

After training, everyone went to their dorm, changed into casual and comfy clothes, and decided to hand out in the commons area. Uraraka sat next to Izuku, and squeezed his hand, so he gave hers a squeeze too. "It begins tomorrow, doesn't it?" Todoroki asked, sitting on the couch across from theirs. "Yeah. I've been trying to think about how All For One and Tomura see this going down. All Might's hoping it'll help us prepare better, and plan some sort of counter attack, but I don't know. It just doesn't make much sense to me." "Hmm." Suddenly, everyone went silent. And Izuku wondered why. He looked around, but didn't see anything thst could've caused them all to go silent. Then, he realized it was because they were thinking the way All Might had wanted him to. Minutes later, everyone reached the same conclusion, and said, at the same time, "They'd most likely wait until nightfall to attack." Everyone blinked, and looked at each other, wondering how everyone head read each other's minds. "If they wait until nightfall to attack, that's give them all day to plan." Uraraka added, nodding. "And, with a full day to plan, they'd come up with a plan that has only one, small flaw that you'll have to look at closely to see." Izuku nodded. And I have an idea I need to run by All Might now." "Don't go just yet, I'm curious! What's the plan?" Mineta piped up, raising an eyebrow. Izuku smiled. "Well, if All Might and the other teachers let us, I was thinking we could use my clone somehow as a distraction, and confuse the enemy. With two me's, they won't know which one to go after. Then, while we keep them busy, we can see if Shiketsu would be willing to help us, and if they show up, we'll be at even odds with Tomura." "That's ingenious, Deku!" Uraraka exclaimed, smiling. "But what about All For One? Isn't he, like, God-level powerful?" Kaminari cut in, tilting his head to the side. "I've been thinking about how to defeat him." Izuku answered, looking at the ground, and concentrating. "We know his quirk can allow him to steal the quirk of someone else, and deposit it to another person, so I was thinking. If we somehow got him to touch my clone, he'd steal the fake One For All, which he wouldn't be able to use. If we distract him long enough ti make him lose his temper, he could lose control of his quirk. And, if that happens, the quirks will latch onto anyone close to him-" "Which would be us." Todoroki cut in, standing. "And when they latch onto us, we can use them to take him down, is that what you're saying, nerd?" Bakugo asked, leaning against the wall. "Thst might actually work, Izuku."