
Chapter 25: The USJ Incident

It was a day in my hero academia yet again.

Classes were easy as always, though I am pretty sure I was one of the very few who shared such a sentiment. I didn't really know if the UA tests were harder than average for them to moan and groan like this either.

I was always a great student, well, I wasn't particularly smart but I was very good at forcing myself to study so I was considered a good student. Since I didn't really have much to do other than study and waste away. And restudying subjects was easier than learning from scratch.

At least I had a way to train during classes by messing with a cup of water under my desk, using hydrokinesis to stave off my boredom. Not only does it help keep my mind occupied but it also raises my refinement rate.

Speaking of refinement, I had finished Exoskeleton's first refinement before sleeping making it Rare+ like blink, the effect wasn't much, simply making the armour get tougher. I started refining Geyser in the morning and I was already halfway through since I only needed 2.0 progress to refine a common ability.

Other than that school was kind of boring, I only got to chat with my future waifu's in the breaks that lasted for 10 minutes at a time and I had no time to put any moves on them.

I was making slow but steady progress on Mina and to a lesser extent Toru and Ochako. But we were still in high school and I had limited time to spend in a day so I couldn't exactly progress our progress our relationship beyond making their slight crush on me deeper.

Before long, the first half of classes had passed and it was time for lunch. And I was eating lunch alone for once since Toga and the others went ahead of me since I was planning to take a nap after lunch. While enjoying Lunch Rush's frankly immaculate food I was approached by a duo I didn't expect.

Midoriya and Ochako approached me with their own trays of food in hand, looking a bit awkward since we didn't know each other that well.

"H-hey Hakari-kun, are you free? Maybe we could sit next to you?" I raised an eyebrow but nodded nonetheless. I had no opposition to people chatting with me as long as they didn't have grapes on their head.

"Oh, thanks." They made small talk like asking how my day has been etc, though I noticed Ochako occasionally looking at me and blushing ever so slightly more, not exactly a crush, I think she just found me attractive. That was natural.

I was pretty attractive in my previous life if my very active and diverse sex life wasn't an obvious enough hint. Hell, when I had fully sunk into Neet-hood and was running low on funds I had entertained the thought of becoming a gigolo.

Unfortunately, at the time I did not have enough self-confidence, or more likely wasn't mentally ill enough to consider it an actual real career option even though it totally was.

As we were talking it seemed like Deku had finally gathered the courage to speak to me about what he actually wanted to talk about in the first place.

"So, I've been curious Hakari-kun. I know your quirk gives you abilities and stuff at random right? How does that even work? Does it have a pattern? Is it based on the activities you do? Maybe it actually isn't based on luck but based on your subconscious..." Aah, so this was how he rambled huh? It certainly is a bit hard to keep up with, its also a bit annoying, I met my fair share of guys who talked annoyingly fast in the Yakuza and I never liked any of them.

I raised a hand to stop his mumblings.

"Dude, slow down, you're gonna wear out your lungs like that. 'll talk, geez. From what I know, 's less random than pure chance, I usually get something the stronger the challenge I overcome, and what I get is usually dependent on the type of challenge I overcome. Tests of might usually give me quirks and tests of skills usually give me non-quirk skills and experience." Hearing my words Midoriya had an excited look in his eye as he started rambling again while Ochako looked at me with a seemingly newfound sense of respect.

"Whoa! You must have worked really hard for your power then Hakari-kun! That's so amazing!" I suppose I did? Kinda feels disingenuous to say that when I got all of this power in less than 2 months when most people take their whole lives to reach this level.

I coughed into my fist to get their attention.

"So, why did you ask Deku-kun?" That snapped him out of his stupor as he awkwardly spoke.

"Oh uh, I just wanted some advice from you Hakari-kun. I also had a s-superstrength quirk but whenever I use it, it shatters my body and I wanted to know if you had any advice for that." I crossed my arms, I actually did, I watched the rest of the battle trial videos at home so I had an excuse for the advice I could give the green man too.

"Well, I watched your fight, and why do you only use your ability at full force and only on your arm? You don't just punch with your arm, you need to engage the full body for a punch and using all of your power on one spot without engaging the rest is an even worse thing for power quirks. Imagine a chopstick." He focused on my words, not even rambling this time.

"If I put pressure on the middle it will break easily, right? But if I spread the pressure evenly it can handle that pressure much more easily. The power-up quirks are the same, don't put all of the pressure on one spot but spread it evenly." Before he could speak I raised a finger.

"BUT! Figure out how to put less pressure first, I saw how strong your power-up is, evenly spread out or not if you can't apply any force other than 9000 tons the chopstick is gonna break regardless. Also, one more piece of advice, don't treat your quirk like an ace in your sleeve, it's not there to give you a one-time super punch, it's supposed to give you super strength you can use." There, that should be some useful advice. Hearing my words Deku was seemingly stuck in his own world as he nodded to me and stared into space blankly while muttering to himself while Ochako perked up.

"Whoa, you are so knowledgeable Hakari-kun. Could you help me with my quirk too? I heard you were training with Himiko-chan, Ashido-chan and Kirishima-kun. I thought maybe I could join you guys?" She said bashfully while I instantly gave her a thumbs up, pretty girls were always welcome.

"Don't worry, I'd never refuse a cute girl asking for my help. You can definitely join us Ochako-chan, I have no complaints." Uraraka blushed a beet red and eeped out a silent "T-thanks" while Deku looked between us with wide eyes.

"Wow, as expected of number one..." Hey, I worked hard for these flirting skills okay? They don't come packaged with my muscles and quirks.

After that, the lunch period went as usual and we had to prepare for our... unusual class.


