
My hero academia turning hero women to slaves

A new villain rises but not for carnage or to make war or be a mafia but instead take and break women that are hero’s without other heroes noticing.

Paint_the_creator · Outros
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4 Chs

My first target called midnight

As I research my first target I see an interesting women who has a quirk that can put anyone to sleep and her hero name is called midnight and I gotta say she might be the first best women in my collection I find out she is a teacher at a hero school so she could give me whatever I want from this school and more girls for my harem I lick my lips and start to plan how to capture her without notice.

I found out she has weeks off work because of hero work so I find her in the middle of the ally way and knock her out with a special knock out gas and I take her to where she will become a new little toy to play with as I please but I can't lie trying to capture the sadistic beast was hard because of how much attention she gets I just got lucky when she was on night shift.

As I get in my lair carrying my sleepy midnight I take her to one of the rooms I prepared and put on her new clothes that stops her quirk from trying to put me to dream town but made sure she was strapped to the bed and wait for when the sleeping beauty awakens.