
Lunch with Shirogane's

After finishing making the lunch along with Kei Shun served the food on the table and sent Kei to call Miyuki.

"Daddy in the house."

Suddenly the the front door opened and the eldest member of the Shirogane family came in.

"Oh, is there a guest here." said the old man and walked inside the house and soon came in front of the kitchen and made eye contact with Shun.

Both of them stared at eachother for a while and said Shun said, "Hello Shirogane-san."

"...What are you doing here?" asked the old man.

"Helping Miyuki with some doubts."

"My son is smart."

"Not more than me though."

"...Where is Kei?"

"Just went to call Miyuki for lunch want to join us we made enough for you as well."

"...What do you mean by 'we'?"

"Me and Kei made the lun-"

"ZA WARUDO!!!" yelled the old man.

Shun who was now quite familiar with how the old man's attacks immediately covered his whole body with electricity making the old man who stopped time click his tongue in annoyance seeing the stopped electric sparks around Shun.

The time started flowing again and seeing the annoyed expression on the old man's face Shun showed a bright smile making the old man even more annoyed.

"Ugh..listen here I have told you earlier bu-" the old man moved towards Shun to tell him off but slipped into absolutely nothing and started falling.

Shun who saw him falling moved forward to stop his fall but the flailing old man made even him disbalance and fall though Shun made sure to cushion his fall to protect the old man since he was already weak to begin with.

"Are you all right old man..." asked Shun who cushioned his fall.

"This was straight out of a romcom....and according to that logic at this point I would be a blushing mess and would be thinking of how manly and caring you are and how I fell in love with you."

Suddenly both of them heard a noise and turned around to see both Kei and Miyuki with a frown on their faces.

All four of them stared at eachother until suddenly Miyuki turned around and said, "Hello, police....I would like to report an old man harassing my friend....he pushed him down an-"

"Stop it Miyuki!!!" yelled the old man as he moved his hand to stop his son.

Kei who came out of her shock rushed towards Shun and pushed her father out of the way and asked, "Shun-san are you alright?!?! I am sorry for what my papa suddenly did to you!!!"

Shun could see the panicked look on Kei's face and patted her head.

"It's fine Kei nothing happened to me. On the other hand please stop Miyuki this is just a misunderstanding."

Miyuki looked towards Shun and saw him patting his sister. He then glanced at his father and apologized to the police for calling them like that.

Shun then explained what happened to the two siblings hearing which both of them got embarrased and apologized to their father.

"B-But it wasn't our fault. The position you two were in and hearing what you said immediately led us to think like that." said Kei.

"Yeah, when you hear your old man say "how manly you are and how I fell in love with you" to your friend in that position, it is logical for us to think like that." said Miyuki.

"It was your fault Kei, Miyuki. It should be know to you two that I still love my wife dearly, even though she left me and is probably playing around with some younger guys. And no way I would fall for someone like him." said their father while pointing his chopsticks at Shun.

"...Stop pointing your chopsticks at me." said Shun as he ate his food.

"And just file a divorce with her already, it's been too long you know!" said Miyuki.

But his father shook his head and said, "Fortunately or unfortunately I still love her a lot so that's not possible."

""JUST MOVE ON ALREADY!!!"" yelled the two Shirogane siblings while Shun just remained silent to not interfere in the family matter.

"Oh, by the way I will be moving in my house in this building once high school starts, so ease take care of me." said Shun and bowed his head.

"Eh, you mean everyday not on occasional weekends?" asked Kei with a hopeful expression on her face.

Shun nodded with a smile and said, "Yup, so let's get along from now on Kei."

The old man suddenly smacked his fist on the table and said, "...I won't approve of this..."

"...You do know that this building belongs to him, right Dad?" said Miyuki. He too felt that it was good that Shun was moving in since having a friend nearby doesn't hurt at all.

"...Looks like we need to change houses." muttered the old man immediately earning glares from both of his children.

A shiver went pass his spine once he saw their glared and looked towards Shun for help.

Shun smiled and said, "It's fine isn't it Shirogane-san, me being close to you all will assure your safety even more, Kei and Miyuki won't get that bored as well, right and even I will have some friends near my place."

Seeing the smile and sensing no ulterior motives from Shun the old man sighed and said, "I will keep an eye on you brat." and once again started eating.

Kei and Miyuki smiled happily since they didn't want to leave this place. It was better than the apartments in the similar budget and both of them get to have their own rooms too, though it was just modified by Shun who decided to put a wall in between the room the siblings shared to give each of them some privacy which was appreciated a lot by the siblings. And now knowing Shun would be moving in soon Kei was even more excited to live here and smiled brightly.

All of them continued their lunch while having some talk in between mostly with the old man sharing his life experiences with the three of them something which Shun always liked since the old man was....unique.