As the bus rode toward USJ I was restless in my seat. I was slightly nervous. It was finally time.

We would face Nomu there, an abomination that was physically almost on par with current All Might, he could punch an entire street away casually and any kinetic-based attack was almost useless against him considering All Might's punches did next to nothing to the big bastard.

But it shouldn't be too big of a problem, things worked out fine in canon. And in canon, they did not have me to help them, so with some help from Aizawa turning his hacks off I should be able to nail down the big bag of muscles.

"You okay dude? You look constipated?" Said the little sad excuse for a human sitting in the seat next to me, they were the last seats left so I had to sit down next to the grapist.

'Constipated? If you keep talking like that I might shit on you. I mean in the physical violence sort of way.'

That is what I wanted to say but I held my tongue, I was stressed the fuck out of my mind for once, uncharacteristically so but something felt off to me.

I had a sense of unease, a twisting sensation in my stomach that gripped me. I didn't know why, it was just a gut feeling. But I pushed it down, I really was nervous about facing down the Nomu huh?

I shook my head to clear my thoughts, I'd be fine.

"You sure dude? If you have some stomach problems I have medicine on me." Mineta, I know for once you are acting like a decent human being and trying to help but with how I feel at the moment, I will force all of the sweat on your body into your mouth if you keep talking like that. As I ignored him Mineta went back to fiddling with his phone.

Soon enough the bus arrived at the absolutely gigantic sphere that was the USJ, at the entrance we were greeted by a hero in an overly cumbersome spacesuit, my Kama immediately told me they were female from my honed and refined intuition.

"Everyone, I have been waiting for you!" She greeted us but her voice modulator or whatever made it sound vaguely androgynous. I heard gasps of recognition and a certain self-destructive green boy started giving exposition.

"It's the Space Hero Thirteen! One of the most popular search and rescue heroes in all of Japan renowned for her polite and amicable behaviour!" Thank you Midoriya-dex, I appreciate the introduction and your Midoriya-dex entry about her.

"Shut it Deku! No one wants to hear your ramblings!" Even if a certain ball of teen angst didn't. Don't worry, I appreciated your exposition and my opinion is worth more than hers so don't worry Green Man, you are fine.

Thirteen clapped her hands, demanding attention and shooting Bakugou a firm glare before speaking.

"Now everyone, let's go inside without delay." The class made noises of affirmation as we followed her into the USJ. And wow it looked like an incredibly high-budget waterpark or an amusement park.

Even I was stunned silent a little as Thirteen showed the various parts, this place was insane, the sheer budget this must have taken to build...

"A fire, a landslide, a storm, a shipwreck et cetera. It is a training ground that I oversaw the construction of myself to simulate various disasters for rescue training. It is called the 'Unforeseen Simulation Joint!' or USJ for short."

After her little speech, she was approached by Aizawa as they talked silently but I already knew the topic, they were talking about why All Might wasn't here and it was because he already blew his tank. After the exchange, Thirteen approached us and clapped her hands.

"Alright everyone before we start I need to tell you a few things." She started talking about how her quirk was one of the most destructive ones being blackhole but how she had found a way to use it to help people yada yada.

I couldn't pay her proper attention because the feeling of unease grew until it felt like it was literally gnawing on my insides. Something was wrong, but what was it? I already knew they were coming so what was bothering me so much?

I had good instincts, Danger Sense made them even better. I was someone who followed his heart, and this felt bad. Something bad was going to happen.

"Hakari? You are looking really pale over there, do you feel bad-" Aizawa approached me with an expression that was actually tinged with concern as I started sweating.

"Sensei." I said, my tone of voice was grave, making him tense up. "It feels like something really bad is about to happen, please get ready."

"What are you talking abou-" "What is that?" A student had noticed a distortion in space in the middle of USJ that turned purple and spread black and purple fog. Aizawa immediately got on guard, gripping the bandages wrapped around his neck and putting his goggles on.

The fog formed a large wall and villains started walking out of it, putting Aizawa and Thirteen on full alert.

"Woah, it really is an unforeseen simulation. Did the lesson already start sensei?" Asked my dear dull hard boy while Aizawa shook his head and gritted his teeth.

"No, everyone stay on guard, those are real villains." I heard gasps come from the class as everyone was alerted but my attention wasn't on them but on the figure emerging from the fog. Nothing out of the ordinary or at least what I expected but then...

Cold fear gripped my heart.

Because from the mist...


Emerged not one...

But two Nomu's.

'Are you fucking kidding me...!?'

The first one was over 3 meters tall with bulging coal black muscles, I was already familiar with the symbol of peace killer. No the one that drew my eyes was its... partner.

The second one was clearly more aware as it flew up with its batlike wings and roared, it was at least 3 meters tall also with giant wings and a maw full of sharp teeth that I could see wisps of flaming escaping out of. His body was covered in the occasional scale and his fingers were tipped with claws with a vague reptilian body shape.

That was a fucking dragon Nomu.

Oi... wasn't this difficulty spike a bit too high...!?

[New Quest: USJ Incident]

A/N: And the shit has hit the fan. Hakari finally interacts with the original main character who I managed to resist the urge to gender-bend, Izuku is in fact a man in this story and hopefully with Hakari's help he will learn to shatter his skeleton less, considering how things are going he is gonna need it.

The butterfly effect strikes and it strikes hard. Hakari severely underestimated the effects of his own existence on the world, he hasn't been taking things seriously and now he is going to pay for it.

Welcome to the USJ Incident.

What did you guys think of the chapter hearing your thoughts about the changes would really help. Your comments help motivate me and help me improve