

Minutes after they talked, Izuku let the others know they were done, and Uraraka decoded to follow. She wanted to see how everyone else was doing too. Slowly, they made their way around the hospital. Until they came to see All Might and Hawks talking in the hallway. Luckily, All Might noticed, and he waved. "Young Midoriya! It's good to see you on your feet! And Uraraka, Amajiki, Togata, and Eri! What brings you all back here?" "We're visiting our friends!' Eri answered, and Izuku could hear the adorable, little smile in her voice. "Of course, I should have expected that. But, if you'll excuse us, I need to talk with Midoriya." The others nodded, and once Uraraka scooped Eri up in her arms, Izuku followed All Might to an empty hospital room, where he shut the door, and ushered Izuku to sit on the bed, coming over to join him. "Listen, kid, you..." He trailed off, turning to face his successor. The former pro hero had tears in his eyes-actual tears. "You scared the living daylights out of me!" Izuku blinked. "Um, I know I should probably remember what happened, but I don't." All Might sighed, letting his tears travel down his cheeks. "Well, it's obvious you lost control in that moment, espically after seeing young Bakugo-" "Is he ok?! He's going to heal, right?! He'll be good to go-?!" But All Might didn't answer.