
Ch. 22

( Haru Pov )

During my time practicing with the band, I also trained on my mana Manipulation, which was to use a mana bullet as it required some mana control.

Which also gave me the idea to enhance my weapons, which caused me to break a fee sword that I had gotten from my previous dungeon run.

And my rewards, too.

[ Defeat the anomalies. ]

[ Reward: Kenjutsu, stealth tactics. ]

A combat technique and a training manual to improve my stealth and to use sneak attacks.

' This should be for an assassin class, which will take a while for me to learn.' I thought as I put the two training manuals into my inventory.

I looked at the broken swords as I tried to imbue mana into another sword, which broke again.

I sighed as I sat down in my room before throwing the broken swords into my inventory.

Too much output would break it, and not enough wouldn't make a difference.

Which brought me to my hands where I tried to activate a mana bullet.

Too much would cause it to explode, and too little would make it slip out of my finger and cause it to shoot around the house.

I lost count on how many times the bullet exploded in my hands or was shot through the walls, which caused me to patch them up.

It wasn't until I finally got the technique down as I managed to create a mana bullet.

The bullet needed to rotate in high speed with a pointed tip like a bullet.

But how I stop the bullet... I didn't know as I threw to the sky through the window.

" Welp. That's that." I muttered as i put my gloves back on.

I checked the skills for mana bullet and mana manipulation to see them improved.

[ Mana Bullet lvl 1 -> 2 ]

[ Mana Manipulation lvl 3 ]

I looked at my hand for a few seconds.

' Maybe... if I could.'

Instead of pushing the mana to the tip of my finger to create a bullet, I manipulated it towards my finger.

Enough for the mana to stick to the tip of my finger but not enough to shoot it out.

I hurriedly grabbed the guitar, and, calming my nerves, I focused on both of my hands.

One with a mana and the other releasing a few gusts of wind as I plucked the string.

[ Ding! New skill unlocked locked! ]

[ Ding! New skill tree unlocked! ]

[ New Skill!- Lily's Melody. ]

[ New Skill Tree!- Sound. ]

[ Sound Magic: Liliy's melody. ]

( + 5 Hp per second )

( Instrument required. )

Sound... a variation of wind magic. I never once thought of creating variation of wind magic.

But still, another magic to learn would be time-consuming, especially with the music festival coming up.

' I should learn this new skill first before doing another.' I thought.

But with this new skill, I would be able to improve my musical abilities.

But plucking the strings also needed a certain volume to be plucked with mana. If not, then the string would break or wouldn't produce the harmonic melody.

It took hours to perfect this.

Which led to now. In this stadium, where we'll finally play for in a crowd of 45,000 people.

" Ready?" Haruto looked at us as we all nodded our heads.

" Then... let's do this." He put on his sunglasses, which was to block the lights shining on us.

Haruto started us off with playing his guitar before I joined in.

" In the city lights~

Where the guitars scream~

We dance in rhythm~

Like a wild dream~

The stage is our sanctuary

The crowd our sea~

Rocking together~ Wild and Free~"

Haruto's voice entered my ears as I looked at the guitar in my hand.

' Now!'

" Raise your hands~" Let the music ignite~ "

In this festival of sound~ "We find our light~

Guitars wail~ Drums pound the beat~

Rocking our souls~ In this electric feat~ "

The band sang as a chorus together, and with my finger plucking, the strings with mana enhanced the sounds.

Haruto was grinning as his body swayed to the beat.

And I wasn't different as well as I felt the moment of focus where my body started moving on its own.

I looked up to the lights on the roof, exhaled and let go of the control over my body, and let it play.

And before I knew it, we played through the entire song, and I looked at my guitar case as we got ready to leave.

" We're done?" I asked myself as Emi bonked my head with her fist.

" Yes! And if it wasn't for you, you're still playing after our song! We would have gotten a penalty!!" Emi shouted.

" Now, now, why don't we all relax now?" Hiroki suggested as Haruto burst through the door.

" Guys!! Check this out!!" Haruto pulled out his phone and showed us a video of our performance.

" Wow! 3.4 million views already?" I was surprised by the sheer number of views, and it's only been an hour.

" Come on! Let's get some ice cream!!" Haruto shouted as he pulled us out of the room.

" My guitar!!" I shouted.

A few minutes later, we sat on a bridge overlooking the moons' reflection.

" I'm telling you! I'm lactose intolerant!" Emi shouted as I shoved the ice cream into her face.

" Hmph! Your bloodline is weak!" I shouted back.

" I told you I wanted fudge! Not mint!!" I shouted, causing Haruto to laugh and Hiroki to smile.

" I didn't order that! It was Haroki!!" Emi argued.

I paused as I slowly turned my head to look at the tall man only to see him running in the distance.

" Get over here!!" I shouted as I ran after him.

" Hahaha!!" Haruto laughed.

Hiroki's quirk is enhanced speed, which meant I couldn't catch up to him.

" Haa! Haa!" I was out of stanima as I sat on Hiroki's shoulders as he carried me back to the rest.

" I don't... get why... a big man like you.... can have such speed." I complained, causing Hirlo to chuckle.

As we saw Haruto and Emi in the distance, we both paused to see them being affectionate to each other.

" Woah!!" We both exclaimed in surprise.

I started clapping, causing the both of them to jolt in surprise.

" Someone's in love! Gahh!!" I felt Emi's shoe hit me as I fell backward.

Thankfully, Hiroki managed to catch me by my shirt as he carried me to the van.