

After Izuku had explained what had occurred between him and Uraraka, All Might gave a little smile, and said, "Congratulations, you two. I was wondering when you would both confess." Izuku blushed, and he was sure his girlfriend did, too, even though he couldn't check to be sure, since her head was nestled between his shoulder and neck. "Yeah, uh, thanks, All Might." Suddenly, the door opened. "Sorry to interrupt, but someone insisted on seeing you, Midoriya. Eri came around the corner of the couch just then, and grabbed onto his leg, her expression showing worry and fear. "Deku! You're ok!" She muttered. He patted her head and smiled. "Of course I am, Eri. I'll always be ok." She looked up at him, and it nearly broke him to lie to her like this, but he didn't want her worrying anymore. She deserved everything good that the world had to offer. "Always?" "Always. Hey, I have an idea." Izuku told her as Uraraka gently pulled away and settled for holding his hand instead. He squeezed hers for comfort. "We should make candy apples! I know how much you love them, Eri." She smiled a big and bright smile. "Yeah!" He then picked her up, and went into the kitchen with her on his hip as he started to gather the materials.