

Izuku's eyes fluttered open, and he woke up to a peaceful silence, staring at the ceiling. A flash of the burning building went through his mind, and he shot out of bed a little too quickly, needing to grab onto the desk to steady himself. "Hey! You shouldn't be on your legs right now!" Izuku's brows furrowed, and he looked to the door, finding none other than Kaminari and Kirishima. "Oh-um-I just-" "Get back in bed, Midoriya, please." Kirishima said, his eyes pleading. Izuku looked to the ground, before sitting back in bed, and watching as they stood at his side. "Good news, Midoriya! They captured the villains!" "V-villains?" Izuku couldn't remember what had happened. The other two shared a worried glance. "Yeah. You know, the ones who, uh, attacked last night? They tried to take you away." Izuku stayed quiet for a minute, thinking. Trying to remember-oh. "I remember now. I-is everyone else...?" "Yeah, the others are a-ok! Only a few scratches and bruises. Nothing serious." Kirishima answered, smiling. "But how about you? How are your legs?" Kaminari asked, looking at the his legs, which were covered in bandages. "I don't know. I mean, I didn't feel anything when I was standing, but Recovery Girl could've numbed me." "You are correct, Young Midoriya. She did." All Might walked over to his other side. "She didn't want you to wake up in pain. I agreed with her, after what you've been through." I gave a sad smile. "Yeah. Is Uraraka ok? Like, she's not-" "She's very worried about you, yes, but other than that, she's good." Izuku let out a sigh of relief. "That's good." "Well, we've got to get to class before we're late. See you later, Midoriya?" "Yeah! Oh-and tell the others I'm awake? I don't want them to worry about me any longer." "No problem, Deku, we'll tell 'em!" Kaminari answered before they were both out the door. "I suppose they told you the villains have been captured?" "Kaminari told me, yeah. Is there anything else I should know?" "Not that I can think of at the moment. The fire was put out before it could actually consume the dorms, and the villains are being interrogated. Once we have anything about them, I'll be sure to tell you." "Hey, All Might? One of the villains, um, they said that he would pay big bucks for me." "Who?" "That's the thing. They didn't give a name, they just said he." "Hmm. I'll be sure to let Tsukauchi know. In fact, I'll give him a call right now." Then, he stepped out the door, and left Izuku to get lost in his thoughts.