

As they walked, Uraraka held onto Izuku's arm, taking in the sight before them. They were currently walking on a bridge, lit up with lanterns, glowing in the night. "Hm, what do you think the others are doing?" Izuku looked up at the stars. "I don't know. But I hope their safe and having fun." "I bet Kaminari is hanging out with Shinso. I know they confessed to each other a few months back." "Maybe. I wonder how Kacchan is doing." "Probably blowing stuff up." They laughed at that, knowing it probably wasn't true. Kacchan had grown over the years and he'd learned to control his anger. He was actually pretty nice to the fans. "Oh-we're here!" Izuku said, smiling. They were standing in front of a big, cherry blossom tree, with a picnic blanket and basket on the ground. Izuku had set this up earlier, before coming home. Uraraka gasped. "Deku, you didn't!" He smiled, and took her hand, kissing it softly. "But I did. Do you like it?" He gently dragged her to the blanket. "Like it? Deku, I love it!" They sat down, and he opened the basic, bringing out the sandwiches and drinks. They made small talk for a while, and Izuku decided it was time about an hour later, so he prepared himself. "Uraraka, I have a question." "Yes?" He got down on his knee, and popped the box open, smiling. "Ochaco Uraraka, will you make me the happiest man on Earth, and marry me?" She nodded frantically, at a loss for words, and he slipped the ring on her finger. They spent most of the night stargazing and cuddling before going home to sleep.