't get to tell you this before, but Sir's really strict."

"I am fully aware!" Midoriya returned with high energy. "A hero famous for being strict and harsh on himself and others... Even just watching him on TV, his sharp gaze through the screen made me shiver."

"That's true, too," the latter responded, switching his gaze to the building. "...but Sir has a different side to him than what you see in the press."

Now, this piqued Midoriya's interest.

"If you don't want to be turned away, then before you finish talking to Sir today," Mirio continued. "...you need to make him laugh at least once."

"H-Huh? Wh-What do you mean? Make him laugh?" the young student said, rather perplexed by the newfound information.

The scene pans out where both Mirio and Midoriya were strolling down the hallway, conversing with each other until they stopped in front of the door at the end of the hallway.

"Now, he's just beyond that door," the blonde stated, pointing at the said ominous door in front of them. "If you want to become stronger, then open it with your own strength!"

"Yes sir!"

--Behind that door--

At the moment, Y/n was witnessing some sort of assault.

Sir Nighteye was currently using a machine stuck up at the corner of his massive office, tickling the hell of his sidekick, Bubble Girl, for not being able to make him laugh while uttering a report. Said room was filled to the brim with All Might posters, documents, images, and even a cardboard cutout of All Might that just stood there. Albeit they were all neatly organized. On the other hand, Y/n just gazed at the sight before him, blankly.

"Sir...uhm," as of now, Y/n just peered at Bubblegirl's misery as she laughed her lungs out. "You needed me?"

Sir Nighteye noticed Y/n's presence, still glaring at the laughing(in pain) Bubblegirl. "How many times did I tell you to state your attendance whenever you step into my office?"

The latter slightly tilted his head toward the tiled floor. "I apologize."

The organized man then switched his gaze to Y/n and slowly approached him, having to tilt his head up a bit due to the latter's height. "Apology accepted. Now back to matters at hand: I need you to momentarily pause your personal investigation to aid mine."

Y/n frowned. Bubblegirl's laugh of pain echoed behind them as they conversed.

"Your state of confusion is understandable, however, I may need your assistance on this one," Nighteye said. "Your presence will be of great help. Believe me, we are so close..."

"...I see. Though it seems I got no other choice."

"S-Sir...I-I promises I-I won't..!" Bubble girl stuttered as she desperately tried to free herself from the tickle machine.


After finally mustering up the courage to grab the doorknob, Midoriya slammed open the door to Sir Nighteye's office with his hopes high. His face beamed with tenacity, as he prepared himself mentally for the battle of acceptance, taking note of Mirio's warnings. However, as he opened the door to his next obstacle, he was greeted by such a bewildering sight, he could not help but make his eyes as wide as saucers.

Bubblegirl's laugh of excruciating pain resounded in the room, leaving an utterly perplexed Midoriya to witness such cruelty.

"Just what kind of place is it?!" he yelled out loud.

As Bubble let out streaks of laughter and pain, she spoke shakily. "Stop...! Please, forgive me...!"

"Wha--What's going on?!"

"It looks like his sidekick, Bubble Girl couldn't make him laugh," Mirio stated bluntly as if this sort of punishment happened on a daily basis.

However, Midoriya noticed from the corner of his eye, another man wearing the same UA uniform as they are, immediately, he recognized that this man was a student as well. Although, the broccoli student didn't really pay attention to him, instead to Sir Nighteye glaring at his sidekick laughing her soul out.

The greenhead then combed his hair as he laid his head low, preparing for his next move which is...

To contort his face to look like All Might.

This caught Sir Nighteye's attention.

"...Are you...ridiculing All Might?" he said with malice oozing from his tone, glaring intensely at him.


"Y/n, please excuse us," Sir Nighteye stated as he turned his back against him.

The latter bowed and left the office without batting an eye at Midoriya, ignoring the broccoli boy completely.


"Hey, Y/n!" Mirio called the man out who was right in the hallway, leaning on the wall and taking a sip of coffee, along with Bubble Girl by his side.

The latter greeted the two with a nod.

"You're probably wondering who that kid was a while ago!" the blonde assumed.

Y/n took another sip of his coffee. "No not really."

"Oh. Not even just..." he winked. "Teeny Tiny bit curious?"

The latter shook his head. "No."

Then bubble girl intercepted. "Say, Y/n, did you have the same treatment as that kid?"

Placing his cup on top of the vending machine on his right, he pondered. "I'm not sure...Sir just conversed with me for an hour and then stamped my record."

Bubble Girl frowned as she sat on the bench just beside the vending machine. "Weird...What'd you talk about?"

The latter rubbed his nape. "Does that really matter? I don't really remember...."

Suddenly, Bubble Girl's face flushed red as she swiftly shook her head waving her hands at the same time. "N-No! N-Not at all! I-It...doesn't really matter!"

Mirio only smiled as he witnessed Bubble Girl and Y/n conversing. It was nice to see both of them talk to each other, and knowing how much Bubble Girl liked Y/n, it was entertaining to see them having a conversation, especially since Y/n needs to interact some more. Well...he really has that kind of charm for everyone, the women most especially, whenever he does ease his seemingly fixed glare.

However, the blonde hero could help but ponder why Sir just stamped Y/n's contract so easily at that time with the knowledge that the said man lacked any sort of bright and or laughable aura around him. Even after being his friend for over a year and some months, he was still a mystery not only to him but to Nejire and Tamaki as well. Not to degrade his friend but...Y/n wasn't the ideal hero a usual civilian would assume. He was more...violent in a way. His actions aren't really ideally...heroic. He's rather...ruthless.

Then the constant banging inside Sir Nighteye's office came to a sudden halt, giving the trio the cue that it was finished.

"Oop, looks like they're done! C'mon, Y/n, Bubble Girl, let's check 'em out!" Mirio stated, happily waltzing toward Sir Nighteye's office door.

Bubble Girl agreed to come over, while Y/n just voluntarily stayed in the hallway.


"It's a pleasure to be working with you!" Midoriya exclaimed to Y/n, bowing his head down swiftly. Once he exited Sir Nighteye's office, he immediately discerned the huge man standing in the hallway, drinking a can of soda.

The latter did not respond.

The broccoli boy could only shiver at the awkwardness of the situation, so once he gazed up to observe his reaction, he only received a cold and fixed glare from the latter, that was similarly as intimidating as Sir Nighteye's, making him shudder once more.

"So you've been accepted," Y/n said in a monotone voice, having to look down at him, making the green head tense a bit.

A long pause...

Suddenly, he gave Midoriya a hand for a shake."Welcome."

Midoriya just stared at his hand, stunned and surprised for a moment, but in the end, eagerly took his hand with a wide smile.

Decided to try out my work here, let's see how it goes.

Unga_Bunga_7766creators' thoughts