

"Now-" "Mr. Aizawa, if I may ask, why are you pairing us up with classmates we haven't really worked with before?" Mineta interrupted, raising an eyebrow. "How do you know we'll actually work together?" Aizawa set his papers down, and cast a very scary stare at Mineta, who looked terrified. "I paired you up with classmates you haven't worked with many times before to see who makes the best team. To see who's compatible and who isn't. Simple, really." Aizawa stated, his stare now gone. Me and Uraraka? On the same team? IM GOING TO START ACTING WEIRD IF SHE GETS TOO CLOSE-but I can't exactly ask for another partner, that would hurt her feelings, and besides, I don't have anything against her! "Any more questions before I move on?" Izuku looked around at the class, but no one else raised their hand, or said anything. "Good. Now, if you come with me, you'll be sparring with your partner. Don't forget your hero suits." After changing into their costumes, and a few minutes of walking, they were in Gym Gamma. Everyone found their partners, and went to work, causing loud explosions, yells, grunts, anything you'd hear in a battle. Izuku met Uraraka at the bottom of their mountain. "I don't want to hurt you, so I'll-" "Deku, that's very kind and chivalrous of you, but I'll be OK! Ove been practicing more and I'm way stronger than I used to be!" Uraraka cut him off, smiling. "But, Uraraka-" She leaned in toward him, still smiling, which made him flush when they made eye contact. "Deku, I promise. If anything, you should watch yourself!" He gave a small, nervous laugh. "Um, yeah. Yeah, OK. That'll-" "Midoriya, Uraraka, what's the hold up?" Aizawa asked, raising an eyebrow. "Nothing, we were just catching up-" "Well, that's not what you're here for. Start sparring and stop stalling." "Yes, sir!"